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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. Ok, probably I will format it or I am going to buy new things for my PC. If you saw my last topic about PC.


    Arguments on why its not your VC



    1) You cna play games when something is wrong with VC you usualyl can't play games and you get driver errors and many other thingies

    2) It's most likely Windows if it's not it's processor-related.

    3) It's impossible for the motherboard to be the problem, believe me.



  2. Then go to a company where they can check your PC. If i could only open it i could probably see the problem. But from what you said i think it's more likely that the Bios isn't loading all the features so it causes the PC to not be able to load most of the operations and more importantly to not be able to finish algorithms and be at malfunction

  3. You are kiddin' right?

    Think about it a minute.

    It's NCSoft.

    If they wanted to,mxc would be past,mxc server would be closed for good and you would be jailed.

    It can't be NC Soft.You know that everything we share here is completely illegal and they have everything they need to jail you and every single member.

    So don't be stupid.It is not NCSoft....


    "All of us" is kinda harsh. They cannot jail the members but only those who work on the MxC Project, anyway it's not NCsoft for sure they act with police not with DDOsing because by DDOSING you they are breaking the laws as well. It's probably some other kind of team. Just get their IPs and contact your ISP so he can ban them.

  4. Hey thanks guys for the comments, and its true i need more practice with the liquify im just playng with a lot of styles. but the comments are really welcomed :)


    Here a new tag what i have made today :D.



    btw. i still see you without sig DreaM let me give a tri :)


    post your tries in the sticky topic [the mini contest ] :P.

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