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Everything posted by Gangsta

  1. Take it easy EkoIce. He has right. I should have added screenshots... I'll do it as soon as is possible.
  2. My PC has a problem so I'm not sure if I will be able to upload the screenshots today...
  3. Screenshot for the jewels?
  4. [move]##Information##[/move] This is my only share that doesn't have any screenshot. If you wanna see the jewels, you have to download them and add them in your server... Well, I have to say first that I've seen these jewels in L2Pride, but I searched and none has shared them, so I did it. Actually, credits go to me, I just took the appearance of the jewels from L2Pride patch. Anyway, I've changed some things in the system files, they are not the same with L2Pride. I've changed the itemname-e.dat and their ID's. [move]##Download Links##[/move] Relic Jewels[RapidShare.com] Relic Jewels[4shared.com] Relic Jewels[MegaUpload.com]
  5. If the Admin of the server read what we say, he'll still believe that he knows better than me L2J Develop...
  6. I think it's too simple...
  7. This and Kamael Interface are the best shares I've seen in this section... Hm. I'm impressed.
  8. [shadow=red,left] I don't know many things about Hellbound. I think you have to change some things in the Client-Side.[/shadow]
  9. These Tattoos are for Admins who wanna have a balanced server. That's why Tattoo of Absolute gives only HP and Tattoo of Pledge gives only Casting Speed.
  10. You said about the Admin... The Admin is the one who created the Donates and says all the lies... Anyway, I can say that the Admin does his work as better as he can... but that's not enough.
  11. ##Description### It's true that I've already posted a similar share about Tattoos. In my already existed share, I give you some special Tattoo Status. However, I think the status I created are not balanced well, so I created a new topic with the same subject in order to fix this mistake I did and give you something more that I think everyone here needs for his server. I heard many people saying that they need icons on the Tattoos for their server. So, here you are. I've balanced the Tattoo Status and I've changed their icons. Now every tattoo has the status of a buff and it's icon as well. ##Download Links:## Tattoos [Rapidshare.com] Tattoos [4shared.com] Tattoos [Megaupload.com] ##Information:## Tattoo of Power: Increases Power Attack while it's equipped. Tattoo of Fire: Increases the power of all critical attacks while it's equipped. Tattoo of Resolve: Increases Evasion while it's equipped. Tattoo of Flame: Increases Maximum MP while it's equipped. Tattoo of Bravery: Increases Critical Attack chance while it's equipped. Tattoo of Blood: Increases Accuracy Combat while it's equipped. Tattoo of Soul: Increases Run Speed while it's equipped. Tattoo of Avadon: Increases Attack Speed while it's equipped. Tattoo of Doom: Increases Magic Defense while it's equipped. Tattoo of Pledge: Increases Casting Speed while it's equipped. Tattoo of Divine: Increases Magic Attack while it's equipped. Tattoo of Absolute: Increases Maximum HP while it's equipped. Credits To: Kelin [That's me]
  12. Alright I changed my mind. Don't even think to login here. Maximum 35 Players Online and awful lag, you always die from the lag. Admin doesn't know to change the Magic Critical chance, so everyone creates a Mystic Muse, Augments his weapon all the day till he get an augment for Magic Critical, gets Prophecy of Water, Dance of Siren and Wild Magic (Everything is on the buffer) and he has 90% Magic Critical Chance. Then he gives $1 and he is Hero as well... Admin doesn't even know how to change the buff time and he always lies. Everything he says is a lie, the server doesn't have Epic Weapons or Epic Armors and Admin doesn't even know how to change Dynasty status, so Dynasty is the worst S Grade armor, although it's more expensive than normal S Grade. Admin doesn't know anything about L2J Develop. Every buff lasts 2 hours. However Greater Might and Greater Shield (they are the only buffs that the buffer doesn't have) and they last only 19 minutes. They always say they will create custom things and the only thing they've changed is the items in Gm Shop, because they want it to be more friendly for Donators. So, I killed a monster for Clan skills and I have 2 Clan Skills now... but... stones are now in the Gm Shop so everything I did for my Clan Skills is now useless. What else do you want? Admin said they don't change anything because the server will soon become Hellbound, but after one month, truly, they didn't change anything, but the server stills Kamael. Just see this lie for the beginning: Admin says he has ADSL 400mbps and there is no such thing in Greece. Now, he says he has ordered a new connection from United States (He has 400mbps ADSL and he ordered a new one?) but he said this one month before. Just don't even think to join here. PvP is so unfair. There are many clans that want to conquer the Farming Zone and every time you go there, you just get killed 1 vs 5. I told Admin if he wants me to help him as a Developer, but he said he knows L2J Develop much better than I do...
