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Everything posted by De4ThBringeR

  1. if you spawn mob to town... sure you can shot and kill anyone... this is bug.:P Edit By Noble at 22/3/2008 : spams deleted, karma returned and topic remains unlocked
  2. Yeap sk is best.... but lol my best char is TH and i play very good with him ...lol ;d
  3. Critical nice share men.... good jobbbbbbbbbbbb...:D
  4. men it no work more this exlpoit... all server now have protection...;)
  5. De4ThBringeR


    hey dude... you make one topic and you say lalalala? are you noob man... lolD:
  6. 0xa0xax0a0axa0.... eleos ...re mages ean den xerete apo server tpt .ti fiaxnete gmt?:D
  7. hmmm.. nice ... 8a to skeftw an ta agorasw... dude :P
  8. sta agorazw olaaaaaaaaaaaa re ferta twra... ola mazi 400euro gia sena poly kali timi :P:P
  9. lol i havent 200post to look this share...omgggggggg... haha :D
  10. Aderfe epidi o themental to exei gamisei to 8ema me to pack ytou.. ase pou ine gemato bug sto panel...kai sta items..ase s lew...alakse pack...
  11. nice work... good share... bravo men....wreos...:D
  12. hmmmm.... nice server.. men
  13. yes... very nice share dude... keep walking..lol :P
  14. Do not spam again men... you earned ban...
  15. simfwnw me to pedi re .. eleos diladi..akuro telios,....
  16. good... server good job men
  17. hey r4mmstein... shqiptare je? dergoma msn to talk men... and i help you with server... i wait you....
  18. geia s re stefouliii ta xerei auta agorina m !! :D
  19. Agorina mou pes ston filo s ton killer na elenxei ta skills p den ine ola k meta na postarei packserver.. ma8ate k eseis na milate..
  20. agorina mou glikia egw apadisa sto 8ema twn announ... tespa ean xereis kalitera apo mena p asxoloume 4 xronia... ok tote ti na pw...bravo ! :D Stefouli twra katalava ti epsaxne to pedi re....
  21. yeaaaaaappppppppp.... o serveer ta spaeiiiiiii.... hmmm... skeftomai na aniksw server...ksana.
  22. Dude this topic is not to post your server... read topic what it say...
  23. you like this game? oh dude... how old are you and play that game? lol :D
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