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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. If someone got full resists, most of skills are useless.

    On the important debuffs/stuns and very common skills, i just added ignoreResists. So even with that ignore resists, the chance on landing is not very accurate.


    Oh, and as Lucy said, about the movement/ following a target to attack, it still does nasty problems...as i replied into acis forum aswell :)

    Look the best solution to balance gameplay even for a mid server is to create a buffer but sell only basic stuff without resists... let players create..

    i mean if a player get 5 resist... dafaq...

    also Lucy is the most sexy woman on the entire world

  2. Skill data isn't the problem in this case, it's formula. I invite you to use the debug config to see exactly how the % is calculated, you could be surprised about the output.

    challenge accepted.. imma do it tomorrow for now i go sleep into morpheus hug <3



  3. In order to do it from RequestEnchantItem.java 

    i should edit the 

    			case L2Item.CRYSTAL_S:
    				crystalId = 1462;
    				switch (scroll.getItemId())
    					case 960:      
    					case 962:     
    					case 6578:      
    						if (itemType2 == L2Item.TYPE2_SHIELD_ARMOR || itemType2 == L2Item.TYPE2_ACCESSORY)
    							enchantItem = true;

    i cant find the way which RequestEnchantItem 

    Connect S grade scrolls with S items thats the only point who i have found until now ..

    if someone can help some farther please reply on this topic,thanks 

    Listen because i am at work and i cant really help you with teamviewer, i hope you know at least basic java.. you know 


    if then else :DDDD


    so there are 2files that handle enchant.. 1 is the request and the other is for the enchantrate (at least in l2j) ... search mostly in requestEnchant for the line that

    refer to the current item you enchant.. you will also see things like   !item.isShadow() || !item.isHeroItem()   

    e.t.c somewhere there it sychronize the item (just to avoid multiple instances problem) and after that inside this sychronization you add your check about ID..  

    on the other hand if inside your code it switch the enchant scroll u can also add a check somewhere there about id .. with switch or int array ( int[] x) 

    just give it a try ... 

  4. If you want to help on skills data - and waiting for a bigger rework - you can eventually see with SweeTs. I won't touch to skills before at least one complete cycle, but I can commit sharers stuff meanwhile. SweeTs was preparing a diff patch gathering fixes.


    I'm aware about what you say, Sdw :P. What's wrong about targeting ? You mean "fan" form things and alike ?

    Well generally imma sit and check (at least the most used skills) and re-edit their xmls cause im 110% sure they wont work properly.. i bet silence work after 150 uses even if is +12

    and without the enemy wearing earrings :D so ill re-edit and if after weeks e.t.c i end up with a nice result- sweetS can join and test with me if he want we can share xmls to you and re-place

    cause as far i know from my freya... skills are always FUCK YOU -.- 


    love ya tryskell <3

  5. Skills engine by itself is fine, there is nothing wrong about it. But the way effects are handled is wrong. By extension, as we gonna simply use parsed L2OFF data, tags will be refactored (added, removed or edited).


    Skill formula issue comes from the fact L2J stacks chance on a accumulative way (notably for resistances). 2 skills with 30 resist fire = 60% resist fire. So you can easily reach 100+%. Another issue is the matk modifier, which is plain wrong notably for enchantment cases.


    Most (90%) skills work as they should, the problem is mostly missing enchanting routes, and few other invalid values (power, duration, etc). The real problem is 2 or maybe 3 formulas.


    I doubt I would work on another chronicle than IL, mostly because I hate datapack related stuff, and L2OFF is kind enough to provide it.

    Yeap i saw this one in my freya project too.. i had to deal with the fact that skills were overpower or fail.. especialy when it came to anchor-silence-resistance e.t.c i had to deal with the enchanced skills too... and player had easily 505005050% resistance to water or 1/1 anchor with +10.

    even if formulas are ok still skills need check up and xml fix. you know what imma stop my project for a bit and try 1 by 1 acis skills

  6. Love how we are more than 6 java dev here and this guy still cant make this shitty code work... 

    100% you're just silly and u do 1 logical mistake.


    	public void pvpSkillsSystem(int pvp)
    		if (pvp >= 500)
    			addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(323, 1), true); // Adena to True Gold
    			sendMessage("You have received Adena to True Gold skill for " + getPvpKills() + " PvP's.");
    		// Auto-Learn skills if activated
    	public void increasePvpKills()
    	public void onPlayerEnter()

    dokimase afto


    i afto

    	public void pvpSkillsSystem()
    		if (getPvpKills() == 500)
    			addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(323, 1), true); // Adena to True Gold
    			sendMessage("You have received Adena to True Gold skill for " + getPvpKills() + " PvP's.");
    		// Auto-Learn skills if activated

    εγραψες μεγαλες μαλακιες φιλε..






    really? ποιο το νοημα να παιρνει τα skill ξανα και ξανα οταν με το addSkill το σκιλλ μπαινει μονιμα στην db o.O




    if (pvp >= 500)


    ? σοβαρα? δλδ καθε pvp μετα τα 500 θα τον σπαμμαρι μυνημα και θα παιρνει και παλι το σκιλλ


    απλα κανεμε add στο skype: unst0ppabl32 να τελιωνουμε μας επριξες...

