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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. Probably he thinks you wanna have the same sig as him, but you just requested a sig with the same render.. I don't see why he re-acted like that. Renders are not private. Fsss...


    Indeed and yet if I weren't to have the signature would he be here requesting a signature with the same render NO i don't think so, because humans are simple minded creatures , when they are unable to choose they copy. ^^

  2. Hello everybody, I am honored to have the chance to present to you our server L2 Wars Arena. It is a new, frest and awesome faction arena. This is not like all the other ordinary servers you used to visited that just entertained you for a period of time. We assure you that once you log in you'll get caught up in the neverending war between the two factions because in our server the players are the ones that make their history and the ones that decide how their game is going to be like, as each player fights for the ultimate position, of the ruler of the World. All major systems are based on a balanced pvp variety, which is always beeing improved, though any player that just wishes to waste some time spamming is welcome to join our Safe Zone.. =)



    Stability, Exploit fixes & Dos Protection


    Server source has been fully cleaned and fixed for performance, cheats etc.., most of the main systems are custom or rewriten in some form. The pack is seperated from any known/public project, though a large part of the core was transfered from few years of work and ideas, which weren't ever released to public and were mostly experiments/fan work. The stability isn't even a question, since the server had uptime for weeks, which was tested and eventually i had to restart it for more updates lol.. also the restart time is 10-15 seconds. The connection is dedicated and offers 0 ping for all players connecting from EU spine. The most lagless server you will ever play on, guaranteed.


    All mxc and player known exploits are fixed. Walker and phx are allowed, since they can do no harm. As for the walker healers, here bishop is a pvp class, as all support classes will be in a matter of days.


    And last but not least, the infamous Dos protection.. most of the l2 admins out there seem to think, if you protect servers ports with few firewalls, youre safe and thats really the most stupid perception one could produce.

    All servers we tested are vulnerable by phx flood, no matter if drop/shop/wh etc.. flood protections, theres always something one can find and exploit to lag up the server up to few mins. So proove us wrong and well fix, but you wont find weak spots like that with our servers. Ports ofc are well protected, by our own software.

    Youd optimistically think were safe now right? Well the hard truth is, no matter if the machine blocks spam by software/hardware, the connection is still beeing consumed. Basically it doesnt matter if the server will reply to the spam, a big enough dos net can bring down anyone. So this is where our real dos protection comes in, its what makes us the only dos protected, thus stable server out there.. We are in contact with our internet provider personally, so if we are dosed, it just takes 1 sms with listed IP ranges and were back up in a matter of minutes. Just for info, the isp owns 4x5gb bandwith, which i doubt will ever get dosed and even if it does, their isp start the bans on auto and its out of our hands at that point.


    So much for server stability.



    Rates :


    Exp: 500x

    Sp: 500x

    Adena: 1000x

    Party exp: 2x


    Max scroll enchantment is +8.

    Max pvp enchantment is +16.


    Config/Settings :


    - auto skill, occupation updates

    - auto loot all non raid drops

    - you can have up to 7 sub-classes (start lvl 50)

    - hero skills on subclasses

    - no experience loss on death

    - no death/weight penalty

    - max number of clans in an alliance is 5

    - 10 members needed to request a clan war

    - no taxes

    - no wh/freight fee

    - all world teleports are free

    - shop up to S grade

    - SA equipment unselable in exchange for War Coins at shop

    - breath under water lasts 5min and you die faster



    Custom Features


    Special enchanting process :


    Each 50th enemy kill enchants all of your +8 and higher equiped items.



    +9 = 50 PvPs

    +10 = 100 PvPs

    +11 = 150 PvPs

    +12 = 200 PvPs

    +13 = 250 PvPs

    +14 = 300 PvPs

    +15 = 350 PvPs

    +16 = 400 PvPs


    Factions Details


    In order to become ruler of the world and gain access to the Royal hunting areas, you must siege and own more towns than the enemy army. Once you siege the town, its guards will obey your commands and help you against any threat.

    Each army has a ".base", populated by faction Guards, which help heal, obey your commands, or aid in battle!

    There are also all the NPC you will ever need spawned in all bases and safe zones.


