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Everything posted by Stefoulis15

  1. Links are D.E.A.D. Reupload 'em and PM ME To Unlock It.. TOPIC LOCKED.
  2. Credits To DragonHunter For All Those Tools?! :S Already Posted? TOPIC LOCKED.
  3. erm sry for the off topic. just needed a lot xD cause i dunno why , he doesnt fucking answer t the pm! Kid , For Gods Name , Add Me On Msn. cause i added ya but still nothin
  4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 PWNZOR!
  5. PURE JAVA. Can Be Made. Needs Some Work. Also , Im Don't Think That Is Shared Anywhere.. Whatever You Can Try Creatin' It. If You Have Java Knowledge. If You Dont You Cant Make it. Only If You Find It Ready..
  6. c4? fucking awesome... i'll test it for sure. about il yes, it would be quite cool ,but no offense dont do it like the old one. i mean , the last days of L2J-Archid , No Commmits Were Made. There Was Over 2 Weeks For a Commit To Be Done.. Ofc , As An Old L2J-Archid User , I Will Test It And Give My Support If You Want To. Whatever Your Choice Is , Good Luck. NOTE: I Like The Idea of C4 More , Cause I Can't Find Any Working C4 Pack.. And That SUX , Cause I Really Like L2J C4 Cause I Was Playin On One Before Some Years , And I Got Some Crazy Ideas There.So If You Make It , Consider Me as a Bug Reporter.
  7. I Think You Are Talking About Michael Jackson? Whatever. OFC It's a Joke If It's For him. He's Not Dead. ( Thank God! ) Well It's 50-50 Because Yes , He is a Freak Cause He Likes "Low Age" Kids.. BUT He Is The Most Talented Singer / Dancer. He Is The PERFECT Showman. None Can Disprove it. EVERYONE Says That.
  8. Filaraki m , ama dn ksereis na kaneis ena tromaktika aplo SQL Modification tote xwris pareksigisi ksexna ton server. min ta perimeneis ola etoima..pros 8eou Ostoso To L2Dot Dn exei kanena tetoio prob. oti 8es les
  9. Lower Their Id's. Try To Give Them ID Numbers With Four Digits. Such as 9999 or Somethin @kali , nice share mate. thanks
  10. Se gameplay o Kamael.. Se Emfanisi o kamael me malli emo , i o darkelf
  11. well , There's A Fix For The Vesper Knuckles Shared By Someone Here.Search a Little. About The Duals , There Is Not Any Yet.. So , Basically It's A Animation / Texture Error..
  12. Dn 8elw na arxisw flame wars g ayto k dn s tn lew. apla 8a s pw ena pragma dn eisai se 8esi na krineis tn L2Dot.. ean dn s aresei t pack dn s ipoxrewse KANEIS Na to xrisimopoiiseis. boreis kalista na ma8eis JAVA + Compile k na ftiakseis monos s ta tixon bugs p 8a vreis st packs p 8a xrisimopoiiseis. kala mexri edw? Twra, gia Ta "Errors" P exeis d borw na s diavevewsw g t an doulevoun i oxi.. 8a kanw twra compile k install ena pack. dn vriskw kan xrono gia na installarw t pack mas k na to test... dn borw na kserw t ka8e error apeksw k anakatota.. episis g afto iparxei k to forum www.l2dot.info/forum dn einai anagki na postareis edw... tespa. 8a to koitaksw. P.S: Mia Erwtisi , Se Pia Buffer Anaferesai? Core Buffer I JScript Buffer. Logika 8a milas g tn core buffer p einai idi etoimi.. a k kt allo. iparxei mia periptosi na exeis pl palio rev. g afto t logo na min exei "ananew8ei" t pack.. Whatever....
  13. prwton , ekanes restart meta to class change? t archid xreiazontai restart g na pareis ta skills. twra g tn buffer , eimai 10000% sigouros oti dn ekanes oti leei t guide. ksanaprospa8ise na tn valeis...
  14. t ennoeis? dosmou ena paradeigma g na boresw na voi8isw..
  15. Yeap. This Definitely Deserves Karma. +1 For You My Friend.. Really Thx For That. Try To Find The Cutter's Animations too xD :)
  16. epic armors. i've shared them for kamaels too. now about that shit , the doesnt exist or sth maybe u've done a mistake on armorgrp.dat
  17. happy b-day MofoooO! xD j/k happy b-day mate :)
  18. Well , Yes , But IF You Checked The Timeline a Lil Bit, You Would Be Able To See That The Faction Engine Is Still In Test , And Also , Taken From Gracia.. That's Why... Whatever. About The Custom Tables , I'll Try To Bring 'em Back
  19. i giagia mou! eidika tr p exei k Alzheimer einai pl pena xD
  20. Go To The Buffer's _init_.py And Delete The Lines With The Contain : restoreHPMP ALL LINES. //quest_reload 9999 or if this is not working , restart ur server and u will be ok :)
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