  7. So skill form are messed up a bit? well good that you used them from freya since its one of the most 

    stable ch i saw so far.. really beautiful and easy in development even tho skills require a big rework 

    i havent test aCis skills, it look quite beautiful. Tryskell again i'll say the rework you did is like you changed the whole structure of it..

    but again it look nice. right now checking packets wt ollydbg and then ill check skills.

    So far i see nice job from you even if again i change your pack structure somehow mostly cause i were used to l2j .. freya..


    btw aCis standars gonna be higher than any OFF server in few months. i like the design of it, beside i love how 

    people say off has no bugs.. is like telling me linux get no viruses.. bitch plz..


    Παιδια θελω βοήθεια , παλεύω ολη μέρα .. μεχρι που εφτιαξα και code παρομοιο με τον pvp πχ. 


    (Config SERVER FILES)

    EnablePvPSkillSystem = True



    # Settings For Ammount 1.
    PvpSkillAmount1 = 3
    public static boolean PVP_SKILL_SYSTEM_ENABLED;
    public static int PVP_SKILL_AMOUNT1; 
    PVP_SKILL_SYSTEM_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("EnablePvPSkillSystem", "false"));
    PVP_SKILL_AMOUNT1 = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("PvpSkillAmount1", "3"));
    private void ColorSystem(final L2PcInstance activeChar)
    // Color System checks - Start
    // Check if the custom PvP and PK color systems are enabled and if so check the character's counters
    // and apply any color changes that must be done.
    /** : Ammount 1 **/
    if (activeChar.getPvpKills() >= Config.PVP_AMOUNT1 && Config.PVP_COLOR_SYSTEM_ENABLED)
    if (activeChar.getPvpKills() >= Config.PVP_SKILL_AMOUNT1 && Config.PVP_SKILL_SYSTEM_ENABLED)



    private void UpdatePvpSkill()
    L2PcInstance activeChar = L2PcInstance.this.getClient().getActiveChar();
    if (activeChar.getPvpKills() == 3)
    addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(323, 1), true); // Adena to True Gold
    sendMessage("You have received Adena to True Gold skill for " + activeChar.getPvpKills() + " PvP's.");
    # Enable pvp skills system?
    EnablePvpSkillsSystem = True
    (Config SOURCE)
    public static boolean ENABLE_PVP_SKILLS;
    ENABLE_PVP_SKILLS = Boolean.valueOf(pvpSettings.getProperty("EnablePvpSkillsSystem", "false"));
    private void PvpSkillSystem(final L2PcInstance activeChar)
    if (activeChar.getPvpKills() >= Config.ENABLE_PVP_SKILLS)
    private void UpdatePvpSkill()
    L2PcInstance activeChar = L2PcInstance.this.getClient().getActiveChar();
    if (activeChar.getPvpKills() == 3)
    addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(323, 1), true); // Adena to True Gold
    sendMessage("You have received Adena to True Gold skill for " + activeChar.getPvpKills() + " PvP's.");
    else if (activeChar.getPvpKills() == 1000)
    addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(3156, 1), true); // Firework (Recovers 500 CP)
    sendMessage("You have received Firework skill for " + activeChar.getPvpKills() + " PvP's.");
    Το προσπάθησα οπως ειπε ο @AccessDenied μηπως και δουλεψει ,, γιατι εχει δίκιο δεν μου βγαζει καποιο μήνυμα ουτε μου δινει το σκιλ...! Επισης εχω προβλημα με το name +title color. το ονομα πιανει μονο μεχρι 5 PVP_AMOUNT πχ βαζω με τον ιδιο τροπο ακριβως σε ολα τα αρχεια οπως υπαρχουν οι κωδικες αντιστοιχα 9 και φτανει μεχρι το 5 στο παιχνιδι μεσα...! και το Title  δεν δουλευει καθολου.! Ευχαριστω!


    ρε μωρο να σου πω λιγο. εχεις γραψει ενα γαμημενο void ... αυτο το void το καημενο ΔΕΝ ΤΟ ΚΑΛΕΙΣ ΠΟΥΘΕΝΑ ΓΑΜΩ ΤΟΝ ΔΙΑ ΜΟΥ ΜΕΣΑ..

    ο xdem ξεχασε να σου πει οτι οταν στον προγραμματισμο φτιαχνεις ενα νεο void δεν γινεται απο μονος του constructor -.- πρεπει να το καλεσεις καπου..

