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xDarkDelux last won the day on July 9 2021

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  1. Skype - xxxaruxxx1 Telegram - @xDarkDelux
  2. xDarkDelux


    Most likely, the one who distributes illegally will have to answer. But read the innova agreement, where from the very beginning it is clearly stated that by downloading the game client from THEIR site, you automatically agree to their terms of use. 99% of people living on this forum and on other similar topics most likely downloaded the client not from THEIR site. But the innova has made a claim as a copyright holder and requires the termination of distribution, this can be clearly seen in their claim, which clearly indicates the links to the pages with the game client files.
  3. xDarkDelux


    NCSoft != Innova, innova filed complaints about sites / pages on which there is a link to download the client L2, this is a violation of the agreement. The fact of editing still needs to be proved, it is almost impossible, as well as to prove the fact of the client's reverse. And NCSoft didn’t file any complaints at all, they don’t care about everything that happens, they don’t lose anything from this, but innova - yes, it does, but only from large projects where the turnover of money is greater than that of any developers. That is why they filed lawsuits against large projects. What is the law? What are you talking about? Let me give you an example: if I downloaded a song on the Internet in the public domain and cut off some part of it - am I to blame for violating some agreement that I have not even seen? If there is such a thing - the maximum they can ask of me is to delete all files associated with the agreement and stop their distribution. By the way, has anyone seen in the agreement a clause with responsibility for violation of any of the clauses of this agreement?
  4. xDarkDelux


    @Tryskell, I think I understand what you are talking about, but in the client that I downloaded from some "game server" there were no agreements and I did not press the "I agree" button
  5. xDarkDelux


    I don’t know about you, but I didn’t take anything from NCSoft, I downloaded the game client on some kind of freeware and there were no agreements there ))
  6. change the function name
  7. Yes, it seems like a good idea, I'll do it when I have time.
  8. Login window Now it is possible to hide / show the password (by default, the password is hidden) Farm bot now excludes monsters that are higher or lower by 500 now by default excludes monsters with empty name (no name) Icon output now displays tank charges Olympiad added a window with information about the enemy (nickname / class) added calculation of the total amount of incoming / outgoing damage added time until the end of the battle with a countdown Auto. enchanting completely redesigned auto enchanting window design changed it became possible to simultaneously upgrade up to 240 items now it is possible to improve the "ladder" (+1 for each item in the list)
  9. UIExt is an extension of the original interface. When used, the interface is not completely replaced, but only supplemented with new functionality. The extension is sold with a binding to a gaming computer (no restrictions on nicknames / windows!) Price of one license: 30 $ License validity period: 6 months Free updates with an active license Contacts for purchase: Skype - xxxaruxxx1 Telegram - @xDarkDelux Full description
  10. I think that chronicles above H5 are simply not so relevant, although there are more opportunities (in terms of development). For example, many times I was offered to make an interface for an asterios client (it seems to be avening), but I see no reason to do this for the sake of a single server. And the situation with current chronicles is simple, only a few people do something, the rest just take it and distribute it under a different name = \
  11. The compiler has nothing to do with it, this error is caused by the fact that the server on which you are trying to test the re-compiled file uses a different protocol, for example: Interface.u file from protocol 273, and the server requires 268.
  12. Maybe also under the IT make something ...
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