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About ameru

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. gonna give it a try ;)
  2. pm me with price 1month unlimited clients ,english, private server
  3. hi axel
  4. lmao failed interlude, now wanna do h5? please jesus no
  5. +recommended just tested the trial version looks very good and promising!
  6. Hi im looking for someone who can tell me how i can edit smth like this but with different skills which are going to display.
  7. still numbero uno xaxa #1 aeron
  8. AY ROFL LMAOO HAHAH 2016 SERVERs ONLY CORRUPTUION TURKEY SHIT HAHA!!! friends told me in ts3 dumanist gave them items and donation coins HAHAH
  9. You guys can say what you want but fact is that Aeron is still up and stable with new updates etc. Aeron is online for about 7-8 months and still have alot of activity. Not even one h5 highrate can reach that what aeron did, people always coming back!! Aeron #1 sorry but its true.
  10. l2 fight pvp zone L2 aeron pvp zone (serv has 7month+ online still activity guess why?)
  11. have nothing to do with tales , just saying the truth bc most of the players u got now are from there and was just spending 1week fun on ur trash server btw gratz to add pvp reward after 1week when server die. ps: people feeding pvp coins with bp on adrenaline everywhere ))))))
  12. -1week server -corrupted admins -p2w server first day donation full rb +16 -after donations admin dont reply to players -ignoring suggestions -was not able to do simple fix -balance is shitty as fuck as nothing to do with based retail stats -24/7 empty pvp zone cause reward is 10kk adena while 1mob drops 40kk empty server in few days when tales and averia open gl.
  13. lol like you can ever compete with mid, my advise to you open at 16 if you want to have some players, cause on 15 the russian side will go valhalla so you'll have the european side for "you" after they all quit. either you open on 1.april you will get ddos and wont have much ppl )))
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