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Everything posted by DreaM

  1. ciger if u ask me they are balancing the gameplay :D and about that i post it so you can laugh nothing more i hope you enjoy it i have a lot more screen...
  2. HaCkz0r, Demonic SouL, xsocom, drk, MariosGr, tzrcryp100, Thanos123, Fatalas and 0 Guests are viewing this topic. Don't turn this to an off topic please. stop the madness! The thread is from today and it have 4 pages of I dont believe you /// I do /// Share it blah blah lol!
  3. demo : /agree I am here i send you an pm . be that kind and leave me an Response
  4. lol i don't believe you to be honest :S Echo is a legend not an tag you can add to your server population
  5. hey wow thanks for mention my name anyway i like the ideas very much i will help the project if we find an PC and anyway i have a lot of more ideas to share but on MSN later on :D
  6. lol too bad they are idiots like you :S. Im in this forum in 1 month / IDIOT
  7. Mihai is my friend lol we made this guild together for your info
  8. well if ya post it i will gratz you :) if ya don't post it its ok. Anyway we aren't idiots and no one will blame you weather you post it or not its your decision and about what you will get hmm if it works maybe an +2 karma or smth it will be a nice share :). Oh and about that you don't want idiots to have it well you're correct so if u are going to post it hide it with min 400 post so it doesn't have leechers.
  9. RCON COMMANDS Rcon stands for "Remote Control". Rcon gives total control over your server. It is a very powerful tool, so we suggest only giving the rcon password to those people that you completely trust. To use Rcon, login by typing the following command, replacing "yourpassword" with the Rcon password on your server. rcon_password yourpassword Remember - You must type rcon in front of any rcon command you are using! For example: rcon say hello world ============================================================================= rcon_password yourpassword changelevel map_name kick name kick#number banid time #number sv_password password sv_restart time sv_restartround time mp_friendlyfire number mp_forcechasecam number mp_roundlimit number mp_roundtime number mp_timelimit number say text m_say @@r text quit [NOTICE : X IS USED FOR A NUMBER like etc.] mp_startmoney x mp_logdetail x mp_playerid x mp_fadetoblack x mp_buytime x mp_winlimit x allow_spectators x Team Killer Banning -automatic team-killer banning and kicking of idle clients - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'. mp_autoteambalance x mp_c4timer x mp_flashlight x mp_footsteps x mp_freezetime x mp_hostagepenalty x mp_limitteams x mp_logmessages x Map Vote Ration mp_kickpercent x mp_tkpunish x ============================================================================= AdminMod Commands AdminMod is a Counter-Strike 1.6 module created and supported by United Admins. ============================================================================= admin_help admin_ban admin_cancelvote admin_cfg admin_chat admin_csay admin_denymap admin_disco admin_enableallweapons admin_enableequipment admin_enablemenu admin_enableweapon admin_execall admin_execclient admin_execteam admin_fraglimit admin_friendlyfire admin_fun admin_gag admin_glow admin_godmode admin_gravity admin_hostname admin_kick [] admin_listmaps admin_listspawn admin_llama admin_map admin_messagemode admin_movespawn admin_nextmap admin_noclip admin_nomessagemode admin_nopass admin_pass admin_pause admin_psay admin_rcon admin_reload admin_removespawn admin_restrictallweapons admin_restrictequipment admin_restrictmenu admin_restrictweapon admin_say admin_servercfg admin_slap admin_slay admin_slayteam admin_spawn admin_ssay admin_stack admin_startvote admin_teamplay admin_teleport admin_timeleft admin_timelimit admin_tsay admin_unban admin_ungag admin_unllama admin_unpause admin_userlist admin_userorigin admin_vote_kick admin_vote_map admin_vsay say rockthevote say glow ============================================================================= CS : Source Commands ============================================================================= Mani Mod Commands Below is a table of most of the commands accessible by the plug-in. If you are unsure of the parameters for a command, type the command by itself and it will tell you the required parameters needed. If you use a command in chat mode, you must put a '@' symbol in front, e.g. @ma_banip "". If you have the cvar mani_use_ma_in_say_command set to 0 then you don’t have to put ma_ in front of the chat commands, e.g you can use @slap mani or @ma_slap mani. ============================================================================= ma_aban_name <a player name> <ban time> ma_aban_pname <a partial player name> <ban time> ma_admingroups ma_admins ma_akick_ip <ip address> ma_akick_name <a player name> ma_akick_pname <a partial player name> ma_akick_steam <steam id> ma_ashow_ip ma_ashow_name ma_ashow_pname ma_ashow_steam ma_balance ma_ban <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <ban time> ma_banip <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <ban time> ma_beacon <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <1|0> ma_blind <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <blind amount> ma_browse <url> ma_burn <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> ma_cexec <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <client command> ma_cexec_all <client command> ma_cexec_ct <client command> ma_cexec_spec <client command> ma_cexec_t <client command> ma_chat <message> ma_color <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <red 0-255> <blue 0-255> <green 0-255> <alpha 0-255> ma_color <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <red 0-255> <blue 0-255> <green 0-255> <alpha 0-255> ma_csay <message> ma_decal <Decal Name from decallist.txt> ma_dropc4 ma_drug <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <1|0> ma_effect <params> ma_explode ma_firebomb <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <1|0> ma_forcegametype ma_freeze <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <1|0> ma_freezebomb <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <1|0> ma_game ma_gimp <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <1|0> ma_give <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <weapon name> ma_giveammo <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <weapon slot> <Primary fire type ammo = 1, alternate fire type ammo = 0> <amount of ammo> <Give ammo noise, 1 = no noise, 0 = noise> ma_givecash <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <cash amount to add> ma_givecash #all 16000 ma_givecashp <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <cash amount to add> ma_givehealth <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <health> ma_givehealthp <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <percentage to give> ma_help ma_immunity ma_immunity groups ma_kick <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> ma_knives ma_map <map name> ma_mapcycle ma_maplist ma_msay <time> <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <message> ma_mute <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <1|0> ma_noclip <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> ma_nosnipers ma_offset <offset> ma_offsetscan <value to look for> <start offset> <end offset> ma_pistols ma_play <sound number or partial sound name> ma_postition ma_psay <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <message> ma_ranks ma_rates <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> ma_rcon <rcon command> ma_render <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <render mode, 0-100> ma_renderfx <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <render fx type, 0-100> ma_restrict <weapon name> < optional number of weapons allowed per team> ma_saveloc ma_say <message> ma_setadminflag <user id of admin on server | steam id of admin in list | name of admin in list> <flag list> ma_setcash <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <cash amount to give> ma_sethealth <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <health> ma_setnextmap <map name> ma_setskin <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <skin name> ma_settings ma_shotguns ma_showrestrict ma_showsounds ma_slap <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <optional damage amount> ma_slay <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> ma_spec <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> ma_swapteam <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> ma_takecash <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <cash amount to add> ma_takecashp <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <cash amount to add> ma_takehealth <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <health> ma_takehealthp <player name | partial name | user id | steam id> <percentage to give> ma_teamindex ma_teleport <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <x> <y> <z> ma_timebomb <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> <1|0> ma_timeleft ma_tklist ma_unaban_name <a player name> ma_unaban_pname <a partial player name> ma_unakick_ip <ip address> ma_unakick_name <a player name> ma_unakick_pname <a partial player name> ma_unakick_steam <steam id> ma_unban <Steam ID or IP Address> ma_unrestrict <weapon name> ma_unrestrictall ma_users <player name, partial player name, steam id or user id> ma_version ma_vote <delay type (“now”, “round”, “end”)> <maps to vote for> ma_voterandom <delay type (“now”, “round”, “end”)> <number of maps> ma_votecancel ma_voteextend ma_votemaplist ma_votequestion <question title> <question options to vote for> ma_votercon <rcon title> <rcon command> ma_war or ma_war <1 | 0> ============================================================================= CS : Source RCON Commands are the same with 1.6! ============================================================================= Have any questions about the command usage or etc? Post them here
  10. Introduction Have you been playing Counter-Strike and you now want to set up your own dedicated server? Or are you just curious how a dedicated server works? Those questions come up all the time in Counter-Strike communities all over the world. Many of you probably think it's a very complicated process, but in fact, it is more time consuming rather than complicated. Short explanation of the dedicated server components A Counter-Strike 1.6 dedicated server isn't just one piece of software that works out-of-the-box but it's rather a combination of software packages that work together, as one. These are a dedicated server's components: HLDS - Stands for Half-Life Dedicated Server and contains the Half-Life game engine, files and other things needed for our dedicated server. Counter-Strike 1.6. - This game is in fact, just a MOD (Modification) for the game Half-Life. MetaMOD – Is a plugin/DLL which hooks up to a Half-Life MOD and can run many plugins at once. For example, if you don't have an Internet connection but still want to run a HLDS, MetaMOD allows you to run an administrative plugin and a bot plugin at the same time. A bot is actually a roBOTic computer controlled entity that simulates actual players in a game. AMXModX – Is a MetaMOD plugin mainly designed for server administration. Besides this, AMXModX has a wide array of scripting capabilities so you write plugins which add on to a mod's functionality. Alternatively, you can choose plugins from a very large and varied database. Hardware Requirements In this section, I'll explain how much Internet bandwidth and cpu/ram resources are needed to build an average server with 20 public slots (how much players can join your server) so these requirements can be slightly different if you decide to set-up a smaller or bigger server. Requirements: 1,024kbps (128kB/s) download AND upload Internet speed with own Internet IP or LAN IP with forwarded ports 1GHz CPU 512MB RAM. It should work on 256MB but it's not recommended. 1GB disk space libstdc++.so.5 library Getting the files we need First of all, we need to create a home directory for the dedicated server. Login as root and type this in the console: # mkdir /usr/hlds # cd /usr/hlds Next, download the files: # wget http://storefront.steampowered.com/download/hldsupdatetool.bin # wget http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/metamod/metamod-1.19-linux.tar.gz # wget http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amxmodx/amxmodx-1.75a-base.tar.gz # wget http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amxmodx/amxmodx-1.75-cstrike.tar.gz Installing HLDS Presuming your current directory is /usr/hlds, you have to uncompress the hlds update tool: # chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin # ./hldsupdatetool.bin If you get the "sh: uncompress: command not found" error, type this and then start over the last two commands: # ln -s /usr/bin/gunzip /usr/bin/uncompress After the uncompress action completed successfully, there should be a new file named 'steam'. Start the server installation typing the command: # ./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir . If the bootstrapper was updated, you have to run the command again. Depending on your connection speed, the install process could take from a few minutes to a few hours. The installation size is about 200MB. When the process is finished successfully, the following message will be printed: HLDS installation up to date Configuring HLDS The HLDS configuration is made through cvars. Cvars are variables that affect how your server is viewed and played. The HLDS cvars sit in a file called server.cfg. Here is an example of a server.cfg holding the minimum configuration cvars and here is the list of all cvars with descriptions. MetaMOD Installation Create the directories needed by MetaMOD typing these commands: # mkdir /usr/hlds/cstrike/addons # mkdir /usr/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod # mkdir /usr/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod/dlls Go to dlls directory: # cd /usr/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod/dlls Extract the archive downloaded earlier: # tar xfz /usr/hlds/metamod-1.19-linux.tar.gz You should now have a file called "metamod_i386.so" in the "dlls" directory. Next, you have to 'tell' the HLDS you’re about to use metamod as your game dll. This is done by editing the file /usr/hlds/cstrike/liblist.gam using a text editor (of your choice). In that file you should see the line: gamedll_linux "dlls/cs_i386.so" which you have to replace with: gamedll_linux "addons/metamod/dlls/metamod_i386.so" AmxMODX Installation Go to the cstrike directory and type the following commands: # cd /usr/hlds/cstrike # tar xfz /usr/hlds/amxmodx-1.75a-base.tar.gz # tar xfz /usr/hlds/amxmodx-1.75-cstrike.tar.gz You should now have a new directory named "amxmodx" inside the /usr/hlds/cstrike directory. Next, you must "tell" MetaMOD you are going to use the AMXModX plugin: # echo "linux addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so" > /usr/hlds/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini Minimal AMXModX Configuration The AMXMODX configuration is pretty straightforward and it's made through the files inside the /usr/hlds/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs directory. Every file has its own cvars which are explained in detail so there shouldn't be any problems. Creating users with access on your server You can assign a username and a password to certain people which are going to administer your server. They are added in users.ini in the same configs directory. For example, if you add and admin with username "Player" and password "123", that admin has to type in his game console before connecting to your server: name Player setinfo _pw 123 The "_pw" string can be modified in amxx.cfg next to "amx_password_field" cvar. If, for example, you change the "_pw" string to "_whatever", then the player has to type "setinfo _whatever 123" before connecting to your server. Add statistics and events This is an optional step and you should do it if you want certain statistics and events being printed to every player's screen during the game. Among many others, the statistics show the most disruptive player and team for every round, how much damage one's made to the other, how much did he take and so on. This plugin is called StatsX and can be enabled editing modules.ini and plugins.ini: modules.ini Open it up with a text editor and uncomment (remove the; at the beginning of the line) the following line: csx_amxx_i386.so plugins.ini Open it up with a text editor and uncomment the following lines: statsx.amxx miscstats.amxx stats_logging.amxx You can choose what events are enabled or not using the in-game stats config menu. For this, you have to add an account with maximum access to users.ini file, join the server with that account and type the following command in the game console: amx_statscfgmenu The complete AMXModX commands and cvars list can be found on AMXModX official homepage, under the DOC section. The list is way too large to be added to this tutorial. Starting the server Change directory to /usr/hlds and type the command: # cd /usr/hlds # ./hlds_run -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map de_dust2 If you want to run the server in the background, you have two options: Normal # ./hlds_run -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map de_dust2 > /dev/null 2>&1 & This will launch the server in the background, sending the output to /dev/null. The good thing about this variant is that you don't need any additional software installed. The bad thing is that you can't attach to it later and make live modifications to it. If you want to see what is happening while the server is running, replace /dev/null with the name of a file (eg. hlds.log) or use the next run option. Using screen Presuming you already have screen installed and know a little about using it (detaching and re-attaching to it), start the server using the following command: # cd /usr/hlds # screen -A -m -d -S hlds ./hlds_run -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map de_dust2 To make the HLDS run at linux boot, just add the start-up command (with or without screen) to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file. For example (using screen): # echo "cd /usr/hlds" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local # echo "screen -A -m -d -S hlds ./hlds_run -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map de_dust2" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local I hope you've found this guide helpful and have made an idea about how to create a Counter-Strike dedicated server with little effort. But this is just the beginning as there are many more things you can do and add to make your server an enjoyable gaming experience for you and those playing on it. There are hundreds of addons and AMXModX scripts that customize and even radically change the gameplay on your server. Have fun! credits to HaCkz0r & Mihai Marinof
  11. lol sure lack of money there was around 15 donators minimum oh wait that wasn't donation that was GM corruption i forgot R.I.P
  12. hey mate im sure here you will find many interesting things :) also you can share things that you know and become an uploader etc :) not don't go straight relax :) and welcome to our forum . HF ;)
  13. its very nice and they are 100 ppls online and they are increasing each day try it out you wont regret :)
