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Everything posted by xspeed

  1. ...what? it makes no sense... /walk is for walking /run for running when u walk u move slower the when u run...dhaaaa
  2. ^^ i loaded on this one
  3. i made this think some time ago but i had allot of lag so i made 6 char with the same name :)))) i thought is allowed, and is normal...didnt knew is a trick
  4. i have the same thing on the server where i play but im not hero and still i crit max 1/5-6 hits either the server is fked up either something is wrong
  5. sry for the offtopic. but i have a lil question that doesnt deserve a new thread: which is the max skill enchant, and is any important difference between a+5 and a +10 skill? (for example)
  6. dvp is? anyway about the vid, the way he changes the targets is strange, but possible the thing that i just dont understand is how can he kill so fast? i cant rly see how many mag crits he does, but it looks like it does 1/player
  7. 1 question... if u kill someone using this, u get PK?
  8. and what is the connection between a pet and cursed swords?
  9. i need something like this too, but for interlude yes we have the search button, but we dont have a name :D
  10. InFlames :D
  11. Dungeon siege 2 NFS...all PoC 1 Lineage2 :D
  12. i have CS2 but still the 16x8 img is to small to get a nice crest i mean i can made some rude one, but nothing near to what i can download
  13. it depends on the server on the server where i normaly play if u use this on a player u see its status pvp/pk clan ally and all... on moobs it has no effect but is there any program to see this normaly? like u see the moobs HP when u use walker?
  14. ive read this and normaly after u read it, is all creal and u forget about enchant bugs and tricks, but still every week i see 4-5 threads about how to enchant safe... this thing will never end the post is very well made, someone rly burned his brain for it, so it would be nice if we wont get more threads about incredible enchanting bugs
  15. another old thread, with "allot" of info
  16. this is a nice tip but as far as i know when the duel ends, all buffs debuffs and all r back to the way they were before the duel...so i doubt it works
  17. sry for the stupid question but what L2Phx does?
  18. /:) ur kidding
  19. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/377529
  20. oh some r so nice... i have a collection of brushes too, i will uploaded and post the link here, maybe u can use them ty for this anyway
  21. i have no idea what is this about, but that looks like PORN :D:D:D
  22. why not the xp pro? about vista everybody knows that it sux
  23. lawl gj :P
  24. xspeed

    My art

    the first one is nice, but the building r just a pic or is a brush? because is rly nice
  25. i do no, i will try it, just because it sounds impossible... iv u will ever try this make a SS with the rb hp after and before the lvl 1 char dies
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