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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. If you browse my posts you'll see 3-4 posts in which i detaily explain what dreams are i can't bother to repeat myself tho im happy there's a thread about this too so i can see how superficial some ppl can be ^^.

  2. The principe of learning a language is the same as learning your own language while you grow up. Didn't you ever asked yourself why do i know greek f.e if you're greek ? Because your  mum and dad didn't stop talking to you when you were little. Continue watching animes + Japaneese TV programs that you are totally unaware of and you'll learn it . I've learned English and French like that.

  3. Well that's the first and hopefully not the last guide you post that give a clear view of the subject. I said in your Druid Guide that it's not full since you've started speaking about something and didn't finished your thought here you finished everything it's a nice guide overall yet there's always something more to ask but i'll keep that to myself this time.

  4. and intrepid yes Casillas is from Real but he is Goalkeeper and so doesn't play a role at the gameplay of the team


    and also ramos he is on defence and i say on the other post Spain Gameplay was based on good Mitfield (short passes and fast passes) so he also not played a big role on the gameplay of the team



    I told you , you should shut the fuck up look what you did now you totally proved me you're a retard. Barca trained David Villa but you can't possible know that can you , you dumb fuck.

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