    γιαυτο γλυκε μου πηγαινε στο L2PcInstance.java μην ερθω εκει και σε πιασω και σε κοψω σε φετες.. βρες το function που κανει setPvPKills() + 1 

    και εκει μεσα βαλε μετα απο το setPvPKills() +1   i ++ πως το εχει απο κατω το ονομα του void σου .. αυτο ΗΤΑΝ ΟΛΟ WOW?


    xdem αγορι ποσο πιωμενος εισαι?

  9. aCis is less customized than L2J itself (far lesser configs), so I don't get your point... If by custom you mean edited, than you should know I don't edit things if it doesn't need an edit.


    My point about customs is, the time you use adding or fixing custom is time you could use to fix retail. And retail behavior needs shitload amount of time. So I don't busy about customs.


    I reworked aCis to be more stable, less exploitable, easier to read (comments, javadoc, writting style), and generate easy to use and reusable content.


    And yes, I edited almost everything, from Duel (rework from zero), to CW, to partymatching, to Announcements, to AI systems, to buylist, to multisell,... Reworked, verified and tested 380 scripts. Added a new geoengine, with its own format (L2D). Whatever can say ppl about aCis, I and my community do what few people did.


    I should compile added/removed/edited lines over the last 5y, that should be funny.


    Anyway, use whatever you want, and you can see latest aCis on L2OvC (which I use as internal test server for experimental things, due to the decent population).

    well congrats then )

  10. 15 missing quests, and few importants GBs (frintezza, zaken). Those will be added after L2OFF SpawnManager implementation. Both bosses scripts have been adapted since years, still, I wait SpawnManager.


    Otherwise, there is less and less points about using anything else than aCis. That was maybe true 2y ago, when I decided to rework every single script (and so jython and all quests have been dropped), but the work is almost done. There is no stability issue at the time I'm speaking (at least for L2OvC, which holded something like 350 unique players, 500+ overall).


    There are issues though, but that's true for any pack existing so far (even "professionnal" ones).


    Voicedcommandhandler can be added in 2 different, more classical approaches :

    - usercommand implementation

    - NPC implementation (was the case for wedding system cleanup)


    That's why it has been dropped.


    Quests are added from time to time, by series of 2-3, while skills are already workbenched as the next big rework after SpawnManager implementation (skills already parsed, and a core engine already exists on private workbench).


    The last cycle (350-359) fixed a lot of stability issues (notably the annoying stackoverflow plaguing movement since rev 238) and the focus was to decrease Bug report section reports, rather than optimize/cleanup (even if in this point, we did a lot too).


    The incoming cycle will be about SpawnManager implementation, notably fixing 7s seal drops (retail is supposed to use 4 different spawnlist, L2J uses only one ; we parsed L2OFF spawns in a specific 7s timer, so we got only a single spawnlist, and a bad one ; even knowing that, I won't edit it until SpawnManager is out). The idea is to edit all hardcoded spawns : 4sep, castles initial spawns, events,... All will be controlled by territories.


    You can also follow xxdem idea than basic gameplay from player PoV won't change from one pack to another, and use any random L2J IL pack.


    I will let users say bad or good things. ;p


    PS : I work by steps, I generally don't retouch to something until enough reports have been found. If a rework is in workbench, I also don't care about reports. Big reworks actually will be SpawnManager, skills, and items. All those workbenches are already under developement, in different % steps.

    Well i find VC useful somehow even tho the handler is overrided in any npc so i re-added it but so far congrats for your pack. 

    i just wish u had it less "customized" cause i love to rework on retail things but i see u pretty much touched everything even 

    announcements xD

  11. L2AEPvP still uses the ancient < 80 rev of aCis, and its going great. Heavily reworked ofc, most of the engines are custom and others are dropped since its custom gameplay

    Well afc when you make something you put a huge effort to rework it. Take ex L2j (cleary the best project cause everything is base on it)

    the fact that aCis is so far the best interlude doesnt mean l2j is useless. They saved tryskell lots of time to translate packets and create the whole code structure

    still l2j without rework is like Piece of shit :D

    But yea i see acis as only option.

  12. mr pro has 75 rep because him and his greek slaves just giggle in skype asking to spam rep for every post he makes

    personally i think the best share he did so far is this with the fonts  )) so yes he deserve 1250 rep points

    i mean sure why download his template that he dont even know what he added in

    instead of go on google search free fonts and download whatever u like while watching the preview

  13. Hello, im working years on Freya and C4 chronicles but yesterday i got aCis and before i even try do any imple on it or waste my time, i want ask people who already used it and the owner

    whats the main problem of acis? 

    don't tell me "customs" i don't give a fuck about customs, i hate "projects" that are not 100% retail and they have customs, i want take clean pack and add any custom i want even event engine.

    one of the things i saw so far is that is a bit customized than the l2j i used to, i mean even the fact that it has no voicecommandhandlers. sure i already added the proper code in handler SayAll.java 

    if (x.startwith".") bla bla and i added the voicecommands back but it was kinda weird to me to see no voice command handlers :))

    But what would keep someone back to use acis?


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