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Everything posted by Maker

  1. 1st Thnx For The Karma 2nd First Post Updated [18/2/2008] [Added GM SHOP] 3rd Title Fixed ;)
  2. dld 8es na peis na mirazontai kati stin mesi ? ? ? na enoseis kati ? ? ? mporeis na gineis ligo pio safeis ?
  3. egw nomizw oti 8elei na enosei tis dinatotites ton pc gia na mporoun na sikonoun pio pola atoma dld na exei to ena pc 2 GB ram kai to allo 4GB kai na to kanoun 6GB kati tetio
  4. i like the Jade Armor ;) and also pikachu pet i will test them ;)
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=9962.msg105757#msg105757 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=16540.msg124724#msg124724 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=16540.msg125101#msg125101 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=16540.msg126543#msg126543 spam from: abyrpl spam from: demonlord spam from: boever spam from: vourk
  6. don't work on HeavenGate someone lock the topic.
  7. yes very good Anni Thank You ;)
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. I know that i'm new here but i think to make a guide for people that are newbwie in creating server on LineageII.The skills are about 70% fixed-quest 100%- s80 items- and much more that you will find in the pack. ADDISIONAL ID FROM CUSTOM NPC's So let's start. First you have to download the pack from here: http://rapidshare.com/files/93163711/How_To_Create_LII_CT1_Server__Kamael_.rar then extract it at C:\ Then download the "host" from here: DownloadLink: http://rapidshare.com/files/92733584/hosts.rar and send it at C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc. then press yes to all (replace) and close the folder. Now download the official system of Lineage II CT1 (delete the system you have now and press check files and you will have the official Pack) Then go to C:\How To Create LII CT1 Server [Kamael] and now open start.bat startloginserver.bat startgameserver.bat and your server is online ! MAKING YOUR SERVER GLOBAL to make your server global you need to have static IP. If you don't go to www.no-ip.com and create a no-ip. Now let's start. First go to C:\Kamael server by Maker --> open Gameserver By Maker-->config-->server(properties) and in ExternalHostname=add your static ip (or no-ip) InternalHostname=you pc ip address which you can find at (Start->Run->write cmd->write ipconfig->and the get ip address. now save and close now go to loginserver by Maker open config and the loginserver (propetries) and do the same. HOW OTHER CAN CONNECT TO YOUR SERVER [AND YOU TOO] Ok Open L2FileEdit and open l2.ini you will find this "ServerAddr=you static ip [or you no-ip]" then press Save and Enctypt. Save it at Version" 413 " . Now you are READY! open l2.exe and log in with admin account ID: Maker PASS: admin EDITING YOU SERVER NAME You don't like Bartz , Liona etc No problem we are here to solve it. First you have to download L2 File Edit from here: http://www.hophost.net/DOWNLOAD/e0de61251/L2%20FileEdit.exe now open l2 file edit and press open and decrypt open servername-e and edit anything you want. :P EDIT NPC NAMES You still have L2FileEdit??? OK open it press open and decrypt and open the npcname-e and change anything you want. NPC GM SHOP This is a very good GM shop for the Server Try It: DownloadLink: http://rapidshare.com/files/92836145/Gm_Shop__MaxCheaters_.rar NPC ONEO BUFFER Here is The Oneo Buffer DownloadLink: http://rapidshare.com/files/93165866/Oneo_Dev_Team_Npc_Buffer.rar I hope you like it ;) CREDITS TO L2 ONEO TEAM ;) WARNING!: THE 1st TOPIC IS GOING TO BE UPDATING EVERY DAY BY ME
  10. but we need a prize :/ tell us please
  11. very good server dude congra ;)
  12. eee logo tis kakokerias edw panw mono 2 mins to kopsane :P
  13. oi to poloi aplo pigene stin trapeza annoi3e enan logariasmo dose tou ton ari8mo tou logariasmou stelnoun ta leuta stin trapeza sou dixnoun apodei3ei k tous dineis ta opla aplo
  14. egw exw to kamael alla molis brw xrono 8a mpw ante bre kai kali arxi ;)
  15. He is saying the truth. We are talking about L2 Exodus. I think L2 Exodus get Closed so he sell the server
  16. burberry-dn 3erw ti einai xD
  17. lol ontos sto site leei x1000 FAKE: RateXp =50. RateSp =50. RateDropAdena =500. RateDropItems =2. RateDropSpoil =5. REAL: RateXp = 1000. RateSp = 1000. RatePartyXp = 10. RatePartySp = 10. RateDropAdena = 1000. RateConsumableCost = 1. RateDropItems = 1. RateDropSpoil = 5.
  18. i had edit my l2.ini and when i log in and i write the ID and PASS i got message like this:
  19. hello and from me. Have a nice stay here ;)
  20. i had a problem with my server. i open l2 and when i put id and pass i got a message telling CAN NOT CONNECT WITH HOST. i add my ip in server db. i have no-ip what the problem is ?? any ideas ?
  21. emeis edw glyka nera kala kratoume. dn anoigei tpt oloi oi dromoi klistoi pantou xioni panw katw 60cm kai apo ilio tpt. Oli tin imera erixne karekles. pantou aspro blepeis tpt allo. einai kai g*mw
  22. bravo re calesty oi pextes ston server m eminan afonoi se xilio euxaristw ;)
  23. very nice armors good job ;) i will add them to my server to test them
  24. don't double post just edit your first post . . . . .
  25. but he got
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