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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. Hello, since i'm bored at work, i'll show some of my work in several programs i use such as

    Photoshop, After effects, 3D's max, Maya, Mudbox, Zbrush, Vue-X, Thinking Particles, CM, Cinema 4D e.t.c




    Mechanic Worm:



    Underwater MineField:



    The Mask: 



    Ivy TimeLapse:



    Expendables Custom V.:






    Airplane Destruction:



    Magic Glass Shutter:




    Mechanic Worm:















    3D house:



    Mechanic Worm:







    Hope you liked, please leave a negative comment and dislike. Hate it plz.

  2. Aion sucks balls afaik, I still like L2 better but tired of the same old shit.


    God is a fail it's your opinion, and who gives a fuck ?

    Since when you and Le Memer Master who only have a basic knowledge on client are allowed to have an opinion?

    And Aion is shit? You can't really compare l2 with aion is totally 2 different games but you're way to immature to realise this.. i played

    both for long (mostly l2) the one game is for graphics, story, quests nice soft movements and fly and the other for pvp and wars and fights e.t.c and a mess.. so a guy like you who say "Aion" is shit is probably worst than dyslectic..

  3. cause there is no PvP in GoD ? :(

    o my god i hate dyslectic kids like you who not pay attention 

    there is pvp in god too but god is a fail try to aion also lineage 2 never meant to be graphical or for quests or for W-S-D-A movement or 

    100000 animations skills it should be simple and fun and make u wanna play more and more just to get a baium ring..


    if you want games for 10000 skills and a bit pvp and W-S-D-A and graphics and and and go to aion... 


    leave this "Le memer fail master" to ask why and read what i say... ignore him

  4. Deal with it kiddo c4 - c5 - c6 are the best chronicles

    everything else after dragonic bow and arcane mace is just a try for soft to get more money.

    Few people say that high5 - god e.t.c are star wars even tho i am one of them. 

    Lineage 2 trying to be like Aion even the fact that they imple W-S-D-A  movemment.. i mean if you want

    a game for armors, movement, 100000 interface panels, complicated quests, 50000 weapons 20.250 armors just play

    aion is 100000 better than lineage 2.. what made lineage 2 special is the fact that its simple and nice for pvp mostly

    no so much for quests.. 


    So after c4-c6 just play Aion... 

    now crawl back to your home and change your photo profil to porn ladies like stacy to show us that you're female "OVER YOUR FREEDOM" xa0ax0xa0 



    Lineage2: PvP

    Aion: Graphics, quests, cinematics, storyline, armors.

  5. Καλά έκανες μάθε τώρα java. Δεν ειναι δύσκολο.


    Tip: Αρχίκα μάθε τι είναι κλάση τι αντικείμενο και ποια είναι η σχέση τους ;)

    Java bleh. o xdem mathene polymorphism prin kan bgi i java

  6. do you have a victim mentality? whats your problem after all why i would be interested of your achievements? congratz you are a coder, do you want a medal for saving the world? say something interesting no one cares what you achieved in real life, its like u are the only one  :-X

    Yeap, ill pm you in your inbox my address details so you can send it along with the cookie you told me previously.

    And no fuck coding fuck this shitty thing :D even alextoti13 can code a line

    java is easier than learn how decrypt dll program. 

    I just hate you for the way u treat me back then ;) you big jerk ;)

    still you're skilled coder so ;)

  7. do you wanna cookie? damn, i envy your skills! i must be ashamed of myself for deleting you, and you are probably the first i deleted on skype :X

    its ok you were always a dick and jerk ;)  the problem with you is that you are one way person with not any side roads.

    EXCESSIVE self confidence ;) well continue being a sexy jerk :D

  8. NEW


    decompiling Source(jar)

    .class --> .java

    Really? you decompile jar files :D?

    My grandma used to do that with online websites, you know since new html sites support drag and drop system and export

    .java files xDDD


    Hello brut ;) im the guy that you deleted 3 times on skype cause i wasnt fast enough to do the same things you did in eclipse.

    Remember? Do you? I was "Dumb" cause i couldnt use eclipse back then.

    Even everyone in this forum is dump compared to me in vfx ;) still i dont say anything xD

    Unfortunately now im writing in C in UE games using my 3D skills too ;)

    how you're doing ;) :) :)  you never teach me whats the difference between unsigned int and int ;) xDDD

  9. your "work" closely resembles fecal matter

    THIS is actual professional work done by me (was used by warner bros and legendary pictures), which took about 7 hours and 22 minutes of non stop work






    ok i quit my job then you wont vfx work... respect

  10. Professionals designers in this forum? Meh the only professional designers can do in this forum is to download a custom font 

    inside photoshop, add title with a grunge blended on top and call it logo. there is no "professional" in this forum apart from me.


    Also i don't appreciate your work and your skills (if you even have any cause i doubt from your edits), since you use them on staff and on admin

    which mean you just show-off or slurp slurp guy.


    Although i can tell after 9 years of experience that you aint go far. i shared my first work on fb after 3 years of personal design. I didn't download

    templates or add a text and share it but see.. kids nowadays see many youtube videos and copy and call themselves pro ;)


    no hate but it annoying me the fact that you slurp slurp staff and u not really special talented guy as i see from ur work.. (don't accept this as

    mean sentence, unfortunately in VFX, editing world, we judge from what we see, no words)

    And if u dont like judge then just keep it for you and when u get better in this post something really cool ;) so dont take it as hate im just objective

    as i think other members will agree on


    Ps. this is professional work (for 30 minute)




    Also after a quick view on your profil




    really bitch? Fans? You want us as a fanclub because you downloaded a font that 99% of people (include my mother) downloaded already

    and you wrote: Authority Team? LOL

    imma take my eyes out and shallow them.. 


    again Also (not relative to topic)

    you try scam people or what?


    you sell clean l2j pack and claim u fixed things :D


    the question is, since you fix skills e.t.c and you have basic knowledge then why you don't even know

    how to fix this problem 


    which even my grandma know is the xml wrong :D 

    lol dude...

  11. Also learn how to make text mask lol  you applied a lighting on top of the text and instead of exclude the parts that not on the text, you used select :D lol <3 u so cute


    Also 1000 flares make it look idk suckable... flares never meant to be for static image,, flare is for video and movies no for movies... deal with it 

  12. yes server closed and will never open again


    You are chat banned for 15 days for inapropriate spam

    Go enjoy your no-freedom country and the money you got from your parents.


    Also i heard that the owner of the server suicided because of your hate words b4gg0s 

    they found his body under a bridge 



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