  14. // -- Common Aliases -- alias clear1 "w; w; w; w; slot10; w; w; w; slot10; w; w; w; w; slot10; w; w; w; slot10" // -- Weapon Aliases -- // Buy Ammo alias +primary "buy; ms6" alias -primary "slot10" alias +secondary "buy; ms7" alias -secondary "slot10" alias +bothammo "+primary; +secondary" alias -bothammo "-primary; -secondary; slot10" // Buy Items alias +vest "buyequip; ms1" alias -vest "clear1" alias +vestfull "buyequip; ms2" alias -vestfull "clear1" alias +flashgren "buyequip; ms3" alias -flashgren "clear1" alias +hegren "buyequip; ms4" alias -hegren "clear1" alias +smokegren "buyequip; ms5" alias -smokegren "clear1" alias +defuser "buyequip; ms6; clear1" alias -defuser "clear1" alias +nvg "buyequip; ms7; w3; nightvision" alias -nvg "clear1" // Pistols alias +usp "buy; ms1; ms1; +secondary" alias -usp "-secondary; clear1" alias +glock18 "buy; ms1; ms2; +secondary" alias -glock18 "-secondary; clear1" alias +deagle "buy; ms1; ms3; +secondary" alias -deagle "-secondary; clear1" alias +p228 "buy; ms1; ms4; +secondary" alias -p228 "-secondary; clear1" // Five-Seven Or Dual Berettas alias +teampistol "buy; ms1; ms6; buy; ms1; ms5; +secondary" alias -teampistol "-seondary; clear1" // Shotguns alias +m3 "buy; ms2; ms1; +primary" alias -m3 "-primary; clear1" alias +xm1014 "buy; ms2; ms2; +primary" alias -xm1014 "-primary; clear1" // Sub-Machine Guns alias +mp5 "buy; ms3; ms1; +primary" alias -mp5 "-primary; clear1" alias +p90 "buy; ms3; ms3; +primary" alias -p90 "-primary; clear1" alias +ump45 "buy; ms3; ms5; +primary" alias -ump45 "-primary; clear1" // MAC-10 Or Steyr Machine Pistol alias +teamsmg "buy; ms3; ms4; buy; ms3; ms2; +primary" alias -teamsmg "-primary; clear1" // Rifles alias +scout "buy; ms4; ms5; +primary" alias -scout "-primary; clear1" alias +awp "buy; ms4; ms6; +primary" alias -awp "-primary; clear1" // G3 SG1 Or SG 550 alias +teamsniper "buy; ms4; ms7; buy; ms4; ms8; +primary" alias -teamsniper "-primary; clear1" // M4A1 Or AK-47 alias +teamrifile1 "buy; ms4; ms1; buy; ms4; ms3; +primary" alias -teamrifile1 "-primary; clear1" // Aug Or SG Commando alias +teamrifile2 "buy; ms4; ms2; buy; ms4; ms4; +primary" alias -teamrifile2 "-primary; clear1" // Machine Guns alias +m249 "buy; ms5; ms1; +primary" alias -m249 "-primary; clear1" // Combos alias +allgren "flash; flash; hegren; smoke" alias -allgren "clear1" alias flash "buyequip; ms3" alias hegren "buyequip; ms4" alias smoke "buyequip; ms5" alias +basiccombo "+defuser; +vestfull; +bothammo" alias -basiccombo "-defuser; -vestfull; -bothammo; clear1" alias +awpcombo "+awp; +deagle; +bothammo; +hegren" alias -awpcombo "-awp; -deagle; -bothammo; -hegren; clear1" // End Of Weapon Buy File Better FPS Put this in a file called "cs.cfg" or something. developer 1 fps_max 150 fps_modem 0 mat_dxlevel -70 Then while in-game type "exec cs.cfg" and you should start noticing some increased FPS shortly. Not sure if it works with everyone though :P Note: It'll say unknown command mat_dxlevel, but it'll still work. //===- -===// // Chat's color changer // //===- -===// alias black "con_color 0+0+0" alias darkergrey "con_color 51+51+51" alias darkgrey "con_color 66+66+66" alias lightergrey "con_color 90+90+90" alias evenlightergrey "con_color 150+150+150" alias lightiergrey "con_color 190+190+190" alias lightestgrey "con_color 220+220+220" alias white "con_color 255+255+255" alias red "con_color 255+51+51" alias darkred "con_color 204+0+0" alias lightred "con_color 255+0+0" alias green "con_color 0+204+51" alias darkgreen "con_color 0+102+0" alias lightgreen "con_color 0+255+0" alias blue "con_color 0+102+102" alias darkblue "con_color 0+0+153" alias lightblue "con_color 0+0+255" alias purple "con_color 204+0+153" alias darkpurple "con_color 204+0+255" alias lightpurple "con_color 255+0+255" alias brown "con_color 153+153+102" alias yellow "con_color 255+255+0" alias orange "con_color 255+102+51" alias pink "con_color 255+0+204" alias darkpink "con_color 204+102+153" alias color "cl1" alias cl1 "black; alias color cl2" alias cl2 "darkergrey; alias color cl3" alias cl3 "darkgrey; alias color cl4" alias cl4 "lightergrey; alias color cl5" alias cl5 "evenlightergrey; alias color cl6" alias cl6 "lightiergrey; alias color cl7" alias cl7 "lightestgrey; alias color cl8" alias cl8 "white;alias color cl9" alias cl9 "red;alias color cl10" alias cl10 "darkred;alias color cl11" alias cl11 "lightred;alias color cl12" alias cl12 "green;alias color cl13" alias cl13 "darkgreen;alias color cl14" alias cl14 "lightgreen;alias color cl15" alias cl15 "blue;alias color cl16" alias cl16 "darkblue;alias color cl17" alias cl17 "lightblue;alias color cl18" alias cl18 "purple;alias color cl19" alias cl19 "darkpurple;alias color cl20" alias cl20 "lightpurple;alias color cl21" alias cl21 "brown;alias color cl22" alias cl22 "yellow;alias color cl23" alias cl23 "orange;alias color cl24" alias cl24 "pink;alias color cl25" alias cl25 "darkpink;alias color cl1" Bind "f5" "color" echo ".:[Chat's color change]:." echo " F5 - change chat's color" Accuracy Enhancement Gives eXtremely enhanced accuracy while walking.. Insert the following code into your server/autoexec.cfg The Codealias +mp.own sensitivity 1 alias -mp.own sensitivity x alias pwn.tog pwn1 alias pwn1 "+mp.own; +speed; alias pwn.tog pwn2" alias pwn2 "-mp.own; -speed; alias pwn.tog pwn1" bind "shift" pwn.tog Instructions: This script makes "shift" a walk-toggle button, which means; tap once for walking and accuracy, tap again to return to normal speed and accuracy.. Replace the x in the script with the sensitivity that you usually use.. Awp / Shoot / Knife / Awp Simple script 4 AWP. ...................... [AWP] ...................... ;alias w "wait";alias w2 "w;wait";alias w3 "w2;wait";alias w4 "w3;wait";alias w5 "w4;wait";alias +F.23 "+attack;F.23.1";alias -F.23 "-attack";alias F.23.1 "w;w;F.23.2";alias F.23.2 "weapon_knife;F.23.3";alias F.23.3 "weapon_awp";alias F.23.4 "F.23.5";alias F.23.5 "bind mouse1 +F.23;alias F.23.4 F.23.6";alias F.23.6 "bind mouse1 +attack;alias F.23.4 F.23.5" bind mouse3 "F.23.4" @ FeniXs 2007 ...................... [AWP] ...................... In game press mouse3 (Mouse wheel) to get script working. B-hop Script. Not sure if this is allowed anymore, if it is please delete. //Bhop alias +newbh "alias _special jump; jump" alias -newbh "alias _special" alias newbhtoggle "bhopon" alias jump "special; wait; +jump; wait; -jump" alias bhopon "bind space +newbh; speak on; alias newbhtoggle bhopoff" alias bhopoff "unbind space; bind space +jump; speak off; alias newbhtoggle bhopon" bind space +newbh bind mouse3 +newbh Just put this in autoexec.cfg This is detected by HLGuard! It wont ban you, but it will change your name and make you jump like 4 times, and change your mouse1 bind. Hope i helped HaCkz0r.
