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Everything posted by best3733

  1. I'm a think tank, not developer. I have manage to build few servers on the past, with preconfigured packs, and test things out. The point is, that : I can create the Best L2 H5 Server with suberb items, superb stats, superb PVP, & superb PVE. Coming to the point yes, IF I decide to do it, Ill manage to find a proper paid developer, to make it reality. For now Ill test L2JMobius H5 Pack. Thanks for the answers guys.
  2. Nice, Ill give L2JMobius a try then. Are there any other good paid L2J H5 Packs ?
  3. Hello, [LF] A Free Good H5 Pack. L2J. Is this free L2JMobius Pack good ? Opinions ?
  4. A New Lineage 3 World, inspired by the Original one, will be 5 times better. Lineage 3 : 15 Conquerable Castles, Clan Halls, Olympiad, 3 Sub classes, 130 Max Level, No Grade Items but Items by Levels, Level 1 up to Level 20 for all items. Hades area, Phobos Area, The Dark Tomb Area, Catacombs Area, Seed of Infinity/Destruction Areas.... Epic Raid Bosses x15. Many Instance Zones for solo/party farming. Farming Areas F U L L of Mobs, Not Empty crap Farming areas. Re-Spawnable Mobs every 4 seconds. Classes : Buffer, Healer, Archer, Mage, Poler/Puller, Tank, Ghost, Vampire, Druid. (No broken dagger/fighter classes, only Ranged Classes). Races : Orks, Trolls, Human's, Elfs, Dark Elfs, Dwarves, Ghosts, Vampires. Few Ideas.... you know. We want Lineage 3.
  5. Remastered L2, with better mechanics, will be cool.
  6. Modding 24/7 L@ yeah fuck yeah /Wink
  7. Thank you, must be good stuff :)
  8. Hi. As the title says, Im looking for a basic GmShop and a basic Buffer for Helios client/L2J. Can anyone help me ? Thanks :)
  9. Thank you temukaa, it works :)
  10. Hi, Just downloaded the file you send me, thanks. Im trying to open the file "Armorgrp.dat" with the L2 File Edit and it opens empty, I cant see the Armors list... What am I doing wrong ?
  11. As the title says, Im looking for a patched Helios system and a L2 File Edit software, to try a Helios server, testing stuff basicly. Can anyone help ?
  12. DarkEffect = (SCAMMER). (Loser).
  13. Hello, looking someone to exchange my paysafe card to my paypal account.
  14. fixed TY. ---------------- Stuck on log in in, cant log in on my server!
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