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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. Hello as title saying, i'm currently selling my old work Aion 4.5 and some newer 4.7. 

    Both work fine without problems (since i were playing on them with my girl for over 1 year).

    Quests e.t.c are fine we played x1 and we went up to 65 lv. No problems at all so

    add me on skype: unst0ppabl32  for information.


    Also i will help you via teamviewer to setup, connect e.t.c so don't worry.

  2. Geez alright you're good nobody takes that. But just because someone starts from the bottom doesn't mean he can't work his way up. You know what they say, "master has failed more times than apprentice even tried".


    I'm pretty sure that if Authority works hard he can get real good, you can't really deny that.

    i failed more times than Diana spammed "Use bumb button please" in maxcheaters. Which mean over 99999999 

    still im legendary in editing ;)) but at least i didnt release my slurp slurp logo for admins in the 1st try lol

  3. >Edits & sellers free-shared templates

    >Uses instagram services and advertises as they are his own

    >Uses public scripts for facebook mass group posts and gets paid


    What's really ultimate in all this?

    LOL that what im saying.. the worst part is that one of the effects he use is my work but anyway...

    yet he has +502052 reputation.. 


    I'm probably the only person in this forum who  should actually sell templates and logos nobody else.

    everyone else download our work from youtube or free sites and use photoshop templates and re-sell it. 


    low iq kiddos

  4. Lol you guys are too mean... I'm pretty sure none of you were numero uno artists when you started. I think they're pretty solid for a beginner. Don't get discouraged!

    Bitch please i can show you my 1st workflow i ever done.. you still cant figure out how is made


    Sorry paidia eimai ligo noob me to olo thema to exw paratisei to athlima kai eipa na ksana asxolithw loipon exw 2 thematakia epsaksa sto forum kai dn vrika tpt 

    (1) Den vriskw to arxeio script.cfg

    (2) Otan paw na perasw ena sql stin navicat sugkekrimena mia gk mou grafei to eksis

    [Err] 1146 - Table 'acis.npc' doesn't exist
    [Err] INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('99', '35653', 'Enjoy', '1', 'Buffer', '1', 'Monster3.Elite_Mage', '6.5', '21.96', '80', 'female', 'L2Npc', '41', '3652', '1593', '21', '3.79', '42', '46', '35', '22', '24', '16', '0', '0', '1324', '471', '782', '383', '279', '0', '343', '0', '0', '28', '132', '0', '0');
    [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully


    Sugnwmh gia tin talaipwria paidia euxaristw!


    pigene sto data/npc anoixe 1 apo t arxia pou exi mesa me notepad ++ des pos ine ta npc <npc id = "xxx" bla bla     kai teliwni se </npc> tha to ktlveis kai kanto olo auto copy paste se ena neo kai apla antikatestise

    tis kenourgies times apo tosql ID type klp

  6. Hello, i'm not sure if this forum cover any policies but this guy: http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/158910-mrpro/    [MrPro]

    Is selling free templates that he download... (proof is on his post the last comment of mine that i give links of the templates

    and also one of them is 1 that my friend made and im sure if i search more i'll see videos and effects that also belong to me over years im 100%)


    I don't get why that much reputation for a guy who leech templates and sell them. at least it should removed from WTS zone

  7. Answer me in 1 question


    Is this yours?


    Or any other effect you used?

    If you say yes i'll start posting links from websites u got them especialy the video i gave u link ...

    so basicaly what u selling.. templates?  gg


    Seriously you offend me..




    This also is from videohive: (work of my friend a rom guy)



    you basically stole everything.. gg but yet uy have 530503503 reputation for leeching templates and sell them to stupid low IQ people good )

  8. brut hurt guy nobody had that pvp informer only L2Gambit how u have it on your hands you coded it ? no i still waiting for server patch 

    Nothing wrong but really did u wrote "MrPro" has better files? XA0XA0XA0

    he dont even know that C# and C are different languages.... seriously im tired of hearing this kiddo with 59159 reputation score and his best shares "spam bots for facebook"

    he has no knowledge no files... 

  9. te0x isn't wrong (before saying he gave you cancer), you can either return a default html to avoid to crash, or substring (which will cause malformat htm).


    There is no solution, it's a client limitation and you have to play around it, as I stated. Pagination system is the way to go, if you format text in a loop you can also save shitload of chars dropping the pointless colors, eventual links, shortcut or drop tables, etc. That's up to you and depends about content to display (if it's not a loop you're kinda screwed and should see your exigences to a lower level).


    You got example of pagination for specific cases (on aCis : bookmarks, characters list and skills list with the use of MathUtil.countPagesNumber).

    o fuck guess i have to deal with c4 problems.. 




    		if (text.length() > 50000)
    			LOGGER.warn("Html is too long! this will crash the client!");
    			_html = "<html><body>Html was too long,<br>Try to use DB for this action</body></html>";

    you gave me cancer :D


    if client no support more than 8 then what u even doin? the problem is not java the problem is client itself

  11. For a good project, you need first to open 2 "live tests" projects in which u can fail. 

    That's the best u can do :D ...You will see many things happening on live, when a number of players are joining, the reports are coming in waves.


    The skills have to be reworked for every server. Need to be suitable for the rates you use, for the gameplay you use.


    I reworked most of them (on chance, time, power)..

    Who thinks that balance is done by setting a limit number of buffs, is totally wrong. 

    Can make it balanced even with full, full buffs alowed but just need more time xD


    About the following/ movement things, i am really wait for a final result because i'm having headache everytime someone is coming and complain about that.. Right now, the melee classes are useless ( all of them), just because of that.

    i know honey bunny .. do i look like Xdem? No.. im not that big noob ))

    i know that to make skills work at least 80% as they should u need to adjust them base on "buffs, armor, weapons and in case of ++ skills and resists too and rb jewe e.t.c"

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