    PvP Details :


    - players below level 50 can kill anyone besides players above level 50

    - players above lvl 50 can only kill enemy faction players above level 50

    - Party, Clan, Alliance or weak player kills will not be rewarded

    - Buffs last 1 hour(see .mage/.warrior commands)

    - custom sub-class Quest/Raid

    - auto noblesse at 100 kills


    Ranks :


    Kills Rank Title Color

    0 Newbie White

    1000 Cadet Green

    2000 Lieutenant Blue

    3000 Captain Purple

    4000 Comander Red

    5000 Major Orange

    6500 Lt. Colonel Yellow

    8000 Colonel Black

    10000 Brigadier User select

    12000 Leader User select

    15000 General User select

    20000 Marshal User select

    25000 Admiral User select


    Players will probably gain more balance skills threw ranks, this is not yet included into the base.


    Champion name colors are Blue - you can become a champion by being in the top 10 current kills ladder

    Lord name colors are Gold - you can become Lord, by having the most current kills ingame, there are only two Lords on the world


    Lords and Champions gain power up skills, as well as the "Seal of Lord" skill, which is used in order to siege towns and become the ruler of the world.


    Faction chat is "!" shout, while "+" trade is global with 5s delay.



    World Areas


    Most of the world is free and full of monster spawns, so players can explore and find new hunting areas for Exp or Gold. Any unused area can also be a place for your home, just contact a GM to inspect it.


    Friendly Areas

    Army Bases - ".base"

    This is where you spawn on new character creation and is used as a base for your army. Here you will find all npc support needed, as well as many other interesting functions.


    Trade Zone - ".safe"

    Giran Harbor is the only safe zone on the server and is used by players resting or setting up shops. Here you may also find any npc support needed.


    Real Estate - ".home"

    Every player can buy a home and pay for it in advance at the doorman. Inside your home, you can spawn many servants or decorations and invite or uninvite any player. Uninvited players can't enter your property.


    Hunting Areas

    Advanced Farms

    This are full level farms for Gold, Enchant Scrolls, Special Items lvl1 and are mostly visited by players seeking for pvp. You can locate teleports at the Global Gatekeeper.


    Royal Farms - ".royal"

    This farm is located at Primeval Island and can only be visited by the current ruler army members. Drops are Gold, Enchant Scrolls, Special Items lvl2 and have better chances than anywhere else.



    Custom Systems


    Dueling System :

    This system enables 2 players no matter which faction to enter a secure duel in coliseum arena. Once the duel begins, the coli doors will close and while dueling, you can't be targeted by anyone except your enemy.

    Also you can't use any special pots, scrolls or commands. This duels are set to provide a fair chance for players to measure their powers against eachother, the result will be announced.


    To enter the duel use the ".duel name" command!


    Town Sieges :

    Every town and village is a siege zone and is ruled by NPC. In order to siege, you must defeat the npcs and use the Seal of Lord skill on the town's artifact.

    Once you siege the town/village its Guards obey your orders, they follow you and can deffend against enemy armys.

    The Guards are ranked in a hierarchy of Kings, Champions, Knights, Archers and Mages.



    Custom Items


    Later on, we will add custom armor/weapon textures, but only the best looking few and you will have an option in the Patch Updater, to disable custom armors, so you will see them as drac, dc, imp..


    We will never add uber stats, even with customs, well most likely keep stats exactly same as retail S grades SA.


    The only custom eq added atm are wings, which will be very rare trophy like drop on global raids.. and the following items, which are dropable threwout full level hunting areas.



    Special Pots/Scrolls

    Level 1

    - Greater HP Potion Regenerates HP significantly.

    - Greater MP Potion Regenerates MP significantly.

    - Greater CP Potion Regenerates CP significantly.

    - Power Up Increase your power to the max.

    - Haste Increase speed to the max.

    - Decrease Karma Remove Karma.

    - Sudden Death I Reduces targets HP.


    Level 2

    - Sudden Death II Reduces targets HP.

    - Change of Heart Switch target's side.

    - Banish Teleport target into enemy base.

    - Betrayal Enables one to kill anyone, without any conciquences.

    - Immortality For a certain period of time, one can become immortal.

    - Portal Opens a portal.

    - Power Up Increase your power significantly.

    - Immortality For a certain period of time, one can become immortal.

    - Haste Increase speed significantly.

    - Resurrection Enables one to resurrect themselves.

    - Unlock Unlocks any door targeted.

    - Transformation Enables one to transform into any target. Only others will see you as that shape.


    Level 3

    - Game Over Kick target from the game.

    - Sudden Death III Reduces targets HP significatly.

    - Speed Increase speed significantly, while decreasing P.Atk and M.Atk.

    - Warp Enables one to warp anywhere their sight reaches.