  13. CriticalError, if someone doesn't speak too much that doesn't mean he is such a newbie Developer so he shouldn't see your share. I really don't care about you and your pathetic shares that you change a color and you think you did something good, but I see you think wrong anyway.
  14. What's wrong with you guys god damn! This armor has Heavy , Light and Robe , not only Heavy. Why you always share only the Heavy?
  15. They have much better status than normal Hero Weapons.
  16. Well, I saw these weapons in a Lineage II: C5 server long time ago and I always wanted to share them for Interlude. I tried many times to make them supported by Interlude client, but I failed. I guess now I know much more than then, that's why this time I made it. ### Weapon Information ### - Chaos Weapons use Infinity Weapons' Systextures. - Chaos Weapons haven't Hero Glow, however they have a special glow, that is activated from +7 and above. - Every Chaos Weapon is a Dual Weapon. - While you have equipped a Chaos Weapon, you can use your skills normally, if you have the weapon type that the skill needs to be executed. ### Download Links ### - Chaos Weapons[Rapidshare.com] - Chaos Weapons[4shared.com] - Chaos Weapons[wWw.Megaupload.com] ### Screenshots ### []Chaos Blades []Chaos Cleavers http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_11.jpg[/img] []Chaos Wings http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_13.jpg[/img] []Chaos Stingers http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_12.jpg[/img] []Chaos Bows http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_14.jpg[/img] []Chaos Fangs http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_15.jpg[/img] []Chaos Spears http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_16.jpg[/img] []Chaos Axes http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_17.jpg[/img] []Chaos Maces http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_18.jpg[/img] []Chaos Crushers http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_19.jpg[/img] []Chaos Scepters http://i42.servimg.com/u/f42/11/42/78/10/chaos_20.jpg[/img] All Credits Go To: Kelin [That's Me]
  17. * Greek : Den se theloun ta English re file , ti ta milas? Toso diskolo einai na kaneis ta buffs 9 hours monos sou?
  18. Hey, what means costum and guis?
  19. STATUS CHANGED , GOD DAMN! Stop complaining I just shared it for newbies who want more Speed in their GM Characters... Now SHUT UP!
  20. BIOHAZARD? You mean Resident Evil 4?
  21. Se status I se opsi?
  22. Hmm, Treasure Hunter is good, but I don't use dagger classes. I think Dagger Classes are not good. Also, I don't like humans cause they have yellow hair and they are goods... I like bads... I think Dark Elves are nice, they seem to be Lords while they're fighting or standing.
  23. I like normal and serious names without this god damn IiI or XXX. What the hell these mean? Also, I think that the names must be only ONE word and with only one Capital. I hate names coming from computer games (I saw someone who was called KingOfLineage LoL). Names coming from computer games show that you're someone who plays all the day computer and needs a life! I hate porno names too (ex. PornoStar). Also, I hate when men use female names and female characters. My favorite name that I use is Kelin and it's an ancient word that I'm not going to translate to anyone.
  24. Shut up guys! Every Admin does everything he needs to do to advertise his server... I don't know what files the server uses, but it's a nice server with a nice server staff, just login and stop blaming.
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