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Everything posted by Gangsta

  1. Hello, I've created a new weapon, but I'm not sure if it's going to work 100% on your server (in mine worked). Anyway, download it from bellow: Dual Arcana Mace by Kelin Screenshot:
  2. Hello, I've already seen a post with the same subject, but when I checked the tattoos I saw that these weren't the status that Official server was using, so I remade them... You just have to open C:/server xXx/gameserver/data/stats and replace the file inside the .rar there. It isn't hard. Just download the tattoo status .rar file from bellow: Tattoo Status by Kelin *They are not exactly the same with Official server's ones, I did my best, actually, I believe they are better than Official ones, especially for PvP servers. All credits go to: Kelin [That's me]
  3. Hello all. In this guide I am going to explain a nice custom activity that many admins don't know and that's the reason they don't create their own teleports in their server's custom Global Gatekeepers. It's not something hard, but I think it would be good to explain it... Okay, first you have to know that you won't need anything else except your own server files. In this guide, I am going to explain you how to add your teleports using MySQL page and not NAVICAT (steps are almost the same anyway). First, open your server using the classic way. Then, open the L2.exe and login to your server. Now, go to the location that you want to add in your Gatekeeper and type the command: .loc [usage: /loc] See the chat box and copy your location's ID's to a paper or your notepad anyway. Now we are ready to add the location into the Gatekeeper. You have already opened your server's DataBase using MySQL page (or NAVICAT). Go to the table named "Teleport". Click at "Insert" button in order to add your own location. Now, type your location's status: Description: Here you write your location's name. You can add whatever you want here [Ex. Giran Castle Town] ID: Add an ID, just try to think a good price that is not already existed (Ex. 88888) Loc_X: Type here the first group of numbers that you copied before. Loc_Y: Type here the second group of numbers that you copied before. Loc_Z: Type here the third group of numbers that you copied before. Price: Type the price that you want your teleport to cost. For example, if you type 500 here, then when a player uses this teleport he's going to get teleported in that location for 500 adena (if you haven't activated the free teleporting system from the config files). Fornoble: I don't know what it is, type 0, I don't think it's important. :P Press the "Enter" button on click on "Go" button at the end of the page in order to save what you just created inside your DataBase. Wow! You just added your teleport into your DataBase, but we are not finished yet, we have to add the teleport into your Gatekeeper too. Now, go to C:/Server xXx/gameserver/data/html/teleporter and select the file named with your Gatekeeper's ID. Find the chat that you want to add your teleport on, or add a new chat [Ex. 31275-5). Now insert the lines bellow in your html file: <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto Type your teleport's ID here" msg="811;Type your teleport's name here">Type your teleport's name here</a> That was a code for a simple teleport without any icon or font name, it's just a normal teleport with a name like normal Lineage II gatekeepers. Check the code and see, that I lead you to add your teleport's name two times in a code. I do that, because your teleport's name is appeared two times inside the game. First in the Gatekeeper and second when a player clicks on it to teleport and he can see a chat window giving him the choose to cancel his teleport. Anyway, you're ready. Close the file, save it and restart (or shut down) the server and your teleport will be ready inside your Gatekeeper.
  4. Are you speaking English? I don't think so...
  5. CriticalError Professional Cheater *** Karma: 1 Offline Offline Argentina Argentina Posts: 217 <--- God damn! What's wrong with you???
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2904.0 L2Jfree einai k auto mono pou einai Newbie Pack...
  7. PyroMaker has already used these things...
  8. Not working in L2JFree...
  9. No reply? There is a NPC like this in Vault's server.
  10. Hello people again. I don't like asking questions, but I have to do it... I am going to share things too, but at this time I need one more help: I want a NPC that's going to make a player Noblesse ONLY if he has some required items and not for free that I could create till now. Any help?
  11. Killer, I got critical in UnrealEd, when I'm trying to open the file that I edited with L2Toolo. Is something wrong?
  12. Na sou pw kati re file... egw apofeugw na grafw ellinika gt dn eimai ellinas k dn kserw kala, alla eipes etoimi k fixarismeni apokleistika apo sena? Dld dn einai o buffer tou oneo e? Egw etsi opws eida tin html o buffer tou oneo einai xwris kamia allagi... Toulaxiston an 8es na peis kati tetoio 8a mporouses na allakseis to oneo dev team, e? Oso gia ti buffer gt allaksa 8ema, iparxoun polloi buffers around here, esi dn ksereis na tis valeis opws dn ksereis na valeis k tin buffer tou oneo pou eipe o allos oti tin fixare kiolas.
  13. Problems solved, but not the auto-teleport! Does anyone know how can someone get auto-teleported when he becomes 80 level in my server?
  14. Hmm, the admin here is a god damn 12 years old guy! The server lags with 8 players online(max) and it's online only when this 12 years old kid looks after his PC... of course only the day! The admin here is pathetic, just like the players who play his server!
  15. Thank you for your help, but that's not what I need. I have done this as well, I'm actually asking how can I make the zone that I have set as starting area peace zone and when a player becomes 80 level gets auto teleported to the nearest village for example. I actually need to set the starting zone as a peace zone, so people can level-up there without get PKed. Also, I need all players who become 80 level in this zone... get auto-teleported to the nearest town, or a town that I'm gonna to set. You know what I'm sayin'?
  16. Hello ppl... it's my first time that I'm asking for help. It's something too hard so I think I am right for having questions about it. My subject, is about How to Add an auto teleport to my server. Actually, I need all newbie players starting in the Starting Zone that I've set(Done) and when they become 80 level get auto-teleported to a town or village. General, I need auto things like auto-teleport, auto-class changing(I've seen to a server where I played on, when I became 20 level, a new chat begun and asked me what class do I want). Anyway, also I need you to tell me, how can I set a zone as peaceful zone and all people that are dying on it and pressing "To Village" go again right there. Sorry for asking so much in one post, but I wanted to do that because I didn't want to create more posts with questions, you know... I haven't used to asking for help...
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