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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. You're too picky :) Created by girls also means that we have the most responsive, sweet, and friendly administration :P

    You can't save it now... you threw a huge firework and wrote "I'm WOMAN i'm better than you" all over the sky and now you try undo?

    No so you'll enjoy my next gif.


    PS. show off your legs too will bring you more males. trust me

  2. better not replace my sig

    She asked for it.. now ill make her famous like i did with Stacy before.

    She want sexual advertisement? I'll give her sexual advertisement.


    If forum allow her to post naked girls (showing boobs) then this forum wont have problem with my next gif :)

    fair enough.


    Also im still waiting for your legs.. show me

  3. That sexual advertisement you do gonna give you haters like me..... 

    Averia.ws this is first server, created by girls



    wow? really :o by girls? this mean its epic, superb... seriously now this is the best way for you to receive male clients?...

     By showing your boobs and say "we are girlsssssssss" ? 

    Dafaq wrong with humanity... 

    Next time ill make some epic trailer ill say this trailer is made by GIRLSSS so maybe my earns will increased by x10 



    F**k xdem and stereotype you're my next gif honey ;)

  4. Emulate?

    He googled 1 random word hoping that you'll believe that he is some crazy programmer-developer.

    Now maybe someone will hire him just for this word....

    So in other words, once he reach the office of the employer he'lll just say "emulate" and people gonna be like

    :o o my god you're so pro i cant believe in my eyes you're hired for 2.000$ per month.


    But aside serious... what? You were expecting "joke"? Nop im serious :D anyways he meant that you can start creating a "source"

    by scratch by emulating the Read-Write Packets using some program such as OlyDBG and then start making the codes which as you understand

    is really hard. Mostly you can find a C4 source and re-code the Packets - Communication with clients and just delete any not used file.


    Its really hard but anyways.

  5. A good point ,i can relate to this  :'(

    wow u should be proud he gave u a real reason. actualy is anxiaty and responsibilities that force you to play and forget everything.. its our reaction.. 


    Saying disgraceful things without presenting any proof to back them up ,is, and let me quote you ,,BULLSHIT''.The fact is, you don't know if the population
    is spread evenly throughout the year or not, I don't know either , but at least I have this poll going on ,and after a long period of time it will generate
    a decent answer, hopefully .I would be fucking happy to be proven wrong , and see that in the end the population is faithful to the game regardless the
    time of year it is played.
    Then you suggested summer may be the season to go, again, without generating any proof whatsoever.I am sorry if i am mistaken on this, but i guess 
    your argument might have sounded something like this: [you know ,little kids have vacation in summer and they can sit all day and play].Well again
    i am sorry but i don't think little kids are the target audience a good server should acquire, and also i am fairly positive that the lineage base
    is mostly composed of old die-hard players.The counter argument is that people will not invest time in the summer-time because there are far better 
    things to do that sitting around all day. 
    The fact is ,everything we say at this point its just speculation. You haven't said anything productive , smart or even at least good on this topic
    because you didn't want to, or even more likely, because you can't. I think you are an uneducated , mean, little greek kid,your vocabulary reflects that, that fact 
    that you turned this( i might add , a very good question) into a flame section  , certainly reflects that.Feel free to comment everything you want next , but
    i am not going to respond to you anymore, period.


    i dont even read. bb :DD

  7. I am definitely not opening any server, i am having a hard time finding a populated good server and i thought maybe i am searching a server in the wrong time of the year.Your response is offensive and misplaced ,but there was no way for you to know the intent of my question ,so in the end its no problem.

    BULLSHIT everywhere bullshit.. a good server no need summer or winter or celebrations...  thats bullshit 

    and even if it needed you can use your fucking brain and ur fucking logic and think...  

    Summer is the biggest (free of time) period  even tho u cant be sure about that cause not all countries have same season... so u need focus at the people who join you.

  8. Old L2Gold server is coming back. Amazing gameplay with unique features. For more information please visit our website:www.l2gold.net/

    Test server and Grand opening


    Test server is on.


    We are glad to announce, that most of things that we planned to add/change are now in the server, so we would like to give each one of you a week to test those features and help us optimise them (after the grand opening, test server helpers will be awarded). 


    Server grand opening date is 22/04/2016. Exact time will be announced when test server will be closed (2-3 days before grand opening). 


    Don't forget to tell your friends and come feel the good L2Gold quality.

    Server is C4 X45

    Server intro: 

    Server info:

    -No spawn pk

    -AIO NPC buffers

    -Cust. noblesse


    -Cust. olympiad

    -Special rebirth

    -High rate events

    -Buffs 1 hour

    -Cust. Zones


    *Exp x45

    *SP x50

    *Spoil x5

    *Adena x50

    thats no real gold stupid kiddo

  9. As a lineage player, when do you have the most time/prefer a server to open?Multiple choise

    In other words you want to open aserver and u just ask when to open it, no just crawl back to your hole and dont bother open more server romanian boy.

    We have already 65.306.301 just for yesterday.


    -Sincerely Barak Obama

  10. stis 5 plateia viktorias sta everest, na se kerasw ena giouf

    Σοβαρα τωρα θα πας εκει στα everest? αμα ειναι να ερθω. 20 λεπτα αποσταση

    αλλα σε κοβω να τρολλαρις. Εχεις και το nigga photo δυσκολα σε πιστευω ακομη κ αν πεις οτι ξερεις coding

    βγαλε το nigga το κερατο σου μεσα... ΒΓΑΛΤΟΝ

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