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Everything posted by adidaskipowah

  1. if you rly think there are 3k online you should kys500 max
  2. you say etiam dont farm dont pvp? why he should farm when mouse give 5k dps to every ru cp and eu clans who have more than 30online..
  3. You should get back to era bcose you donated full gear :D
  4. Pepisek most legit cz advertiser :D
  5. Without all those changelogs maybe.
  6. Bots work everywhere ruskys allready selling billions
  7. Balanced probably = nerded Like its fine that glady got nerfed but why tytans?? They allready uselles in mass pvp and also crit dmg cap fk theyr max posible crit dmg like 3 or 4 times
  8. Show me server gm who dont open server for money lul :DOh w8 skirmish :D
  9. +++Login: brazontop Pass: forlan123 Ez gm acc free itemkas for kurwa team :D
  10. Good if you get free items if not no point to play
  11. Brazon smart boy? :D
  12. No1 has ever done that is a history of l2 :O
  13. why me dunt cry about duelists? good duelist can hit me 10k crit tss but they somehow die anyway :/
  14. 5 pvp weapons in 1month serv seema legit
  15. why post name destiny vs all when its tales vs destiny ....... you cant even compete with ru serves
  16. Eu servers are dead bcose big ru clans dont join it anymore random clans who spam all day in giran inviting geared ppl in clan is that those big clans? Who couldnt win 100vs 30 pro players
  17. What big clans? Tos clan where you played with them your whole life and now you just gear them 1st day of server? And pretorians who rekt them with 10x lover gear..
  18. /spawn brazon Why im banned at era forum :( me not hater i just troll idiots who trying to proof game / balance bugs :D
  19. They sell epics since its not working :D Why not to make 100e per useless item? :D
  20. Lf randoms to make big clan at era so i will get mutcho donate pounts
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