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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. So why should we play there ? I saw nothing more than the everyday IL server... Nothing special.. no worth playing it srsly. Only special thing might end up to be the enchant rate which doesn't really matter if its like max 6 with no safe and 50% since its a PvP server but most kids will never udnerstand so i wont bother to understand. I can't say good luck cuz after a week or two max a month we wont hear from the server much but "due to lack of money we closed our server thank you for being part of our fail" L2 Deimos Admin.

  2. The server is nice indeed atleast his not like other grtards that lcose their server the first week. The server is on for month and a half what more do you want if smth is not how you want it its not like the guy is forcing you to play there you retard. Sheesh.

    I said my opinion,you must to listen and negative opinions.


    And u need to stop spamming since thats not a negative opinion is just jelousy cuz you can't even make smth close to that or atleast keep it alive for such a long time now stfu and gtfo. Im not playing there but i did play i dunno what you find wrong. Stop bitching you retards.

  3. That's not possible.

    The same windows are run from the same pc.

    And the same pc can't have two different IPs.

    Haahaha please don't reply for posts if you dont know shit. Ofc it's possible you just need to create a tool that generates you a IP thru same router and make more window users which both have Admin rights [kinda hard] so don't hope to do that but if u find smth on the net good for you i just give you the start tip i guess aint that hard to search now ? huh.

  4. But for this you need to find a victim... Imagine the guy who discovered the safe enchant exploit (with wh), i mean come one he's on drugs if he told someone :$ Seriously now, i am hitting the wall with my head and asking myself and the others, what the hell did he think about -.-


    it's enough for him to tell it to 1 guy so the disease can spread if it comes to ears of a kid....he goes on a forum see his rewarded with karma and postes it there and think now that he has karma his e-penis has grown. That's how the system goes.

  5. same ;D


    that's called dejavu its something you see in a drema that already have happend but your bran have forgotten it in order for the brain to "free space" for mroe information it provides some momments of your life , repeats them in your dreams , and afterwards deletes them. That's basically why most of you dremas last in your memories for 1-2 days at most and after a week or two you completely forgot what was the dream about.

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