  15. well from the time i used to play WoW i didn't played private servers but im sure you can find a good server in www.hopzone.net
  16. This guide is really a cookie cutter build for all you PvP mages out there that want to own a lot in Arena and Battlegrounds. With Frost Mage PvP you really want to focus on a 0/5/56 build (0 in Arcane, 5 in Fire, 56 in Frost). Below I will outline what talents will help you out a lot with it as well. Fire Tree Impact (5 points) - This talent spell will give all your Fire spells a 10% chance to stun the target for 2 seconds. This is extremely valuable tool for PvP due to the fact it helps keep your enemy slowed down enough to do some major damage to them before they can reach you. Frost Tree Improved Frostbolt (5 points) - This talent will decrease the casting time of your frostbolt spell by a half a second. Who wouldn't want to cast this faster? Smiley Elemental Precision (3 points) - This talent reduces mana cost and chance targets resists your Frost and Fire spells by 3%. Ice Shards (5 points) - Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Frost spells by 100%. Frost Bite (3 points) - Gives your Chill effects a 15% to freeze the target for 5 seconds. Improved Frost Nova (2 points) - Reduces the cooldown of your Frost Nova spell by 4 seconds. Permafrost (3 points) - This increases the duration of your Chill effects by 3 seconds and reduces the target speed by an additional 10%. You can start to see the power of this build especially against any melee attacker (Warriors tend to come to mind here). Keep them CC'ed and blast away at them. Can bring you in a pretty quick win against them. Piercing Ice (3 points) - This increases the damage of all your Frost spells by 6%. Coldsnap (1 point) - This is an extremely useful instant spell which when used it finishes the cooldown on all your frost spells. The only downside with this is that it has a 10 minute cooldown itself, but then again if it didn't have such a long cooldown Mage PvP would be even more overpowered than it currently is. Artic Reach (2 points) - Increases the range of your Frostbolt and Blizzard spells and the radius of your Frost Nova and Cone of Cold spells by 20%. Frost Channeling (3 points) - Reduces the mana cost of your Frost spells by 15% and reduces the threat caused by your Frost spells by 10%. Shatter (5 points) - Increases the critical strike chance of all your spells against frozen targets by 50%. Ice Block (1 point) - This spell is the equivalent to the Paladin's bubble and can save you from death by protecting you from all physical attacks for 10 seconds but you can not attack, use spells, or move. You can only use this once every 30 seconds. Improved Cone of Cold (3 points) - Increases the damage dealt by your Cone of Cold spell by 35%. Winter's Chill (5 points) - Gives your Frost damage spells a 100% chance to apply the Winter's Chill effect which increases the chance a Frost spell will critically hit the target by 2% for 15 seconds. It can stack up to 5 times. Ice Barrier (1 point) - Instantly shields you absorbing 454 damage at rank 1 but it is trainable to be able to absorb 1003 damage at rank 5. It lasts for 1 minute and the spells you cast will not be interrupted while the shield is on you. Artic Winds (5 points) - Increases all Frost damage you cause by 5% and reduces the chance melee and ranged attacks will hit you by 5%. Empowered Frostbolt (5 points) - Your Frostbolt spell gains an additional 10% of your bonus spell damage effects and an additional 5% chance to critically strike. Summon Water Elemental (1 point) - This is kinda what makes it so useful with all the slowing abilities as well as the Frost Nova spells. This spell summons a Water Elemental to fight for you for 45 seconds. The Water Elemental is very useful in Arenas since 45 seconds really can be a long time in an arena match. Keep your opponent slowed down or Frost Nova'd and let your Water Elemental do a lot of the damage while you work towards keeping your opponent CC'ed the whole time. It does take some practice but can be very hard to beat with an experienced player with tons of mage pvp practice behind the wheel. If you play a World of Warcraft Mage and have a guide (PvP or PvE) that you have written and you would like to see it on this website please feel free to drop me an e-mail to get it listed on this site. Be sure to bookmark this page.
