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Everything posted by AdenaDepot

  1. Yes he spam unecessary bullshits delete him same in my topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/190418-wts-adena-scryderu-all-servers-l2nemesisnet-cheapest-and-trusted-3-years-experience/
  2. And why i cant when i have many contacts and ppl pming me for key buy? I have keys for 11 eur from developer search more and talk less please and ofc i sell with min 4 euro profit. Btw keys sale deleted 2 months ago so why flame topic? edit: i see you are member since yesterday that explains all
  3. If there is a legit mxc middleman we can go via him its not problem.
  4. I wont reply to your posts anymore you are angry and was threaten me that i didnt gave you method before payment thats all. I have got many offer 30-80 eur (willing to pay me first) i didnt take because it was not enought for such kind of method. Call deceiver yourself please and arogant. Btw yes you wrote it right i can not be scamed from you ;) liar. Hope many ppl make picture of you now. Kindly waiting for mxc staff to post screens from conversation. Thanks
  5. Call scammer yourself you only want method and dont even want to show me first to you so it works you just want method immediatelly. Nope thanks And after i tell you i dont give first you start to threaten me and tell bad things wo proof about me? RUSSIA
  6. i can make fb page and website too and claim i am trusted like you but i dont need to do that ;)
  7. You dont even know what you talk about there its not some regular method ppl have. With this method you can dupe items on some big servers if you smart and have proper ru soft so please...
  8. To clear this out i would ask some high member of mxc to add me on skype please and send you all screenshots on conversation with this agresive russian seller. This "l2guru pro" pmed me yesterday and today that he want unban method. I told him ofc yes this is included in this pack. When i offered him to show him that i can still login on banned acc on whatever server he picks he didnt agree. He kept saying he want method to test himself and keep telling that. I offered him many times to check this method but he dont care he just say i want try myslef. So i told him i dont give him this method first (since 3ppl knows this and its very rare) he started to THREATEN me that if i dont give him method he will write in mxc. I didnt sold him this method and he is angry. So once more MXC staff please add me on skype to show you all proof of conversation with him(working method too if want). TY
  9. Guy is just "joking" as he say when showing him all proofs about multibox and logging/delloging for 1 hour 13 bots on tales he offers you 50 euro. You can delete this topic. Btw if i was stupid and agreed on this very low offer he would have even problem with paying first i think since his communication is ince per day for 5 minutes. Lock and dont pm him.
  10. Legit smartguard multibox with unlimited windows (not only 2x limit) all running on main pc (not wmware) all windows versions supported. Also easy login with cracked adrenaline 1.71, tower, phx (uselles on smart server),unban etc.. All working on newest servers including l2tales. Dont flame topic please more info about price etc on skype. Selling only to trusted and serious ppl. skype: adena.depot1 (Call me, skype is bugged and sometimes messages or friend requests have big delay)
  11. WTB BD 74+ SWS 58+ SE 76+ SKYPE: ADENA.DEPOT1
  12. contacted on skype
  13. Noone log bot 100x a day exp to 76 and shout once in giran
  14. Adenasmurf = gm or part of gm team or have deal with gm with % of amounts received. If i go giran i get window clsoe after 1st shout. Gm adenaseller spamming all day and i am not talking about mail where is limit from server he sent thousands. 100% gm seller no doubt end of discussion
  15. I knew this from beginning complete new adena seller registered 2 days after tales start buy vip and sticky topic and creating website only for tales (noone does that at start). He never sold anything on previous servers, spamming in giran allowed, mails too, when i pmed him about this no answer. Made a basic web to look trusted with only tales server. Noone sells only on 1 server. Also they ban all other ppl with big adena and only adena seller on that bullshit is gm itself. Its very very bad. BTW tales counter on beta was 3x-PHX approved. Now can be more.
  16. just made my exams from it so at start i can offer for free and see more in future
  17. If somebody need sql service pm me on skype: adena.depot1
  18. Why would i lie i am telling you i didnt botted on this server but just running few bots using exploit. Yesterday gm saw logs with mails pmed customers and asked about adena and exploit. Customers didnt know about exploit ofc so they tracked mails and bump my bots doing exploit in gludin. Anyway i would post screen because i really dont like tales and verceti since 2014 but i wont because exploit is still working on all other servers like rise,apoc. etc. every java server. Wont respon anymore
  19. Just got banned my bots using adena exploit and all my customers on this shit and adena exploit was fixed thanks to me. GF tales. Just to tell all there was a huge adena exploit i was using edit: and not only me as i see on skype lot of ppl banned. Better wipe server economy is fucked up
  20. Violence on this server from gm to players is ridiculous. He teleport all ppl no matter where they are to gathering event even if you dont confirm he make recall. Verecetti has always been douchebag but not that much LOL
  21. 250 ppl total
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