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Everything posted by Stefoulis15

  1. This One. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24341.0
  2. Well , There Are Some Server That "Suffer" From This Exploit..Here's The Fix. go to net.sf.l2j.gameserver.clientpackets.RequestGiveItemToPet.java First Go The Imports. And After This Line : import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.SystemMessage; Paste These : import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.IllegalPlayerAction; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.Util; Open It And Find : if (Config.GM_DISABLE_TRANSACTION && player.getAccessLevel() >= Config.GM_TRANSACTION_MIN && player.getAccessLevel() <= Config.GM_TRANSACTION_MAX) { player.sendMessage("Transactions are disable for your Access Level"); player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NOTHING_HAPPENED)); return; } And Paste This Right After It: if (player.getActiveEnchantItem() != null) { Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction(player,"Player "+player.getName()+" Tried To Use Enchant Exploit And Got Banned!", IllegalPlayerAction.PUNISH_KICKBAN); return; } Then , Find This : // Alt game - Karma punishment if (!Config.ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_TRADE && player.getKarma() > 0) return; And Paste This After It : if (player.getActiveEnchantItem() != null) { Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction(player,"Player "+player.getName()+" Tried To Use Enchant Exploit And Got Banned!", IllegalPlayerAction.PUNISH_KICKBAN); return; } Save It , Compile And You Are Done.. Enjoy..! [DIFF FILES] L2J_Interlude : http://www.4shared.com/file/90115399/250f2ecd/L2J_Interlude_Pet_Enchant_Fix_By2_Stefoulis15.html L2JFree_Interlude : http://www.4shared.com/file/90115430/a3736866/L2JFree_Interlude_Pet_Enchant_Fix_By_Stefoulis15.html L2J-Archid Interlude : http://www.4shared.com/file/90115903/198ff94c/L2J-Archid_Interlude_Pet_Enchant_Fix_By_Stefoulis15.html
  3. Seems , That The Word Search Doesn't Even EXIST In Your "Directory" Also , No Credits? Cool.. Check This Out.. Lookin' Familiar Right? :s http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=47243.0
  4. SUX! ( Joking xD ) Ah , Btw L2 Moderator? Gratz MeNg!
  5. well i've used couple of shoes , due to im a DESTROYER OF Them. I Must Say That Asics , Have The Best Shoes For Volleyball.. I Play Volleyball 5 Years , And The Two of Them I Wear Asics. Those Shoes Are The Best. Here Check 'em Out.
  6. if it is what i think it is then its AWESOME. But post some screenshots plx.. i wanna see what i will download xD
  7. Cool.. I'll Try It.. BTW , in which server it worked? xD
  8. [ENG] First of all , There are Not Screenshots. Please ADD Some ASAP. Second , Wtf ? The SQL Is Totally Wrong. You've Added The SQL Of Your Whole Npc Table! And The Wierd is that there's not the sql of the gm shop there! W/e , Please Fix it Asap. [GR] Prota apo ola , vale ss. deyteron , exeis kanei dump sql file olo sou to npc table.... k t parakseno einai oti ekei mesa sto sql dn iparxei kan to sql tou gm shop! ftiaksto asap...
  9. well i think i got what u mean. that the stats of ur epic armor dont work. for example that they dont give evasion.. so.. lemme speak to ya. first. Speak CLEAR English. Not EnTurkish. second. You Don't mention the pack that you use. third. you don't mention the client you use fourth. LOCKED Until Moved.
  10. vendetta is x35. reign is x10 cool post .. u should add a tag like L2OFF Or L2J Near every srvr
  11. indeed. i dont really know who these ppl are.. i have to learn xD btw , about archid , as far as i know from someone it was closed to perform some fixes or sth.. w/e
  12. there's not an svn for a certain pack.. Every dev team has an svn. not every single pack.. btw , a-style's pack is l2jarchid one..so www.l2jarchid.com and search
  13. Im In Need of Vesper Weapons And Vesper Armors From The Gracia Final Client.. So , If You Can Share With Me Those Lines , OR Maybe , Just Simply Gimme The Whole WeaponGrp , ItemName on a txt xD
  14. egw t xa pa8ei prin arketo kairo , se ena net. [GR] eixa paei na parw kt filous m na ts ferw spiti m , k sto akiro m leei o enas pekse r mlk ligo ayto , einai diskolo k 8elw na dw an me exeis. t lew , kl t lew se gamisa. ksekinaw p les , paw sto 3o epipedo , k meto p ftanw m leei fora ta akoustika exei wraia mousiki. egw entometaksi dn akouga tpt.. tespa xanw k me t p vgenei i fatsa k akouw t ourliaxto petagome stn aera k arxisa na trexw. a0x0a0xa0xa0x0ax0xa0 Whatever this game is fucking cool for someone that plays it first time.
  15. Wth!? FUCKING AWESOME! When You Manage To Make It Fully Working ( Cause I See It's In Beta ) You'll Have +1 From Me.. Btw , Continue Sharing Java Stuff You Help a Lot. And That's Good :)
  16. Rizel / Cobra / Intrepid / VaGo +1 Btw , What's The Privileges of This New MemberGroup?
  17. Well , I've Just Downloaded Gracia Final System Folder , And I Was Wonderin' if There's a Possible Way To Open Them.. I Searched For a FileEdit , Since In EncDec i Suck a lot xD but i didnt find anything. now , if it's possible via encdec , i'll try. just gimme links of the latest encdec. ty in advance.
  18. it can be made.. via jscript.. check the HeroItem Quest Inside ur scripts/custom folder.. (in IL Packs : Quests/custom )
  19. Lawl. Seems That Gracia Final is a pure copy paste of wow.. w/e i'll try download them all and then i'll try to fix the vesper weaps for CT2.2
  20. Well , I Don't Really Think That There's a Site That Can Teach You Java Knowledge That Will Help You On Modding Lineage 2. Even If You Start Reading And Reading , You'll Have To Learn Compiling , And Searching Source , Core And Other Places And Learn Codes And Shit Other Things.. Whatever. Check This Out. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=44325.0
  21. Well , Then It Has To Be Something Wrong With Your Pack. Try Updating Your Core.. Or Just Change it.
  22. Well , A Skill Trader Exists Right Here. Made Via JScript..Here , Check It Out : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=38624.0
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