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Everything posted by NaboU

  1. First exchange done - fast and trusted!!! ;)
  2. x7 or x4? in server infos Rates: - Exp:x4 / SP: x4 / Adena: x3 / Spoil: x3 / Items: x3 • Olympiad System • 30 minutes buffs • Sieges • Retail Like • Events (If online are 50+) • No customs • Friendly GMs • 24/7 hours uptime but in site online players for x7 .... i am confused :/
  3. 1st : is not my server :P 2nd : it's 2 days server without hopzone registered yet ... !! they have some problems with that .!!
  4. GRACIA FINAL CT 2.3 Server Rates: 55x Exp 65x SP 150x Adena 67x Exp when in party (1.2x) Enchant rate 55% +3 save, max +20 Server Hardware: Xeonx quad core 8gb ram. 1gbit up/down backbone connection. Located at the US Added features: Kamael traps are working. Clan gate is working. Chaotic pk zones. Dual daggers+skill Geodata (ofc lol) Star of Destiny buyable.(only mimirs elixir quest needed) Subclass can be lvl 85 Noblesse donation npc.(or do the quest) Party spoil message. Basic Npc buffers.(basic songs/dances/buffs) Gm shops. (gear,potions,consumes, and more) And more to check out.. Buffs: Normal buffs/songs/dances are 1 hour. Special buffs like catbuff/cov/pow are retail time. Ingame Info: Main town is Giran. On the beginning of our server the custom npc's will only be in Giran, but after the population grow's and we think that it's time to spread em out a bit we will start putting npc's to Goddard/Shuttgart/Aden. Gear: Basic gear is easy to obtain and unseal you will be getting enough items to be able to get basic A-S grade gear while lvling yourself up, but Vesper is different. Getting Vesper armors you must go to SODA(Chaotic) kill mob's and receive Coin of Luck item's and when you get enough of those you can trade em to Vesper armor piece or Vesper weapon. So basicly it means that you need to fight for your gear ;) Custom Raid's: Lilith Lilith is located in the heart of SODA and it is boosted so it will be a bit harder to kill than normally and the Respawn time is 6hours. If you are lucky Lilith might give you a full Vesper drop ;) 100% sure it will drop some Coin's / nice amount of Adena and LifeStone's, and also 1 save skill enchant book. Super Huge Pig Super Huge Pig is located in the deepest part of Mithrill Mines. Remember the Pig is mean and it will kill you if you aint prepared xD when the Pig dies it drops lot's of Ancient Adena/Adena/decent amount of Coin's(you need for Vesper) and if youre lucky you will get LifeStone's and a Save A grade weapon enchant scroll. Event's: We have a Team vs Team as auto event on the server so after every 4hour's an NPC appear's in Giran 15min's before the event start's so you have enough time to go n partificate for it :). On weekend's we will try hosting some Special event's for example the winner's of DM event's on that week and then some normal pvp event's for the rest of the community aswell. Zone's: the Main Zone on our server is SODA(School of Dark Art's) C = so called Carebear area lame mob's with crappy xp/adena drop and non chaotic B = heart of SODA that's where Lilith is located (inside chaotic) G = room's where you need a group to kill those mob's since theyre stronger than an average mob at chaotic's. mob's on this room got better drop's ofc.(dropping lots of coins for Vesper stuff) Unmarked room's = are all filled with normal chaotic mob's with good xp/adena and these mob's are also dropping 1-2 coin's for Vesper stuff Area Surrounded with Red Line = mean's that everything inside it is chaotic zone Chaotic zone info: Inside the chaotic zone you can still pk and get a red name with karma. But!when you have karma you cannot drop any items inside the Chaotic zone :D Site : http://l2-finalsolution.com/index.php i am just a player there.!!!
  5. yes i test it ...!! it's all ok and work perfectly.!! maphack too!!!!
  6. It works ....!!!! only with cracked garena (for garena) ... !! i think Fix already upload the new garena cracked
  7. hmm..... i saw something like that in eurobattle server ...!!! i really want to try it ..!! thanks for the share man!!! Edit : one question.........it's only for 1.23 version??!!
  8. thanks ....!!! i am really going to try it ..!! nice bro
  9. thnx very nice dude....i i'm gonna try it
  10. bravo file! kai an deis se ola ta sticky einai gemta apo spam... an enas mod ta epsaxne ta misa members tou forum 8a eixan -1
  11. yes they keep some money for the transfer....i already use this site,,,, for 10 euros and they keep for that 3 euros so they send me only 7 euros..!!!!!!! ye it takes some time ..... so be petient
  12. looool that's really works i test it tooo..1!!!! nice share
  13. hah i really want to test it .... thanks for your share man!!!
  14. Mozilla firefox...!!! with guaranty
  15. thanks good share
  16. nice man .... thanks
  17. thanks man ... very useful program ...1!!!
  18. i can't download the updater and i can't see the forum .... plz fix them
  19. cool share man thanks
  20. Greetings, First of all let us welcome you to the first public opening of our, up till now, small closed gaming community. This marks the first open invitation to the world, for people to come and enjoy gaming with us. In this case, we are announcing the opening of our custom Lineage II game world for everyone to try. It is custom-tuned to provide a very challenging game of character buildup and to have a clean and safe world where players can enjoy every aspect of the game and not just the usual PvP frenzy of the vast majority of custom Lineage II servers available. Although we have only recently opened up to the public, we have been already running the game world for a few months now and feel that we are ready to take in a few more buddies. Lineage II is simply a game that requires a larger player number to fully enjoy, than your average multiplayer game. Let's hope we can reach that goal... with everyone's help. A great deal of focus is given to the stability of the server and peculiar game world balance that awards player cooperation and help-exchange, punishing any evil-doers. Administration is active, and frequently present in the community. Any issues that arise, usually have an answer in a day or two if you post about it on Rx.NET forum. Come, be sure to check us out! There must be something in here that you will like... XP : 1x SP : 1X Drop : 3,5x Adena : 1,75x Spoil : 2x Manor : 2x Site : http://pwp.netcabo.pt/rx.net/lineage2/ And no donations ..... for now low community.. Server need ppl Server Forum : http://rxnet-g-group.no-ip.org/rxforum/
  21. it;s a very good server.....good job
  22. very usefull thanks a lot
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