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Everything posted by Madheisen

  1. Damn dude, should I address you as Mr. ? "I basically gave you some pointers on what you should fix to improve your server." Dafuq is that? Either you help the poor guy or you don't, this ain't a "complicated relationship" where you gotta give out pointers. Lmao, grow a pair. Js, ttyl.
  2. Managed to get it working on Windows 10. Patch: https://mega.nz/#!j4VGDLaB!sgg-8i2Em8XB5LoCA_uNODxXqub1NZWc9aSB3PpQ1fY
  3. Hi guys, I'm making a patch but I've noticed that when I try to go full screen my mouse disapears and the icons are not shown while dragging. Does anyone have a fix for this ? I'm on Windows 10. Cheers.
  4. That doesn't really fix it you know? I see a lot of people coming up with that solution but it doesn't really do it for me. It's something with the engine that you have to change, that's what all other servers do.
  5. I'm getting this error on windows 10
  6. Cheers mate, downloading now.
  7. If I was ever to create a server that meant fun for me as a player first of all, I would implement these features. Make the server 10x Full with buffs Come up with a stage system on armors and weapons, lets say, 1st Launch Month: Normal gear 2nd Week After Launch: Add the first special gear - Obtained from few mats 2nd Month: Add another special gear - Obtained with GB 3rd Month: Add another special gear - Obtained with Raid Coins / Pvp Coins Not anything OP, just like +10 on stats bonus which would make a bit difference when they reach max enchant. Make every town PVP oriented, Create only 1 safe place to re-buy, would make Jail as my choice. Reward the community with multiple things. Some people just think about doing it for the easy money but I would do it in a way that players would donate for themselfs and not because they need to get that kind of gear. If you provide good service there's always someone who's going to appreciate it. And yes, I know, not everyone has that kind of budget but at the end of the day we all started this game to be intertained and as a owner you have to keep that in mind since day one.
  8. Cool as I am originally from Portugal as well. You got a support skype yet?
  9. Good to know, since I've just fresh installed IL. Btw, who's the person that's fluent in PT?
  10. The website seems to be down. Best of luck though.
  11. It was all cool until you guys launched and didn't provide support, I've tried to contact you guys but no support was given for the past 5 hours. As I can't even enter in the server.
  12. Installed High Five just to try this one, best of luck buddy!
  13. Where is the server located?
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