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Everything posted by MagicAndSpellS

  1. As I have already mentioned I am looking for a good faction server, an interlude one, with enough ppl on to have fun..
  2. It doesn't exist, lol'ed.
  3. Under our titles there are some icons like msn, website's and so on. There is e-mail's icon too, so no need of access. ;p
  5. Efagan demote k oi 3 gold($$$). Tzampa lefta..
  6. Egw ExtremeDwarf Coyote BloodyWarrior BostonLegal Vazelos Isws na'nai k kanas allos.. 2 meres ban gt spammarame... sto spam section. xD Feygei simera to vrady.
  7. I am pretty sure that one similar already exists, anyway. I can think on my own, without using programs, lol.
  8. Hahahaha! Welcome!
  9. Somethig I would like to reffer. If I'd start posting whatever I make, the section would be full of mine topics. So, stop posting all the time your new creations, lol.
  10. Gia na katalaveis ti ennow otan lew pws exeis psyxologika...
  11. All of them are so damn funny! xD
  12. <3 BAHAMAS
  13. Other and don't spam in my topic.
  14. WE ARE BACK! xD
  15. 5 ppl on. Not such a big deal.
  16. Who's talking about lifo?? I know SillentDeath from other servers aswell. He was using phx on C5 server when we didn't know about phx?? C'mon... All of ur words are just bullsh*ts and excuses..
  17. Are u kidding me?? Go around and learn more about him. He is one person who I can call "pro" player, I don't say that often at all.
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