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Everything posted by scorpius

  1. I knew ways to enter zaken but not this one, thanks nice work.
  2. Well, because of its easy availibility, nobody "buys" EAB ...If they do they buy it cheap, definately not enough for tateossian.
  3. Well, 1) U can wear black ore at lower levels. 2) Black ore are very easy to craft. Anyways, thanks for the EAS part, but I think most of the times u open bad chests at high levels.
  4. ok man I 'm sorry ...when I tried search I did not find anything specific about IG walker. I hope all mystries are solved :P
  5. The server is www.thesource.it (Hunter) ..use google translate to translate it from italian ...Thats why I didn't mention it 'cus its new & italian so most players are noob at english :P u gotta run the normal lineage 2 client after modding the host so it 'll mod the setup folder automatically ..if u manage to login u 'll knw me if I 'm online 'cus I will be the only one speaking proper english ! Edit : I cleared my nick so the server gm's dont read it :P
  6. ok man =o ...I know there's a lot of stuff but I everywhere I reach is hidden :P ...After a while it gets frustating eheh but I aint complaining :P ...Nobody replies pm mate ! :D Can u please pm me the stuff? ...I have 100 posts, guess thats enough for ur satisfaction :P & u can make out I cant be a gm or admin *_*
  7. Just what the topic says, if u can help me in any way I 'll really be obliged :P ..TY !
  8. Heya ppl , I play on a server which is currently in beta test ..It has wierd but intriguing gameplay ... When u create a character ..all u gotta do is choose which side u wanna register to, dawn or dusk. And then u are teleported to the specific town where u get levelled up to 80 for free by a npc and B grade equip is free ...War takes place in aden or giran (only place gk's can port u) and for every kill u get 1 adena and for every 25 kills 1 EAB and 50 kills = 1 EWB ... The npc is town sells weapons A for 1000 adena & Armor Set A for around 850 adena.. You got 24 hour buffs with noblesse.. which u get by clicking on a coin in your inventory ...and u can select the buffs u want from songs/dances / normal buffs / 3rd class buffs ... Also u get SP when u kill ppl & u can transform yourself when u got 1k sp .. So I wanna know the best class to play with on such a server :P ...and best buffs for it :D ... Also if there's any way to exploit adena (All extra npc's are disabled) ... please post here if u know any exploits/ tricks for such a server ! ..& Thanks for reading ^^'
  9. krators & portas have ranged skills that can hurt u even when ur kiting them :/
  10. <offtopic> I need a cp clicker for kamael ! </offtopic> Thanks
  11. I used to play L2 but now I play World In Conflict :/
  12. If u keep practising like that soon u 'll be pro :>
  13. I wasted like 40 life stones on a 5x server & never got a decent augment ...Once I got +20 p.def +26 crit, +20 crit and +20 p.atk but it was on an Arcana Mace so useless :|
  14. hey m8 I 'm 17 yr old from new york & my name's jason ;D
  15. How old r u? 6? :| ...what does your post mean? ...is it just spam to increase your post count?
  16. DX 20 LOL ...I dont think its possible dude ...we got dx 9 for a very long time and we can still play most games on DX 9 oriented graphic card ...I guess a DX 10 graphic card is more than enough for the next 2-3 yrs along with a powerful processor & 1-2 gb ram.
  17. omg duuude give me some of your luck I really need it ! :P
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