  17. World of Warcraft Warlock Build - 30 Affliction / 5 Demonology / 10 Destruction Rules of thumb 1-Always keep Detect Invisiblity buff on. Might not be powerful but its powerful enough it to see cloaked rogues about 10yards away in the front. 2-Always start off a battle with, Curse of Agony and Corruption. If you have talent points like I have distributed, both spells are instants. 3-Pets. I normally keep my Succubus out in contested areas, or sometimes my Voidwalker. Keep the Succubus cloaked all the time, most players unless they have some kind cloak detection, their cloak will help you get the drop. Seduction, use it only when either Silenced or Stunned, I know the curse damage will kill the seduction effect, but that few seconds can save you up to 4-600 hp. Voidwalker Shield, great to use to cast longer spells or to use drain life or to get fear out. 4-You should have enough health or ways of getting health to make you go toe to toe with same level players(and possibly 1 or 2 lvls higher). Stamina and Intellect are your goals in armor. I still have lvl 43gloves and bracers, only cause I cant find good enough ones to replace them with, +13 Stamina +8 Intellect gloves, +14 stamina +8Intellect bracers. Sure armor would be nice but Ill sacrifice a little armor for health and mana. 5-Soulstones. Always keep one on you. If you die, rez right away and get some distance. Hopefully when you died, the other player will have little health and/or mana. Giving you an edge, cause you'll rez with more health and mana in most cases. Waiting around for them to leave is not a good idea. Since everyone knows you can rez, they just heal up and get you when you do. 6- Healing. Healthstones area a must! Potions are a must! this gives you 2 quick ways to heal without wasting mana. Healthstone first at the first 800 points lost. Save your potion when your at half health. If I have the upper hand in health, I would use Death Coil then tap that for extra mana. Or as a quick finisher. 7- Lifetap. Im really not a big fan of using this in the middle of a PvP battle, so I keep a stack mana potions just incase. Use this if you know your going to win and you need the little extra mana to finish him off. Jduge how the battle is going, mana potion vs health potion use your best judgement 8-Curses that reduce resistance. A no no in PvP. You sacrifice your biggest DoT spell. Curse of Agony... 9-As a Warlock, keep a few resistance potions with you. I normally enter a fight with an all resistance potion already buff'd on me and have either a nature or shadow resistance potion handy. If your going to use use a resistance potion use it now at the beginning of a battle rather than later and lose the opportunity to use a needed health potion. 10. Fear and Howl of Terror. Use wisely, since the 1.4 patch the overall effect in casting multiple times becomes less and less to a point where there immune. So try and make your spell casting count. ---- Rogues There probably the most dangerous you will face. Fear will always be your greatest weapon. Dont stand around to long. Their DPS is higher than yours so you wont last long. Fear when you need a break or to cast long spells, there all attack so if you keep them away from you you'll do fine. Warriors If you get Charged(stunned) at the beginning of battle, Use Seduction on them right away, you'll recover fast than he will and give you the opportunity to cast your spells to equal out any damage taken. Fear and Suduction will keep you alive. They dont have the greatest DPS but when they hit you'll feel it. Again if you get feared or stunned, use seduction to counter and keep the damage to you minimal. Paladins Like all melee attackers, Fear and Sudection will keep you alive. If you can keep them feared when your stunned you'll win 95% of the time. About halfway through the battle cast curse of tongues. This will slow down the casting time to their healing spell giving you that few extra seconds to cast a longer more powerful spell like Soulfire or a few shadow bolts. Shamans To me probably one of your hardest fight. If you come across an 'Elemental Shaman' your in for a fight. Earth shock will interupt spell casting, so its important to get out your instant spells quick. Keep moving, if you see a totem back off. Fear then Soulfire to do a huge amount of damage. When the shaman comes off his fear, seduction him and blast him with shadowbolts. Try and stay away from firespells if you see totems. Hunters Ignore the pet, and get in pretty close. Their DPS isnt as high as the others so youll last a little longer here. Get in close and cast howl of terror. Then start spamming the spells. Get your soulfire out about mid fight to drop his health down to nothing. This in an overall sense an easy fight if you keep him moving and the pet off of you. Druids Druids fall pretty easy if you keep your distance, just out of melee range. There health isnt as high as the other melee fighters, but their DPS is high enough if your not carefull youll die quick. Just attack them like a melee attacker and theyll fall. If they go into their humanoid form cast curse of tongues and continue casting bolts and searing pain. Mages This will be your toughest battle. Cast your spells and try and keep your health up. If you get counterspelled. Seduction or sacrifice your voidwalker to give you time till the effect wears off. Keep them feared as much as possible. Curse of tongues should be used when your Agony spell is about to wear off. This will help lessen the damage to you. Since most mages are arcane, they'll eat through mana quickly so if you do die rez asap and continue the fight. Most mages after a tough pvp fight need at least 30seconds to restore half of there mana which is more than enough to kill you again. Dont give them that chance. Keep your distance! Arcane Explosion is a killer and they can cast 2-3 before you can get out of range. Preists Most priests ive come across are shadow priests, and are pushovers to me cause I have a ton of shadow protection/resistance. If you dont. Cast curse of tongues and keep it on him, use your other non curse spells to kill him, most priests have relativley low HP, so use that to your advantage. If he starts to mana drain you, do it back to him! This will keep the mana points equal and will make it come down to who has the most health and who can cause the most DoT, which is you. Just keep your mana up! Warlocks Like fighting your twin. What ever you do he can do you back. You just have to have more hp and maximize your spell casting. This will be a back and forth battle. I rarely come across antoher warlock who wants to fight, cause he knows the battle is equal, and if your a warlock you should have high resistance to shadow, which is the bulk of most of your best DoT spells. So in good faith, most warlocks i come across we just pass each other. If you do get in a battle, start out the battle and keep your shadow ward spell up at all times. Fire spells will do the most damage in this fight, Curse of tongues is a helper but I would rather use Curse of agony over tongues in this fight. Mind you, in most battles you should be able to hit Shadow Trance at least 2-3 times so spam out bolts when you see your trance state. Questing and Soloing In questing, as always your Voidwalker will be your biggest assest. Casting order... Corruption Curse of Agony Siphon Life Immolate Shadowbolt. This will normally cause the monster to aggro to you. Searing pain and continue to cast shadow bolts. About 5% health left drainsoul. (If your low on health or mana, cast a drain mana/life spell in there) Im most cases if I know no horde is near me, Ill take on 2 at a time. cast