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Everything posted by Blitztrager

  1. @korumbolikas you can't see hidden post but you are reporting there is a trojan ... it is not first your time to spam -1
  2. @ALL kamael, korumbolikas, CouNTerSTrikeR, Koyuki first and the last warning for spam-you can't see hidden topic.
  3. @OneLive yes it is an old bug and old topic and you are an old post digger. I gave you -1 before for the same. You are reported to be banned. @retghy first warning - use edit instead of double posting! TOPIC LOCKED
  4. SKYscreamer very good "newsPaper". I really like it and I am waiting for next pages :D
  5. Wrong section. This is an English section. I don't know Greek language but I think you are looking for help about gameguard. Please post your request here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=57.0 - Greek exploit Help section LOCKED
  6. @luci582001 There is a special section where you can request for help or ask for anything connected with Exploits. This section is:[Request] Exploits Help [En] http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=39.0 Try to post there. Topic [LOCKED]
  7. Pure spam - topic name is about token Topic inside - only link to web searcher sintihos - -1 for digging old topics. Another thing - what is so nice? link to web search engine? LOCKED
  8. LOCKING this topic untill whole case will be explained. I don't want to see more flame here from both sides. There is a discussion in Moderator panel about this not nice situation. HaCkz0r good point to 'cut this shit' from this place <UNLOCKED>
  9. @maxcheatersuser It is a English general discussion section = posts only in english. First warning
  10. @Goreg as you know now it is a wrong section. However you posted first request for help in Help section so it is very good. You should not ask for help again in this section. I am locking this post and I hope you will get help in your first topic.
  11. @GoreG My advise is to provide link to your server and information if it is a Interlude C4 C5 or what :D Then maybe somebody help you more.
  12. You can find what it can do in my previous Shares with previous versions: 1.1.3 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21047.0 1.1.1 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=18822.0 @NS have you confirmed by yourself that it is working in interlude? @marsic2 do not post spam if you cannot see hidden topic - first warning @retghy could you share interlude server name where ver. 1.1.1 is working? It can send me PM if you don't want to write it here. Thx
  13. -1 karma OneLive - you can't see it but even that you are spamming It is the LAST warning
  14. Nah I wanted to share the same ;) Thanks for good share. I hope the same team will create ACP for c5 interlude and maybe kamael :)
  15. I was thinking about same Is it true subclass cannot enter Olympiad? - but I think we should discuss about this in General Discussion and do not spam this topic
  16. As Rychu3d stated it is a drop path for Interlude. It will not work on ct 1 - warning to not spam Backing to topic, I don't remeber if I used this exactly patch but I got one which is working for Interlude
  17. Good share ALEX2008GR. I like these tips. I am playing L2 for 3+ years and I did not know allof them. Of course 50% are/were useless for me but ... I learnt many usefull things reading L2 tips and now I can find all of them in one place. What's more L2 newbie players do not know these tips so it is very good to them to read them all - I am sure they will not use 100% but they will learn fast about many game aspects.
  18. Because this app was written in Russian language ;) I heard it is possible see russsian characters instead of ??????? by installing russian font - I have never tried. I used this soft not changing ?????? at all :P
  19. [LOCKED] 3 pages of thx, working, not working is fine enough.
  20. [LOCKED] As mexican24 stated there is a good and complete walker list
  21. UPDATE - ADDED Newest IG 1.97, 1.98 and 1.99; OOG 10.9.1 Full and 10.9.1
  22. Ppl do not spam here. 5 post here on 9 total are pure spam ...first warning before dekarma... @SoulShade Have you tried to kill GG? but I don't think it is a problem with GG Have you tried newer L2phx version? You can find it on forum.
  23. I think everything was posted in first topic and Asa explained other things. Please lock this topic. [DO NOT POST ANYTHING MORE HERE]
  24. Jet it is a wrong section ;) You should post it in Bot section. Mods will move this topic shortly. Don't you want to post it here and hide for 200 or 250 posts? Your mailbox will be very full soon :P
  25. Traffic Rank for Maxcheaters.com: Yesterday 1 wk. Avg. 3 mos. Avg. 3 mos. Change 30,543 28,865 39,705 +15,808
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