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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. Hiiiiii, i request remove VIP from Enigma@ due to inapropriate wishes.






    I understand spam is not funny at all at some people (even tho i didn't spam on his server preview, the post is not relevant), yet instead of spam me he wish me to die :)

    so at least remove his VIP. 

    Since i were mean in past (no troll or annoyig) but mean with my account and you banned me forever, at least remove his VIP.



  2. Copy / paste existing hero weapons and drop the "is hero" restriction which don't let you equip them? Didn't you thought about that? It's simple logic and you don't need any extra, custom files.. lol.gif



    It's like going to the shop to buy a juice. There is only juice in the carton, but you wanted in bottle, so you are going to another shop.. while you can overflow from carton to bottle, right? Do it, don't whine and don't go to another shop.

    Dat explanations you give :3 also i want for my toes >.>

  3. Kidding right? . I know bnb is bnb,a great server overall,but for real don't try to fool people with that "antibot". More than 50% of server are botters who don't even play anymore. Before 2-3 days i laughed very hard when i saw a guy who botted with 3-4 extra buffers windows,and you say that your protection banned him.A great protection don't even let you log with programms like adrenaliene etc. Anyways.

    Yes because his anti-bot is AI.. he ban you when he is into mood.

  4. Hi guys, 

    Anyone know how to make a place to safe zone or a town to pvp zone?


    Can you please tell me how to do that ? thank you


    Also, I was thinking to make 2 PvP zones,

    1- FFA (Free For All) PvP zone that will not show the name of the player so they cannot know each other. For example like L2Pride server

    2- Or team PvP if you are with your Clan/Friend 


    Thank you

    Well you need play with WriteS(getName());


    when he enter the zone. So instead of write his name to write WriteS(" "); 

    Search a bit in your source.


    Now about team PvP in case of party just  go at  L2PcInstance   doDie  and add

    if (killer.isInsideZone(L2Character.PVP_ZONE && !(killer.getparty() == null)) 


        for (L2PcInstance p : killer.getParty().getPartyMembers().value)






    Ps. this was for freya, just to get the idea... 

  5. There are no jobs

    Too bad for you, my work quality is way too big for this forum one of the reasons i dont even refer to this but just in coding ;)

    So, and fake photos imma post the real later i am at work -.- boss every 5 min around me BITCHING BOSS


    Ps, if you like beautiful haircuts and htmls, go make an Aion server no Lineage 2.. even NCsoft saw that trying to make L2 aION wont work so they released "Classic" :P


  6. Virus quit graphic part and design stick with importing, retuxturing skills e.t.c

    Logos literally are the worst i ever seen in my life.

    The good thing with you is that you have the knowledge to import - export and play with client

    the bad thing is that you have  0 knowledge in design part.. all weapons armor are bad.


    i mean even your intro.. force me to close it before view it .. is just not professional.


    Share your knowledge with a designer who can also make you weapons and armors instead of just re-color

    and you import them and make the particles around it (particles i mean texture with alpha channel :P )

    the only thing u can do right now is just play with Hue in photoshop :DD 


    else ....  <3 <3 <3 Sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. Why i smell AlexToti behind this?...

    By the way the video is fake.. you downloaded from youtube..

    only for this you get a HUGE NEGATIVE from me... kiddo


    even if you try fool noobs at least do it properly... you show enchant colors

    and in the video the enchant colors are different.. (if you change ur e color every 10 min good for you)

    but again the video is fake.. ;)


    Also https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChnw_Y1tIW31XyrQzZ5gBHA

    Ddos attack by symewn? xaxaxa so u basically coded a vb program and added some text when you click on the buttons to show off?


    You were playing L2Elite and you got bored of losing so u decided to be gm and open a c4 :D


    So in other words... not professional, no trusted. 

  8. 1. Retired.

    2. Retired. (sort of)

    3. Retired (im still thinking of it)

    4. Retired (... not sure anymore)

    5. Retired (.. the return!!)

    6. IM BACK!


    ps i don't  judge you, smart people sometimes are taking wrong decisions and way to fast. We do something after all we regret it and we make a come back ;))

  9. he or she helped me in the past, i know what knowledge he/she have... I don't know if is a boy or a girl... :)



    yes all skills have id higher then 9000


    but i also have one problem with elegia sets, skills show but need unequip and reequip one part of armor to give me bonus after change sub or relog, i setted in configs to not check for multiskills and now the skill bonus stay whatever happens ( i think is good ) but i still don't like the ideea of disable multiskills protection...

    No way she helped you she dont even know what abstract class is..

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