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Everything posted by pierre23

  1. This looks good too bad I can't see it.
  2. I think it's just some client-side hack (wich means no real effect on game) becasue the guy never shows his weapon's stats.
  3. Thanks for this good, complete and useful list of commands.
  4. Best game I've ever played is Diablo.
  5. Doesnt work on server I play on but thanks for sharing.
  6. Great collection of links man this makes looking up info a lot more easier, thanks.
  7. Cool wallpapers m8 thanks a lot.
  8. You gotta love prophets
  9. Nice site thanks for sharing.
  10. Skilled duelist in action: http://files.filefront.com/cienight2avi/;7148580;/fileinfo.html
  11. Nice share but its probably easier to just check l2p for this kind of info.
  12. It's just like Krizzz said they start banning before and after new chronicles are released. They are banning on Teon too, just not massively.
  13. Also all the "links" are actually plain text so gl figuring out what **** means.
  14. Try this: http://bhpower.free.fr/L2_DecryptPack_v0.4.rar
  15. Great share for the new people playing this game.
  16. I didn't like them but I hope you keep trying and make something good eventually.
  17. Great share thanks!
  18. 1113
  19. If you use Vista you can open two sessions and one l2 window on each one. Haven't tried on this specific server so I'm not 100% sure it will work.
  20. It used to work on some c4 servers. Probably fixed by now.
  21. lol I don't think this will work on any servers. It seems very easy to fix.
  22. I did this for a while on some high rate server and got banned eventually.
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