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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. 1: EvilDeviL stole my line

    2: L2 Evo does not lie, I give it 2 months

    3: Server is OK, no lag jsut a bunch of retards saying "SAL LASAL RE MALAK GAMW DRACU!"

    4: Overpowered Archers (1500 atk speed/12000 patk)

    5: Overpowered Duelists (20000 HP, 1400 atk speed, 13000 patk :O)

    6: Some classes don't work (Spoiler/titan/paladin/Necro/Sorc/SpS) because they SUCK

    7: Fighters...

    8: Customs are nice, so is community and PvP

    9: Farm sucks

    10: Mass PK sometimes


    Indeed ,fail.

  2. Sever is not that bad the only reason keeping me from joining the server is the buff time. I mean seriously i wouldn't want to play mid-hr PVP servers and play quatrebox so i can be buffed that's just retarded and i find it dumb. You should seriously increase buff time imho.

  3. lol atm no team played very good football

    France: Worst football i ever see

    Netherland:They win both matches but not played goood maybe cause roben is missing

    spain:the also played very bad

    england:Very bad

    German:1st match good 2nd bad

    Brazil:Not good

    only argentina played very good football till now


    Retard it's only normal for them to play bad. The do not want to accumulate unecessery fatigue on the start ofc that the players would most likely want to keep their stamina / strenght when the right time comes and to be more precise when they meet up with someone really good. Groupes are pretty much fucked up take Argenitna's group for example how would you not say they play good when they score vs one of the weakest amongs the Modial 2010 participants ?


    Anyway... when groupes are over and those who pass decided then we will enjoy football for now I suggest you go and bet easy money on X matches and wait .


    PS: Y-day's match Cameroon/Denmark [imho Denmark should have lost so many mistakes infront of the goalkeeper too bad football].

  4. Well our books in Bulgaria are done in a way that even the biggest retard if really trying to undestand will be able no matter the subject.

    LOL if you think that you can study alone the Maths and the Psychics we do here in Greece the final year of school then you have no clue what's going on here.


    Skaros it would better to reconsider what you want to become. It is impossible for you to become a doctor. You are in a very difficult situation. But first just describe us your basic knowledge. Do you know at least the basics in Physics, Maths and Chemistry? :S

  5. Well if you are willing to do everything just dont repeat it and instead use the summer vacation for you to study you're not a kid most things that are written in the books aren't impossible to be learned you are a dumbass if you think a teacher can help you more then you can help yourself. You have books you have internet you have everything you need to learn what you think you've missed. But that's a question of will wanting to repeat just proves how much you suck at life and how lazy you are. You don't really want to sit down and learn what you have to instead you want some whores to teach you smth you can learn alone. A teacher is just a bitch / dumbass that's paid to tell you what's already written in your book and to test what you have learned nothing more nothing less. So imho don't repaet shit if you really have will to study you can just skip all those good things that may happen during your summer vacation and try to learn what you need to for becoming a proper doctor.


    PS: You are a retard.



  6. See what the "new" generation does to their parents ? They tell them nothing about their private lives they share nothing with them... don't you think your parents don't feel bad when you are in a bad mood and u refuse to tell them but accept to tell the whole world ? That's what sad and not what this mom is doing. You guys will probably not understand what I am trying to say but you guys should really think about it and just give more attention to your parents because when you need help they will be the ones to help you not your friends.

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