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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. Μετα απο 2.5 ωρες που εκανα να συνελθω σας παρουσιαζω ΤΟΝ "most the fixed bug server" EVARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR








    "We fixed" cause we all know that ALEXTOTI is great company :3

  2. That's a dumb from mysql, you naab :P That means he have to table.

    bitch please, he is missing the tables inside his db... he just need exequte the sql file to import it.. where did i mention right click on table and dumb? LOL


    xxdem i hate you dude.


    Ps. if you want to be professional



    (command prom)


    cd ..

    cd users

    cd <name>

    cd desktop


    mysql -u root -p DBNAME < xaxa.sql

  3. u


    Well AcessDenied i never told i know how to code and also i never told i create this code i just fix the target compare the previus code and this one and see the difference..

    Also you spam in my topic about my picture like i give you the right to talk about that .. no i am not a php,java or whatever you think developer i am just start do thinks with eclipse and until now i dont rly know many things but my skills while time past is better .. ok?

    Im just tired of people re-share the same code over and over just because they changed 1 line.. you mess up the forum.. for god sake stop if someone want a fix at least go and ask it in the 1st place where the code shared.. with this logic everytime we need fix or adopt a code or change we gonna re-share it.. soon 50 pages of forum will contain only 2 code that has been shared 3250 times

  4. -AccessDenied  i can make a version of it with 5 lines clean

    So when you have time to do that you can post it here to avoid 3252 .. or send me msg and i will update this one :) thanks .. 

    Seriously i doubt if you can even open an external jar into eclipse why the hell u even talk to me? In the begin i just trolled the whole forum but now i just see

    90% of people are low IQ..  u didnt even make the code or u didnt even change anything u just copy paste... u didnt fix anything 

  5. Well if ppl could AT LEAST share a cleaner code, that would go from 3251 to a single, valid, and not needed to edit, 1.

    tryskell screw share,, i can make a version of it with 5 lines clean the problem is not the code but the fact that they re-share something that already mademore than 3 times. i had a fast search and there are 7 topics about paypal only in maxcheaters.. lets no talk about other forums

  6. nah, it's me ;p

    99.9% of forum here can't even write a proper line in java.... i think you will stay here for 300+ years more

    uneducated kids :)

    the good thing with it is that you gonna see stacy and lucy changing many many many photos with porn stars.

  7. You are the problem.

    Honey bunny relax

    if he is leecher or what tryskell can handle it. Lets no pretend that aCis is standar basic template and people use it - sell it you cant really stop this,,, even tho acis is base on l2j 

    Don't get mad let him do what he want.. and remember you're outside acis's forums so you have no power here.. if for example i go on youtube and make a video selling acis pack you can't really report me

  8. Sorry but you're a L2 Moderator here. Since you're saying that its an awful game and its for stupid ppl, you should consider yourself as a mad stupid person, shouldnt you?


    plus why so mad for greeks? lol if the community you've reached is just 10-20 yo whatd u expect? roflmao

    He is my ass, he cant code or put up with any java code or anything relative to the game ( i even doubt if he know what polym or encapsul is). even in client mod i doubt if he can make a model and import it as an island..

    i have people on my skype who imported whole towns  with beautiful animations and they are not mods.

    Cleary he has no skills but only advertise his server :D (l2mid) why u even talk? cant u see he is a troller?

    beside he is playing lol.. everyone know that leaque of legend played by 7-16 yo kids so in other words

    a 24+ years old sit and play against 10 :D

    Generally the mods we have in this forum are 0 knowledge refer to Stacy, MeVsYou, Le Memer Master e.t.c

    i havent seen any of them help or suggest or provide, i am not mod yet i helped 35.000 people with my tutorials :D

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