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Everything posted by MagicAndSpellS

  1. What about population?? I will log in if there are some players on..
  2. I know dude... Well, it's a shame when players like sillentdeath aka c0y0, I think you know him, can be pwned by donors who are overpowered and uber pwnerz.
  3. Sure, but money don't make the great players..
  4. +1 Faded Memories ftw.
  5. Ta spaei...
  6. Read my signature noobz0r. xd
  7. He's Coyote*. On topic I can't see something special by you yet... Anyway, it's true that you are getting better. Keep going.
  8. Osi wra 8a kaneis gia to ena, alli tosi 8a kaneis gia to allo. Tespa, ty k pali.
  9. Tpt to tromero.. Apla mporeis na mpeis sto www.whatismyip.com k telos.. ;p Anyway, ty.
  10. Photoshop [?]
  11. You can't even see it... I mentioned before that it's just an alternative way..
  12. Bump. +3-4 weapons added.
  13. Nice one. Ty.
  14. Hahahaha... Lara Croft!!!
  15. Dn katalaves... Eipa pws mia mlk APO to System itan fortwmeno me 100%... Check tn ss na deis ti ennoousa...
  16. To "spoolsv.exe"??? W8, dn sou eipa oti ayto ftaiei... Apla se mena ayto itan poy ekane tn zimia....
  17. Egw pou to ekleina ayto dn pa8aine tpt to pc... Twra dn 8elw na se parw sto laimo m... Sxetika gia ayto me tn adraneia systimatos dn ftaei ayto se olous etc einai.... ;) P.S Emena itan me 100% ayto pou legetai "spoolsv.exe"
  18. Akou... Mporei na einai teleiws akyro kai na mn se voi8isei alla stn periptwsi m ayto eixa kanei... Dn 8umamai pws akrivws alla eixa faei kapoio virus kai xtypaga kai gw CPU 100%... To pc SE-RNO-TAN!!! Kapoia stigmi patisa to gnwsto Alt+Ctrl+Delete kai patisa diergasies... Ekei eida mia mlk apo to SYSTEM pou prokalouse ayto to 100%... To ekleisa telos pantwn alla m 3anavgike... 3 fores evgaine kai telos meta... To pc erxotane sta kala toy... BTW egw ekana format kai teleiwse... Try it... 3analew mporei na einai teleiws akyro ayto...
  19. You are american cheese! You are a smooth, lightly colored, square-shaped cheese. You are a classic simple cheese. You are cautious and practical and very down to earth. American Cheese is smooth, with light, yellow or orange color. The cheese is usually cut into square slices and it does not separate when melted. It has a mild taste. [ Country: United States || Texture: semi-soft ]
  20. Siga to kolpo re c... Nai...
  21. Milousa gia kati tetoio==> www.ughiphop.tk Einai kai etoimo gia xrisi... An 8es parto... ;)
  22. Ta spaei file! Gj! P.S To link para einai megalo... Ftia3e ena mikrotero me to dot.tk P.S2 TxC at the moment!!! 8elw kai ZN meta! ;D
  23. Vsk dn 3erw ti exei postarei o 1os gt dn mporw na dw to post... Egw pantws mia fora gia plaka eixa kanei to e3is aplo! Ligo prin teleiwsei o xronos m eftia3a enan allo logariasmo xristi mpika ekei k afoy teleiwse o xronos m egw synexisa kanonika... xD xD xD
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