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Everything posted by Maker

  1. that means that you haven't delete your Banned IP from the IP banned txt.
  2. 1on dn exei bgei akomi 2on to search dn blaptei 3on o Mordaneus kanei kati tetio ara w8 4on read the rules plz
  3. omg man maxtor can go to prison for this
  4. this is not a warez forum man omg don't post this things . . .
  5. This site has been disabled for violations of our Program Policies. If you feel this disabling was in error, please visit our contact page to let us know. Contact Us nomizw oti kapios prepei na to kanei lock
  6. never told that is by me i upload id with my name because i search for it and find it and also is in greek the txt. . . . .
  7. mia nea sig dioti auti dn . . . . xD
  8. i want to apply for WoW Moderator also maxtor i had send you a pm ;) thank you
  9. ti na pw re paidia ntropi kai akoma iparxei i NCSoft ?? dn exw logia ntrepomai pou eimai an8ropos kai akoma xeirotera pou paizw lineage. autoi oi an8ropoi dn skeftontai ti kanoun ??
  10. exw na sou po 3 pragmata. 1on to search pote dn eblapse kanenan 2on des edw gia event http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19304.0 3on mikrine ligo tin sig sou einai terastia elpizw na se boi8isa ;)
  11. dld paizeis mono sou ston server einai me dn einai global ean dn einai global ti noima exei na se boi8isoume 8a pai3eis 8a bare8is kai telos.
  12. don't double post just edit your first one Demoni Soul told you that so please be more careful
  13. ok themental i give credits to the Oneo L2j Team. And also thanks for the *Sticked*
  14. lol to neo update to kita3es oi pera brexei ??
  15. Paidia katafera kai vrika afto to guide hackarismeno kai spasmeno tsaba kai etoimo gia xrisi kathe lvl. Exei updates gia 2.3+ patches. DownloadLink: http://rapidshare.com/files/78652523/By_NetDisaster.rar.html aa kai kati allo dn einai txt einai me eikones. :P Credits to joana and net disaster the 2 person who cracked the guide ;)
  16. ti alla ?? pali egw eimai o kaliteros
  17. re leme min mou pernete ton 8rono still i am the Best xD
  18. 3erw atoma pou 3eroun poli kala java ;)
  19. loipon epsa3a merika pragmmatakia kai sou parousiazw Για έναν Dedicated Server με τα παρακάτω χαρακτηριστικά: Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition Dual Xeon 3Ghz 3GHZ RAM 80GB Hard Disk 1TB /μήνα κίνηση δεδομένων RDC 229 ευρώ / μήνα . κόστος εγκατάστασης 229 ευρώ Σε ετήσια προπληρωμένη συνδρομή έχετε 10% έκπτωση στην συνδρομή σας και 50% στο κόστος εγκατάστασης. Εάν επιθυμείτε μια ολοκληρωμένη προσφορά και υπογεγραμμένη με όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά για την έναρξη της συνεργασίας μας ενημερώστε μας ώστε να προχωρήσουμε. ean endiaferese stile mou ena pm na sou dosw to site tis eterias (ekana oti mporousa) episis endiaferome gia GM. des edw biografiko na psofiseis My name is Spyros I'm from Greece I know about the GameMaster Policy. I was GM at: GM at L2Brand GM at Zinch Admin at L2Creation(my server) Developer at L2Titanik GM at Greek-L2 GM at L2 Exodus GM at L2 Arcadia GM at HeavenGate my e-mail is: mak3r@windowslive.com Also i can speak: Greek , English , German and French
  20. ok (etc) alla pali eimai o kaliteros :/
  21. dn nomizw pos prepei na zitas to karma. to karma einai enas g*mim*nos ari8mos min kolate sto karma 3ekoliste. k kati allo to karma einai i prosopiki epilogi to ka8e mod dld ean einai kati xrisimo sou kanei +1. elpizw na se boi8iseis na 3exaseis tin le3i KARMA.
  22. kl re IREMIA egw eimai o kaliteros xD min tsakoneste
  23. you can't simple read the rules ?? is it hard ??
  24. ean kai pali dn sou doulebei epidi katebasa to pack to mord kai to pack tou slayer (kai fisika to diko mou xD) paizoun kanonika. ean e3akolou8is na exeis to idio problima tote dn ftaine ta pack. checkare to pc s.
  25. lol autos exei klisei edw kai kati aiones. eleoC re to to katalabes
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