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@IcathiaLord last won the day on December 11 2021

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About @IcathiaLord

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  1. You ask lowness ? Nah, you can only ask him to change some lucera configs and npcs. His real talent lies in spinning tales and convincing people with empty promises. He is notorious for freely sharing other people’s work without even understanding what he’s dealing with, he could probably make you believe a mid-rate server from 2024 is the same files as a PvP server from 2022-2023. Let's start with the fact that the shared files you found are not the same as the ones you purchased. You bought a package for a low-mid rate server, which you initially tested before purchasing and then went live on your environment. So, the shared files are an old version of the PvP version that I sell, which is already two years old. Let’s also note that you didn’t even bother to test the shared files, so your claims are just empty words. All evidence about what you purchased versus what’s shared can be shown through photos, obviously, by build dates and also by comparing live versions of both file sets. Continuing on, you yourself mentioned working with a dev, lowness. He had access to the dedicated machine, which of course contained the files you bought, gaining access to them and immediately sharing them afterward. Are you perhaps trying to reference Lowness with your comment? Because I’m not sure if you’ve realized it yet, but he took the files you purchased for €150 from the host company and shared them. The new files you bought belong to Lucera, which, as you should know, operate via subscription and with licensed IP. I don’t even have access to those files, nor would there be any reason for me to have them. Did I share them somewhere else? If that’s the case, I'd like to see exactly where I shared them; can you prove that?
  2. What that kid actually did was steal files from a host(VPS) accessed by a recent client of mine, and then share them here for free. However, he lied to the client, claiming the files were already shared and making up other nonsense to turn them against me. Without knowing the full story, people believed him. He even showed some files he had shared two years ago related to the PvP server that I was selling back then, while these people bought my low-mid rate server, which shares the same base but has many updates in both core and server-side features. Additionally, the entire style and gameplay have been significantly customized. All of my words can be proven with screenshots (in Greek) via private message for anyone who wishes to see them.
  3. Hello i sell a separately server for low rate servers, you can test it on a live server of course. For more info please add me on skype: @IcathiaLord or discord: IcathiaLord#7407
  4. Just to everyone knows, I started creating that files from 0 at 2020 in a project that I had back in time. Then after a year I decided to make a sale project which was based on the project I had, so I changed anything plus the problems after live servers, and obviously in time many problems got fixed by the reports of my clients. The files are not shared on l2jbrasil. Now, a guy that bought my project in 2022, decided to share my files and "ruin" my business since he is unskilled and incapable to run a server. So Firstly, a year plus passed since he bought them, that means missing 1+ year fixes on the files, in number it is more than 100 changes in source code and 60 changes in Datapack (https://ibb.co/album/xS5xpw). Secondly, that guy may have changed or even destroyed many things in the files he shared, so I would not reccomend using the files that this guy shared with you. I am active and support all my clients, the project as you can see in the photos got many fixes and updates since 2022 while I take care of them.
  5. Inventory.java find: // Can't equip item if you are in shop mod or hero item and you're not hero. if (((Player) getOwner()).isInStoreMode() || (item.isHeroItem() && !HeroManager.getInstance().isActiveHero(getOwnerId()))) return; replace with: // Can't equip item if you are in shop mod or hero item and you're not hero. if (((Player) getOwner()).isInStoreMode() || (!((Player) getOwner()).isHero() && item.isHeroItem())) return; Also find: // If the item is an hero item and inventory's owner is a player who isn't an hero, then set it to inventory. if (getOwner() instanceof Player && item.isHeroItem() && !HeroManager.getInstance().isActiveHero(getOwnerId())) item.setLocation(ItemLocation.INVENTORY); replace with: // If the item is an hero item and inventory's owner is a player who isn't an hero, then set it to inventory. if (getOwner() instanceof Player && !((Player) getOwner()).isHero() && item.isHeroItem()) item.setLocation(ItemLocation.INVENTORY);
  6. Sure PM me here or add me on Skype: @IcathiaLord or on Discord: IcathiaLord#7407
  7. chathandlers/chatAll.java Replace: final CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(activeChar.getObjectId(), type, activeChar.getName(), text); With: final CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(activeChar.getObjectId(), type, activeChar.isGM() ? "[ADMIN]:" + activeChar.getName() : activeChar.getName(), text);
  8. New available Discount until 30/11: 20Euro New Price is now: 100Euro(Pack-Source-Patch-DB).
  9. VillageMaster.java /* * Returns true if this PlayerClass is allowed for master */ public final boolean checkVillageMaster(PlayerClass pclass) { if (Config.ALT_GAME_SUBCLASS_EVERYWHERE) return true; return checkVillageMasterRace(pclass) && checkVillageMasterTeachType(pclass); } Config.java public static boolean ALT_GAME_SUBCLASS_EVERYWHERE; ALT_GAME_SUBCLASS_EVERYWHERE = players.getProperty("AltSubclassEverywhere", false); and add the config in players.properties AltSubclassEverywhere = True
  10. You using % = mod (modulo), that means number 10.000 divined with 10, will have a result of 1.000 and 0 remaining. Another example: 11 mod 4 = 3, because 11 divides by 4 (twice), with 3 remaining. You can take the 30% percentage by the following: int finalPrice = (int) (getVip() ? (price - price * 0.30) : price);
  11. Since its obviously for you too, dont try to play the smart boy. Actually i dont really care what you've seen, and has nothing to do with me. Because you don't know me(not even personally), you can't say any of that words. If i was a scammer or the pack can be found for free, then my customers should have reported me and i had to be banned. But guess, that's not happening, so you should just try to think why. Even if its a project that can be found for free, then i won't have customers to work with, right ? So, what's your job here, if you don't like something or you are not interesting, do not open that topic and do not spam shits. Let's laugh, "You are lucky". This forum has its own rules, you wouldn't have the permission to delete that topic even if you were in staff team. And obviously you don't deserve any staff position with this attitude. To sum up from my side too, It is a ready to go project, including everything a PvP server need to be runned, without problems(and if any problem appears, i am there to fix them), tested in live servers and also i am improving it from my clients reports(As you can see my main topic the pack is always updating). Also the Balance system(from live servers), saves many many time from people who will buy it. Of course they can, who you think you are to stop the people by doing something. If they created something and they think that will have success in sale, why not? Obviously i am talking about legit people and not for scammers.
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