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About kalimeris

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    Learn how to beat it that overcomes

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  1. there was a branch named battle-chronicle until yesterday, maybe someone got it and could share it
  2. i am asking for the last public one
  3. is there someone who can share l2jorg's battle-chronicle datapack source with me?
  4. i can say that the worst devs work on mobius.
  5. if your dev can't fix simple issues then he isn't really a dev
  6. this guy thinks this is hard to fix issue, change your dev :S
  7. he is investigating, he is the law here xD
  8. you feel so desperate? dont you :S
  9. a pack made with your skills would cost abit lower than his price, so i guess its not a joke - he is looking exactly for someone like you xD
  10. highest feedback rating with 3 feedbacks? wow, kid if only the clients you got knew how bad you are at copy-pasting they would spit on your face, also some of them told me about the tasks they gave you which took you days and you couldnt even find a solution were like 10 seconds for me to figure out the problem. p.s. you have no clue how to code/dev, and no you didnt hear my of my coding skills because its out of your imagination.
  11. who were you to get offended? i still wonder whats the feel to get banned from more 5 accounts and still to crawl around like a worm
  12. quoting a male with sweetness xD
  13. ty man, it was a pleasure.
  14. oh, believe me i did and its not just one guy who complains of your shit "codes" or idk how to call them? copy-paste?! about my skill-level i am probly one of the most experienced devs in this forum and got signature in many codes and packs even in l2jserver itself. I am pretty sure u dont even own any certificate for coding. or... do u ? prove me wrong. p.s. i wont even mention that i probly worked for half of the devs who offer services right now xD and one of them was you! :P
  15. that has nothing to do with you, its the rest of the guys who turned the topic into a chat p.s. i had to deal with karas codes and didnt knew kara is accessdenied, thats probly the dumbest person ive ever seen in my life.
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