    User command handler

    .mage/.warrior - Support magic

    .online - Display online players count

    .status - See your players statistics

    .base - Teleport to your army's base

    .safe - Teleport to the servers only safe/trade zone

    .ruler - Display the current world ruler

    .lords - Display both team's lords

    .champs - Display all champions

    .detach - Enables you to disconnect your client from world, while your play is left online (usefull for pm logs or player shop)

    .bot - Your character starts automised farming (mob hunting)

    .ride - Ride strider

    .fly - Ride wyvern

    .dismount - Stop flying or riding

    .duel [name] - Challenge a player into a secure duel

    .tvt/ctf/lms/dm - Start or join a pvp event

    .raid - When the global raid boss is spawned, use it to register and teleport to the raid

    .royal - If your army is the current world ruler, you can teleport into special royal farms

    .home - If you are a house owner, teleport yourself home

    .invite [name] - Invite a player into your home

    .uninvite [name] - Uninvite a player and port from home

    .showstats - Show killer's stats on death

    .hidestats - Hide killer's stats on death

    .tradeon - Enable players to trade you

    .tradeoff - Disable players to trade you

    .log - Start or stop private message logging

    .showlog - Display the logged PMs

    .emptylog - Empty the PM log

    .away [reason] - Set your status to away and provide a reason

    .back - Set your status to normal

    .engage [name] - Invite a friend into marriage

    .dance - Start or stop dancing

    .deposit - Exchange Gold for Gold Bars


    Auto Events system



    This system enables players to obtain the Hero status and runs daily from 6-12 server time. You can ether become hero in your own class or hero overall, to learn more about this system visit the Master titled Grand Olympiad Manager located in every base and safe zone.


    Auto SS and BSS enabled, equipment only up to A-Grade allowed!


    Hero pts are reset every 2 weeks!



    Raid Bosses

    This are the retail raids, its strenght is set so they are killable by large clans/partys. The Raid areas are a pvp zone. You can find teleports to the following raids: Valakas, Antharas, Baium, Zaken, Orfen, Queen Ant and Core at the Global Gatekeeper.



    - Gold

    - Special Items lvl2

    - 1x the most valuable SA Raid Jewels


    Global Raid Bosses

    Global raid event happens once per 6 hours, when a random raid is selected and spawned with a buffer on a selected location. The Global Raid areas are a safe zone. This raids have custom textures and are 10x stronger than retail ones.


    You can teleport to the raid and register to its droplist with the ".raid" command.



    - Gold

    - Special Items lvl2

    - 10x the most valuable SA Raid Jewels

    - 1x Raid Boss Wings (no stats)



    Team Vs Team

    In this event players are randomly organised into two teams and fight for a period of 10 minutes. The team with most kills wins. You can start/join by using the ".tvt" command for buffless, or ".tvtbuffed" for buffed event! Players participating can't use any special pots, scrolls or commands and players outside the event arent able to target participans.



    - each kill rewards 3-6 War Coins

    - winning team gets an amount of Gold, dependent on the participans count


    Capture the Flag

    In this event players are randomly organised into two teams and fight for a period of 10 minutes, with the goal of capturing enemy team's flags and bringing them back to their home flag. The team with most flags wins. You can start/join by using the ".ctf" command for buffless, or ".ctfbuffed" for buffed event! Players participating can't use any special pots, scrolls or commands and players outside the event arent able to target participans.



    - each kill rewards 3-6 War Coins

    - winning team gets an amount of Gold, dependent on the participans count


    Last Man Standing

    In this event players are randomly spawned between 5 spawn points and fight for a period of 10 minutes, with the goal of killing all fellow participans, which get ported out on death. The last surviving player wins. You can start/join by using the ".lms" command for buffless, or ".lmsbuffed" for buffed event! Players participating can't use any special pots, scrolls or commands and players outside the event arent able to target participans.



    - each kill rewards 3-6 War Coins

    - winning player gets an amount of Gold, dependent on the participans count


    Death Match

    In this event players are randomly spawned between 5 spawn points and fight for a period of 10 minutes, with the goal of killing all fellow participans as many times as possible. Player with most kills wins. You can start/join by using the ".dm" command for buffless, or ".dmbuffed" for buffed event! Players participating can't use any special pots, scrolls or commands and players outside the event arent able to target participans.



    - each kill rewards 3-6 War Coins

    - winning player gets an amount of Gold, dependent on the participans count


    More events will be added once our community gets larger!



    You can also find many interesting mods related to the game on our website!




    also you can use: www.l2wars.net & www.l2wars.info


    PS: We're going live tomorrow hope to see you all ingame.


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