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About andy1984

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  1. Hello MxC. I decided to try adapt all my customs from acis401 to 409 in order to follow the updates of the pack. I had a very good success but i stacked on my events on reSpawn monsters. Everything is working great except if i kill any monster it will never respawn back again. Anyone can give me clue where to look? If more info needed (codes etc) i can provide it. Thanks in advance
  2. World.toAllOnlinePlayers(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_S2).addZoneName(killer.getPosition()). addString("-> "+killer.getName()+" has killed "+getName()));
  3. Hello MxC! Im using aCis 401 files and i want to make logs to store data for more days. Now if im not mistaken is overwriting data after 1 day. Is that possible? Anu clue? Thanks in advance!
  4. <ingredient id="stoneID" count="1"/> change "stoneID" with the itemID for ex 57= adena <production id="upgradedStone" count="1"/> also change "upgradedStone" with item id again
  5. use as ip on configs and l2.ini.
  6. Hello MxC! i noticed that hair style change potions E and F on interlude are not working correct. the visual is totally missplaced or wrong. Where can i find them in patch becasue im stucked. Thanks in advance
  7. add <aCar name="admin_search" accessLevel="7" params="" desc=""/> to data/xml/adminCommands
  8. RequestGiveNickName() packet find: // Noblesse can bestow a title to themselves if (player.isNoble() && _name.matches(player.getName())) { player.setTitle(_title); player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TITLE_CHANGED); player.broadcastTitleInfo(); } else { // Can the player change/give a title? if (!player.hasClanPrivileges(Clan.CP_CL_GIVE_TITLE)) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_ARE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_DO_THAT); return; } if (player.getClan().getLevel() < 3) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CLAN_LVL_3_NEEDED_TO_ENDOWE_TITLE); return; } final ClanMember member = player.getClan().getClanMember(_name); if (member != null) { final Player playerMember = member.getPlayerInstance(); if (playerMember != null) { playerMember.setTitle(_title); playerMember.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TITLE_CHANGED); if (player != playerMember) player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CLAN_MEMBER_S1_TITLE_CHANGED_TO_S2).addCharName(playerMember).addString(_title)); playerMember.broadcastTitleInfo(); } else player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TARGET_IS_NOT_FOUND_IN_THE_GAME); } else player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TARGET_MUST_BE_IN_CLAN); } and replace with // Noblesse can bestow a title to themselves if (player.isNoble() && _name.matches(player.getName())) { player.sendMessage("Titles are disabled."); return; } else { player.sendMessage("Titles are disabled."); return; } not tested but should work
  9. 0 9373 1 1 7 1 0 vCt1LineageWeapons.dynasty_blade_m00_wp Ct1LineageWeapons.dynasty_blade_m00_wp ct1LineageWeaponsTex.dynasty_blade_wp ct1LineageWeaponsTex.dynasty_blade_wp icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00 ct1icon.weapon_dynasty_blade_i01 ct1icon.weapon_dynasty_blade_i01 95 2080 51 1 0 14 3 2 Ct1LineageWeapons.dynasty_blade_m00_wp Ct1LineageWeapons.dynasty_blade_m00_wp 2 ct1LineageWeaponsTex.dynasty_blade_wp ct1LineageWeaponsTex.dynasty_blade_wp 4 ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8 ItemSound.sword_great_4 ItemSound.sword_mid_2 ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4 ItemSound.itemdrop_sword ItemSound.itemequip_sword 10 525 202 8 5 8 0 0 0 0 325 0 1 1 1000 0 -1 0 LineageEffect.e_u092_a LineageEffect.e_u092_a 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.300000 1.300000 LineageWeapons.rangesample LineageWeapons.rangesample 1.450000 0.800000 0.800000 1.450000 0.800000 0.800000 13.000000 0.000000 0.000000 13.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7 7 -1 -1 tag id drop_type drop_anim_type drop_radius drop_height UNK_0 drop_mesh1 drop_mesh2 drop_mesh3 drop_tex1 drop_tex2 drop_tex3 icon[0] icon[1] icon[2] icon[3] icon[4] durability weight material crystallizable projectile_? body_part handness wpn_mesh_cnt wpn_mesh[0] wpn_mesh[1] wpn_tex_cnt wpn_tex[0] wpn_tex[1] wpn_tex[2] item_sound_cnt item_sound[0] item_sound[1] item_sound[2] item_sound[3] drop_sound equip_sound effect random_damage patt matt weapon_type crystal_type critical hit_mod avoid_mod shield_pdef shield_rate speed mp_consume SS_count SPS_count curvature UNK_2 is_hero UNK_3 effA effB junk1A[0] junk1A[1] junk1A[2] junk1A[3] junk1A[4] junk1B[0] junk1B[1] junk1B[2] junk1B[3] junk1B[4] rangeA rangeB junk2A[0] junk2A[1] junk2A[2] junk2A[3] junk2A[4] junk2A[5] junk2B[0] junk2B[1] junk2B[2] junk2B[3] junk2B[4] junk2B[5] junk3[0] junk3[1] junk3[2] junk3[3] icons[0] icons[1] icons[2] icons[3] as you see you need to change crystal_type to s grade. A Grade = 4, S Grade = 5
  10. Primeval it is a town zone. check townzones xml an you will find it. change cordinates there to another place and you are done. do not delete town zone you will get error.
  11. me mporeis na mpeis mono an einai sta config to idio. an valeis sta config public ip den mporeis na mpeis me 127.0.01. den exei tetoio sistima to acis einai custom. vale sta config kai sto .ini to idio kai den koitaei oute port tpt. an den mpainei exeis kanei kapou allou lathos. episis les evales 2 kodikes. ti kodikes?
  12. You need to add dress me system. this is just an item tha replace all armor parts.
  13. Profanos kati den paei kala me to pc i to client sou. otan les restart to pc ti kanei akrivos? apla restart i mple othoni? dinei kana error? Dokimase na sviseis to client teleios kai na to peraseis clean apo to 0 kai update drivers stin karta grafikon.
  14. fixed. thanks very much mate. P.S is not 100% ready. some changes needed to be 100% ok. if someone know another way please give me a advise.
  15. Hello MxC! I want to add to multisell window next to item needed count, the item count that the player have in his inventory. For ex if you need 15000 adena to buy x item price to be like 15000 (100000000). Check image bellow. I know that this is interface matter and maybe needed some core support. Anyone can give me a hand? I have decrypted and allready edited interface files for my needs. This is the last addon i would like to have. Thanks in advance
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