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Xenil last won the day on July 1 2023

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About Xenil

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  1. hi, this my backup of very old files C3 : https://transfert.free.fr/SX8Gltg and the client C3 : https://transfert.free.fr/4kkRYgJ I didn't remember if anything works but have fun with it
  2. I can lunch server and it's work, but when i tried to connect on, the game crash without any message (like critical error) the game files are good, i can connect on other grand crusade server :/ Anyone have this problem? Thanks
  3. hi, thanks for share anybody have solution for that ? Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: You not licensed for run server!
  4. Hi, i'm looking for C1 sys folder works on windows 10. I already saw this one : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/205084-looking-for-c1-system-folder/?hl=windows but don't work on windows 10 :( Anyone got it? :) thanks in advance
  5. I bought a pack one year ago (22 feb 2015, that my paypal save) when you were L2reunion. You tell me that you gave me pack quickly because you doesn't time to compile right now, but few day later you must recompile for me.... but never you do.... The pack i receive R619, was bugged. Many problem with it, but I paid 50€ and never having support... And now, maybe can you do something for me? I understand i bought no sources files, just a compiled pack, but it was not the version you promise me too... After short checking my purchase, L2JSunrise kept his promises. Thanks for quickly answers. I've say that i paid 50€, but after checking, i've paid only 25$. Now, i can say that L2JSunrise have a good support and like his customers. Thank you again.
  6. Thanks for this share! :)
  7. Thanks man, good share, but i'm retard.......... Min 557 -_- the "new" autentification methode...... So... any one have rev 557/560? :(
  8. hi all. I'm looking for L2 system folder chronicle 3. rev 557 if possible. I have L2_C3_installer but system doesn't work, or GG issue.... Please.... help me. :) thanks! edit : Need rev 557. Thanks to CriticalError for his rev 555. Works fine.
  9. My L2 C1 client : https://mega.nz/ For windows vista or highter, you need to lunch L2.exe by L2.bat : https://mega.nz/ Works perfectly on my L2JC1 server.
  10. Hi, it's possible to share again this system folder please? It's impossible to find it again :) thanks a lot
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