your first 3 spells on both creatures and have your VoidWalker grab the aggro from first creature, once the first creature is attacking the VW, have the VW attack the second to grab its aggro. Now pull back and finish off the first one. I can take on monsters about 2-3 levels above me, but I timing is everything. Cast the first 2, then wait about 15 seconds to cast immolate and your shadow bolts. By 15 seconds they shold have about 70-80% health. giving you a good advantage. If the creature continues to resist and your losing health, sacrifice your voidwalker to give you time to finish the job. If your fighting creatures about 3-4 levels below you, you can grab 3-4 at a time just make sure to cast siphon life on all of them. You can use the succubus, but if you do... keep your distance to the edge of your casting range. and continue from there. Pets The imp. A useful pet in parties to help give everyone extra health and minor help in attacking. I keep him on passive and have him just follow. I rarely use the imp when soloing. A lot of Warlocks I see have him out, but I think its only cause they need the extra stamina. Felhunter. again another ok pet in parties. Soloing hes a good alternative for the Succubus in DPS, hes the second best pet for DPS, next to the Succubus. Spell Lock is a great spell when going up against creatures who use magic. In PvP, its an ok spell but only lasts a few seconds and most players will just use spell school. Voidwalker. (aka VW) The tanks of tanks. Add a scroll of defense and his defense is comparable to plate armor. A beast in taking damage but dont rely on him to deal damage. Succubus. DPS queen of pets. Lash of Pain is nice when she gets to attack from behind, Ive seen her do damage close to 300 crit (lvl50), with the lash of pain. So she can definitely help in killing. Suduction is a helper if you get overrun by humaniods and if you get surpirsed attack by another player. Infernal. This is an ok pet to use. Its decent in strength does about 140-180 melee damage and about 50-70 fire radius damage (lvl 50). Keep a good stock of soul shards, cause you'll have to keep inslaving it to keep it. The summon has an hour cooldown so use wisely. Helpful Professions Alchemy / Herblism For the variety of potions available there something you can always use. Agility potions to help dodge rate. Shadow firepower potions. Magic resistence. Plus since you dont have to pay for a mount money should never be an issue. Plus the lower-mid level herbs and potions you can make a killing in gold. The higher end potions and herbs are over priced most of the times so if you set your price lower, you can run the market. And take money early. Engineering I think ive found a great way to utilize this profession. Sooner or later your going to be in contested zones all the time, Ive found a good use for nets while in those zones. If your pvp hunting, nets are good way to keep most players stuck, giving you the opportunity to start casting spells. Or if you get attacked while grinding/farming, a net cangive you that 10 sec time to get away or heal up to fight. Under used item is the Goblin Mind control cap. Nothing better than to mind control your enemy and have him start attacking his buddy or some monster near by. While out in Un'Goro, me and my mage buddy were questing, and a horde rogue and warrior decide they could take us. So my mage friend mind controls the warroir and sicks him on the Devilsaur in the distance, whoops hes dead now! leaving the rogue to take on the both of us. Theres a few other cool trinkets that you might find useful in certain situations thumb through the list, be creative! First Aid Wow, I can say that this is a life saver, to quickly regen health in a hurry. I wouldnt recommend selling bandages at the AH. You can make better money at a vendor. A strategy I use to keep down time to a minimum, is to life tap as much as I can, usually that fills up my mana all the way, then Healing myself using a bandage(2000hp heavy runecloth) and im good to go for another battle or 2. But this skill helps in a group, making you a bit more useful other than DoT spells and grabbing aggro. Cooking Another good skill to pick up. Some of the better meats give bonuses like +12 to spirit for 20 minutes. Stuff like that helps in the long run. Most of the other skills/professions if you do pick them up, it should be just for money. I havent been able to find a good use for them. Be sure to bookmark this page
  18. This guide will help you create a character that will be totally awesome at battlegrounds. It does take quite a bit of gold to do this but this guide also covers some wow gold making tips. Contents: 1) Intro 2) Funding your twink - Techniques that work for me! - All possible aspects of obtaining gold you will need to make an awesome twink! 3) What you will need -How much gold (including plug in numbers for different servers!) -Enchants -Armor -Weapons -Quests (Horde and Alliance) -Pick a duty, and focus on that (ganking for honor, running the flag, defending, etc.) 4) The Battlegrounds -Assuming you want to make a twink to "Pwn" the BG and get that reputation bar up to where YOU want it to be! -What's the Best Descision for you? 5) Learning your alt -First, choose a class -Tips, and how to -Pick a job for your twink, and focus on making that job easy for your level 19, 29, or 39 character! 1) Introduction Welcome to my twinking guide, Here I will explain everything you will need to know (more in the coming posts) about twinking, including Who/what/when/where/why and HOW! This guide will (eventually) cover important, previously un-adressed information like; Funding, What you will need to accomplish, Where to concentrate your effort(defense, offense, etc.) Whatever reason you chose to make a twink, you've chose the right reason. Some make twinks to "catch-up" while others do it out of boredom. Here you will learn steps you will need to take in order to meet your own needs. 2) Funding your Twink.. Okay, Lets be down to earth. not everyone has 5,000 gold to spend. You might have anywhere from nothing to 500 gold. I've found a few posts on the internet about making money. there are many choices here.. A.Scam your way to finacial freedom Either you dis-approve this method or not, bottom line it makes some serious gold. Things like mass mailing "dontations" and even things like 500 gold for a wrapped gray item. B.Cash into Gold You might have contemplated laying down the green in exhange for some gold, I've done this and it does work. You do get 1000 gold but the downside is, if you arent used to having that much money, it goes by way too quickly. Instead of buying that one epic, you can do things like buy the mats to make an epic item of your profession or get an alt to 300/300 of a "money making" profession. If you invest it, you will get much more in return. C.Quest for it With the XP into Gold with patch 1.10, this method may work. i've noticed i usually come up short handed in UBRS raids. i'll earn 1 gold an hour, and make about 3-4 gold then have to repair my armor for 3 gold 38 silver. You can grind for it, and quest for it. this is a lot of work, but if your up to grinding for 500g to get an enchant for your alt, no one is stopping you. -Breakdown All of these methods work, including some not mentioned. mass-resell, and reselling epics, or "farming" those leet purples might work for you. Basically you need something to fund your newly aquired character. 