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About Jyabura

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    this is my second account my first account Was scammed i think so...

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  1. Nice This remind me World of warcraft;p
  2. most new bugs that I have seen in my life hahaha
  3. [GR] einai tou Iordanov Inteface Shared sto forum pou ta exei ola kai einai FREE.
  4. thx
  5. L2BOG BATTLE OF GODS - INTERLUDE PVP SERVER Site: https://l2bog.com GRAND OPENING 16/2/2018 MAIN TOWN -GLUDIO- Rates UNLIMITED Start full S grade gears 80LvL GM Shop full, everything for adena NO FARM, PvP Balance, PvP Reward Enchants All Scrolls Chance 100% You Start With Safe +16 Free Blessed With Adena From +16 to +18 Only With Crystall Scrolls Crystall Scrolls You Get Them With PVP COIN - VOTE COINS - EVENT COINS Life Stones Top/High/Mid=20%-10%-5% Buffs All buffs available(MALARIA - FLU NO) 2 hours duration 55+4 buff slots Overbuff protection Potions Automatic use (HP/MP/CP) Subclass Subclasses UNLIMITED Epics All Epic Respawn 3 Hours Drops : x1 Epic - 20TOP ls - 20Bogs Olympiad Weekly Heroes (Monday 12:00) Last Olympiad day Sunday Anti-feed protection Olympiad enchant limit +6 Castle Sieges Weekly Sieges (Sunday 16:00 and 20:00) Skills balanced New Custom Hats 15+ Auto Events TEAM VS TEAM DM GM Events Funny Events PvP Tournaments Machine DDoS protection + Smartguard Anti bot Powerful Server Machine with SSD Account Security and Scam Protection
  6. pwned by himself xaxaxaaxaxaxxaxaxaxaxxaxax
  7. You can pm @Celestine or @Neophoron
  8. this is me lol? im 1 week without computer and i just got inform about this What account i scammed? today i installed the game https://prnt.sc/gxobkv
  9. its same admin with l2tg.com or new who made the same name but different cronicle?
  10. Good Luck Celestine :)
  11. so you say you can bypass smartguard or Sguard and stay online without disconnect or l2mid have his on bot protection?
  12. TTS quest script and you want sell it when ppl here share it Wow
  13. He just scam ppl that's all... That paid interface never worked smartguard and the cracked one was working
  14. access or not you was worked with them and since I buy that interface sh1t it never work and I never had support and it was before 1-2 years when I bought and then you appear and say that interfaceAI is updated so you are part of them since you continue work on it you should give support to old interface and the ppl who got scammed.. i dont need any price reduction like is important since you will ask me like 100$ for that :)
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