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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. Clan : clan.jpg - > Download as BMP.

    Ally : ally.jpg - > Download as BMP.


    Together : ally.jpgclan.jpg

    Empty : ally_clan_empty.jpg - > Download as BMP.


    Tell if you need any PSD or something else.



    It's nice really nice but the T should be in the ally crest not in the clan crest and I'm not exactly looking for that . It would be better if you made green lines instead of a green cloud. Still in a need if no one else offers his help i will use yours blane about Pwnz0r's try DUDE :D THE LETTERS ARE BIGGER THAN THE CREST OMAGAD :D and srsly even i can make that

  2. Well I am thinking on seriously starting a server soon and i will probably host a clan that will probably have a lot of people in it and I'll need a decent crest so the rep of my clan is to be rememberd.


    What i need is a set of clan + ally crest smth unique!


    My clan name is Recalcitrance

    My ally name is Tormentors


    I like green color so it should be smth with green .

    I want TR in the crest so it would reprisent my clan and ally name. If possible you should post a clean pic without the TR so if i have ally members they can make a crest for themselves too.

  3. We'll im in a search of a IL server matching these thingies


    [*] Easy farm

    [*] Easy enchant max lower than 30 and if possible Enchant rate more than 80% [if  normal is like 75% but there are blessed that are SOLD IN SHOP with chance like 80%-85% would aslo be nice]

    [*] Not homemade

    [*] I don't mind customs actually i want smth with custom so i have to farm for smth too

    [*] NO BR SERVIDOR PLIZ NOR ESPANOS MUCHACHOS just a normal server where they are EN speakers among the dominating community



    Bonus features that i would like to see :


    [*] Hero coin [ya know'?]

    [*] Weekly Heroes

    [*] I wouldn't even mind a Multiskills/Substuck server with features matching theo nes above.



    Basically i want easy farm easy enchant no lag and lots of pvp.

  4. i even cryed with this ending .


    lol wut?

    Nah, Elfen Lied is rated 18+.


    btw, you probably don't like these songs, cause you're not used to the accent. Lilium is in Latin.


    It's not accent they are gay childish and gay. Lyrics more fucked up then Christian Side hugs Rap song fa real.


    jesus christ i will never understand how you ppl can watch such things also the music under that video...so bad that i wanted to puke...the only good anime song is lilium from elfen lied these are meant for kids under 13...




























































  5. hahaha Netherlands won vs Brazil 2:1 im so happy that i bet contrariwise the team that will win since i always win bets like that f.e i said brazil win but i bet for netherlands and i won the bet. Tomorrow i have  a hard bet tho can't say a winner from Ger/Arg too good 2 be real. we'll see tho i say Argentina and i'll bet Germany let's see what happenms will this be my first lost bet in EuroFootball? Maybe! But time will show.

  6. shit dude needed 3 mins to find what you wanted next time search !




    ~Server Rates~

    Exp x5000

    Sp x5000

    Adena x5000

    Drop x1



    Weapon 7/30

    Armors 7/30

    Jewles 7/30


    ~Enchant Rates~

    Normal Scrolls for Weap 80%

    Norma Scrolls for Armor&Jewls 80%

    Blessed Scrolls 95%


    ~Custom Items/Areas/Npcs~

    Custom Farm Zones Baium Area & Rainbow Springs

    Custom Pk/Pvp Zone

    Custom Gm shop/Gatekeeper/Buffer/Shop

    Custom Items Epic Weapons/Titanium Armor/Epic Shield & 1 Fighter/Mage Tatoo


    ~Special Infos~

    Commands: .away(Use it to show that you are away)

    .back(Use it to come back from .away)

    .online(You can see easily how many players are online)

    Heroes every 2 weeks,Also you can join oly only from Aden town

    Sieges only at Giran,Aden,Goddard,Rune

    And much more in action...!!!

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