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Everything posted by Tithen

  1. Tithen


    Damn right keep it rolling 8) L2oddz no place for kiddos
  2. Supahhhhh site lol goodluck :o
  3. RofL great start i love it :o stealing names and site whopaaaaa.
  4. They better go back to school. Feel In Love With Lineage2 Again. isnt that suppose to be Fall ? ;) Besides its all speculations infront lets just wait and see. i have heard this thing before great server better then the rest blablabla it's basicly empty words ......
  5. Tithen


    The best server out there atm 8) i like the how both servers are so well developed everything works like it should be . ppl give this server a change and check it out im sure you wont regret it . L2oddz the place to be ! +1
  6. Trusted seller & Great pack .
  7. Hi. Me and my team are looking to buy a nice stable L2 pack. We want either Freya or Interlude. We are for real, if your pack is good then we will buy it.
  8. i said PM me...i'll buy it
  9. Server is ready for everyone. Join! :D
  10. Iff you have a problem with the word pro then ill change it into diffirent oke ? or do you have a problem with that word also maybe it sounds racial to you or hmmm maybe we should call ourselfs idiots to make a free server for others??
  11. Sorry but all staff functions are filled :D Thx for your time !
  12. Shift + right click on the mob and edit to your desire.
  13. ill buy it pm me
  14. Did you add the correct lines to your system files for example armorgrp?
  15. What the hell are you on about you?
  16. 9 days ago And already have 30-50 online
  17. Would really love it if you could Adapt it to H5!
  18. Lineage ][ L2-Supremacy High five PvP L2-Supremacy !!! Here you see a short info about our server. L2-Supremacy Rates XP: x 500 SP: x 500 Party XP: 1000 Party SP: 1000 Drop: x 500 Spoil: x 500 Adena: x 500 Enchants Safe Enchant for weapons,Armor parts and Jewelry + 4 Safe Enchant For Full Body Armor + 4 Enchant Max For Weapons Armors and Jewelry + 20 Enchant Chance with normal scroll 70% Enchant Chance with Blessed Scroll 85% L2-Supremacy Features Shop currency: Festival Adena - Gold Einhasad All GoD Weapons added with SA + PVP working (Aug+Ele activated) Other special customs Active community and a fun community! Geodata+Pathnode installed Autolearn skills (including skills learned by forgotten scrolls) Autopickup items Increased Weight Limit (20x) 2 hours buffs/songs/dances (except some self-, kamael- & hero-buffs) Extended buff-slots (36) and retail dance-/song-slots (12) Adjusted several skills to maintain the best PvP-Experience Custom Cancellation System (cancelled buffs are restored again outside oly) No Clan-Penalties Coloured Clan Leader Name Easy Clan-leveling Max. Element Enchant lvl7 Max. Skill Enchant +30 Full Wedding System including Cupid Bow which comes with additional special love skills for couples PvP-Weapons are augmentable and attributable PvP-Reward-System (100 Fame each PvP Quick-Healing-Potions deactivated in PvP / when having Karma Bsoe-scrolls deactivated in PvP / when having Karma 1 Easy Farm Area [safe] 1 Mid Farm Area [PvP] with several Anti-Pk-Guards who detect even Pks in silent move or in hide mode 1 Hard Farm Area Party [PvP] (No PK) 1 Wasteland Farm/PvP Area (Mobs drop Gold Einhasad for GoD weapons) (PK Allowed) Weekly Olympiad Period Special Pk Guard on Farm areas All enchants lowered to +6 during an olympiad match Hero-Weapons are enchantable, augmentable and attributable Automated TvT-Event every 1 hour No OP Donations !!! Daily Backups Special GM events like Hide and Seek, Korean TvT, King of the Hill and..much more! L2-Supremacy Hardware DellR210 Xeon X4 Quadcore 4x 2.30 GHz 12 GB DDR3 ECC Raid 2x HardDrives 1.5TB SATA II, 5,400 rpm, 8 MB in Raid 1 1GB Up+downlink Hosted in Holland. Dedicated Team + Professional Dev Visit us Join Us now! >>>>WebSite<<<<
  19. Wish you did more adaptions for H5...alot of server would love it.
  20. Guys i am having problem with my file edit from L2Lige...I am copying the itemname-e.dat and saving it but it produces an error 'Save File: itemname-e.txt | Create a file: decitemname-e.dat | - Can not create file: dec-itemname-e.dat' It worked ok after a few attempts with weapongrp.dat I am using H5 File edit and Client.
  21. Added, where are you from?
  22. anyone? bump
  23. Hi guys, i know this seems abit out of blue and strange but have done alot of thinking recently and have thought about getting back into L2 but, setting up a server again. I have money, and some experience in server/game management but more in game experience. Have played since C2 but have had on and off sessions between c5-final. So, if anyone's interested can you contact me on either one of these.. Skype - tommohenry Msn - tom_t-h-t@hotmail.com Twitter ThomaHenry_3 Oh, and i think this might be in the wrong section but couldnt see a more better place
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