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Ghost last won the day on September 16 2015

Ghost had the most liked content!

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  1. And Ghost is dumb anyways...
  2. Joined Today, 08:19 AM Posted Today, 08:22 AM "now tenkai "relaunches" but has same content as you, same l2j freya core" ... lol. Try to get the role for the next james bond movie imo... you've got that fucking 007 in the blood, rocky.
  3. Give us a try!
  4. The update containing Super Mew the Cat Z is now live on Phoenix!
  5. Day after day, Phoenix is welcoming newcomers and becoming bigger and bigger. Today, we're introducing something new to help beginners jump into the action faster - free, time limited gears. Our test server will be brought up later today to test and make sure nothing goes wrong with the implementation of Super Mew the Cat Z. Soon on our changelog: Super Mew the Cat Z spawned in Giran: - Have a chat with him to receive Newbie Tickets. The newbie tickets are given only once per person. - You can exchange Newbie Tickets for time limited C/B/A/S/S80/R/R95 and R99 Weapons, Armors, Jewels. - The gifted gears lasts 7 days, after which, they simply disappears. - The gifted gears canno't be traded, enhanced, sold, destroyed, ...
  6. Our base has been updated from Ertheia to Infinite Odyssey about 3 days ago. The transition has been smooth and we're already in the process of adding even more content!
  7. We've been around for quite some time yup. An update! we're updating our base from Ertheia to IO at some point this week.
  8. Bring me my Bubble, Charm!
  9. Why would you make 2 projects at the same time?
  10. Unencrypted passwords?
  11. This thread should simply be closed... as much as I dislike Tales for the tactics they use to lure people in, they haven't done anything here that justifies a ban. Something you could do however is banning the fools impersonating people/servers such as the guy above me.
  12. Just delete all servers except Dreams IMO...
  13. 6 pages of offtopic and the dwarfies are now talking about filtering crap... haha!
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