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About developer951

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  1. Where do you know anybody won't create that script?! I need any created script. If anybody can edit it in my source files i can give him "AnyDesk", "Team Viewer"....
  2. I'am searching script that i will get clan (Hot Springs Guild House) hall with killing raid boss. Who can share this script with me? Functions: Raid Boss ID : 25282 If any player killed boss without clan then set siege time clan hall to next week. But if anyone killed raid boss with clan (also clan members) then set clan hall owner clan leader. Project: Lucera 2 Rev 15.0 Thank you very much! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Я ищу скрипт, чтобы получить клановый зал (Hot Springs Guild House) с убийством рейдового босса. Кто может поделиться этим скрипт со мной? Функции: Рейд Босс ID : 25282 Если какой-либо игрок убил босса без клана, то установите клан-холл осады на следующей неделе. Но если кто-то убил рейд-босса с кланом (также члены клана), тогда владелец кланового зала назначит своего лидера клана. Project: Lucera 2 Rev 15.0 Большое спасибо!
  3. I would be surprised if you changed it. Since I placed NPCs on the monuments in the city center, I removed the monuments from the video. It was meaningless to have a second empty monument. My problem is basic! Just tell me program name to do it.
  4. I just changed location of monuments with L2SMR. If possible just do it and share with us. I'm asking you because I'm not very skilled in editing the client.
  5. There were monuments at the beginning of the video on the shade. I removed the monuments, but the shade remained there. I would like to know which program and how to do it. I'll be glad if you help!
  6. https://yadi.sk/d/JnTSdr7w3RRo7y
  7. How can i remove the shadow of monument stones? Thank you!
  8. But zone doesn't works.
  9. All is ok with the console....
  10. SweeTs, please can you remake and send me the correct version? Because i changed Poly to NPoly it isn't worked. Console: Cannot create a ShapeNPoly in zone 43 Lucera 2
  11. <zone id="43" name="Garden Of Eva - 3 Fountain"> <settings pvp="GENERAL" trade="false"/> <restart_owner x="77772" y="246937" z="-10376"/> <restart_owner x="77748" y="244609" z="-10380"/> <restart_owner x="75560" y="244607" z="-10378"/> <restart_owner x="75549" y="246941" z="-10380"/> <restart_owner x="75841" y="245775" z="-10380"/> <restart_owner x="76635" y="246487" z="-10376"/> <restart_owner x="76635" y="245038" z="-10380"/> <shape type="Poly" zMin="-10350" zMax="-10256"> <point x="75212" y="247256"/> <point x="78161" y="244318"/> <point x="75186" y="244308"/> <point x="78167" y="245549"/> <point x="75385" y="245966"/> </shape> </zone>
  12. I want to make this area pvp zone but tried many time but i can't. Please, can anyone do it for me? Teleport to Garden of Eva Hidden room - 3 Fountain TP: "76734 245762 -10380" and make here pvp zone. Thank you! :)
  13. Я был бы удивлен, если бы вы дали логичный ответ... Поскольку я был на этом форуме один, мне хотелось бы узнать цену, если это бесполезно и может быть, я могу заказать лобби у вас.
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