2) What you will need A. Gold This was mentioned above, however you will need a hefty flow of gold to buy the enchants, armor, weapons, potions, etc. the price on the server for different enchants varies, so I wont "estimate" the cost. For Suramar, the price for enchants is usually anywhere from 20g (firey enchant) to 340g (crusader) its cheaper to buy the enchant from the enchanter, and fund the cost with your choice of income. Save your professions for making more gold. Depending on the class, you're really going to want different enchants than the next person and there are "customizations" for each duty you choose. EXAMPLE: A Rogue, specializing in flag-running for mass reputation bonus' will want... Chest: Health +100 Back: defense +70 Feet: Speed increase Weapon(s): +15 agility Hands: Agility (or attack rate) Bracers: Agility or Stamina Trinkets: Insignia of the alliance, and the Wool Lufa that cancels bleed effects. Potions: Health potions, Healthstones from a warlock, Invisibility potion (more stealth), Greater fire/shadow/etc. resist potion because all those twinks are doing fire damage with their firey weapon enchant. Thistle tea.. a lot of thistle tea. This will give you 100 energy, which you can use to lay down the ownage. 3) What you will need -Enchants- Each class is going to want different enchants. Start with what you know! Mage's don't need strength, and warriors can't use intellect. From there break it down to Magic and Melee classes then the Mixed catagory. Magic: Mage, Warlock, Priest Mage: Low level intellect enchants are a great place to start. here is a short list of enchants, plug in the numbers of the price on YOUR server to see how much all of this would cost you. Enchant Price(Gold) Enchant Item Permanent (Intellect +22) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Intellect +3) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Intellect +5) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Intellect +7) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Intellect +9) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Intellect +8) ________ Remember, for a mage these enchants are an awesome place to start. Use your budget to determine your overall affordablility for your twink. Warlock: Low level Stamina and health enchants are great for that level 19 warlock who just learned Life Tap at level 16, stamina becomes intellect instantly, and you get more Mana per HP if you put talent points into your improoved life tap talent, which gives you 20% more mana from each cast. Enchant Price(Gold) Enchant Item Permanent (Stamina +1) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Stamina +3) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Stamina +5) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Stamina +7) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Stamina +8) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Stamina +9) ________ Priest: Low level spirit enchants are the most in-expensive enchants, I've found with my playing style having a lot of spirit on a priest or any caster, cuts down massively on eating/drinking time. if you have enough spirit you can actually sit down and regain all of your health in 30 seconds. you can start with low level enchants, and work up to things like Mighty Spirit (+21 spirit on weapon) Enchant Price(Gold) Enchant Item Permanent (Spirit +1) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Spirit +20) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Spirit +3) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Spirit +5) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Spirit +7) ________ Enchant Item Permanent (Spirit +9) ________ Enchant Item Temporary (Spirit +3) ________ Enchant Item Temporary (Spirit +6) ________ 4) Armor Everyone starts somewhere. I know what you're thinking, "That level 19 sword is 250g?" or "Who would pay 600g for that level 38 sheild?" You can get the same results, (equal or lesser) and test the waters to see if twinking is for YOU. below are my suggestions on where to start for the Green quality armor, that best suits the class you've chosen. just type in whats in the quotations, into the auction house search. so if you have a rogue and want "of the tiger" leave the specifications blank, and type "of the tiger" and viola! Casters Mage: If you can play a mage to its full potential, you know how not to get hit. if you are of that skill level go with "Of Intellect" items, the boost in mana will help your mana sheild, and each int. point for a mage increases damage! if you cant hang with it, go with "Of the Eagle" the extra stamina as well. Priest: Though I havn't played priests much I would say "Of the Owl" because if you have a lot of spirit you can re-generate your health and mana while you sit(no food/water) or while you run/travel between fights. Assuming you make a shadow priest, also go with "of intellect" seeing as how you can heal youself, stamina shouldnt be that important to a good priest player. Warlock: Ah, my personal specialty. Defenitly go with "Of the Eagle" first. its got the intellect you need for mana, and the stamina you need... to turn into more mana. many different opinions here, but "Of Stamina" will benefit you too, as a close second. Druid: A casting druid will want different things, its up to you. A mix of both worlds I would say go with "Of the Gorilla" for the strength and intellect. a Druid wont have as much mana as say, a gnome mage. so the strength is more of a backup. if you're really playing like a caster, go all out and choose "Of Intellect" or "Of the Eagle" Paladin: Plus Healing Spells. Period. If you're a casting paladin your job should be to heal the snot out of the flag carrier (if your co-operation is good) "Of the Gorilla" if you arent going to be casting many healing spells, and if YOU want to run the flag defenitly skip the noise and trekk to "Of the Eagle" for the increased mana to protect you, and the increased health to help you along. Melee: Warrior: Defensive: A Defensive warrior will want to go with "Of Stamina" first off, because a warrior with 1,000hp is hard for a "normal" BG player to kill by himself. so you'll win by schere HP mass, along with your stun+bandage or potion tactic. Offensive: An offensive warrior will want "Of Power" and "Of the Bear" mixed. The added attack power will help you finish off those weak "normal" people, and the stamina and strength will only add to it, to make you a smashing behemoth of doom to be reckoned with! Rogue: A rogue should first decide what his job is. "Are you going to run the flag?" or "Are you going to kill helpless people?" If you're running the flag: Go with "Of the Monkey" the agility is there for the hopeful proc of a crit, and the stamina is there for the extra-whacks you will be able to take. also enchant your boots with "Increased Running Speed" If you're killing people: Go with "Of the Tiger" The Strength and Agility will boost your attack, you can also mix in "Of power" wherever you find it. Hunter: Hunters can either be ranged, or up front flag runners depending on your level (remember 19,29,39,49) so you can assist with aspect of the pack, along with your increased running speed ... onto the armor. Ranged: Stick with "Of the Falcon"(agi+int) hands down, that is hunter gear. you will be able to stay back and crit with the added agility, and cast Aimed shot and arcane shot (level dependancy) as many times as you need to. Melee: Melee hunters should go for "Of the Tiger" as well (i know some are duplicate) Agility and Stamina is the way to go for the starting out hunter. hopefully he'll land a crit, and he'll stay alive to crit with the addded HP. Dedicate time to staying a certain level and your twink will grow! Be sure to bookmark this page and check out the other guides to establish a fantastic character.
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