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Everything posted by Blitztrager

  1. It is hard to understand for me how is it working ... What is a 'packet explorer"?
  2. thx fakoykas. I see many people like it and still downloading many newer and older L2walkers. Could you stick this post? I think it will be more usefull and visible for people if it is on first page, available by one click.
  3. That's true for C4. I did not test it on any other chronicles. However some people told me it was working in Interlude for them but who knows.
  4. KabooM!!! Noble. I see you are taking care for all new topics - You are ready and available at any time :D
  5. I heard many info about this topic. Is it true if you kill box, which is not Treasure box with enchant scrolls but normal with drops, using only one HIT then will they drop scrolls? I always thought it is imposible but .... If I kill treasure box with enchant scrolls or I kill trasure boks with normal drops using one HIT - will I get chance to get scrolls?
  6. ACP - Auto Combat Points v1.1.3 I would like to share the newest version of ACP I see you like very much this tool so I believe it is helpful for you in all PvP and/or PvE. [Hidden Content]
  7. I played only L2. I have never played WoW. But ... I saw screens, videos and .. I don't like so colorfull WoW world. I prefer L2. I played it since C1 and still like it. L2 Number 1
  8. Yeap it is working or maybe was. It was fixed some time ago so hurry up with using this bug on other not patched servers
  9. Sounds cool. Do you know if it is normal to have so high magic critical rate and hp recovery from vampiric effect? Is L3core L2off or L2j?
  10. "There are: 4 player(s) online ..." It is not big comunnity but every server needs to start from 0. I hoep your community will grow and grow rapidly :)
  11. I suggest to write something more for example what is this page about. What's more even if you click and go to your forum you will not find any info what is your forum about unless you do not register. Of course I can imagine it is about Hacking but ... hacking what? L2, other games, remote computers ...?
  12. Mhm pink weapon? Maybe for girls ;) I don't think man will like to fight with purple weapon ;) but thx for share
  13. Black version looks really cool. However it does not suit Draconic Armor but .. it looks great. Thanks
  14. I wonder how much vamprici effect can you get from vampiric rage lv 10. Do you know if this effect is adding to normal buff?
  15. As in topic I would like to buy 1) Tallum Heavy Set OR 2) Tallum heavy plate OR 3) REC: Tallum heavy plate AND 4) Damaskus clean Pm with offers or leave message here.
  16. Thanks for this share. I tested it on one Interlude L2off and works fine. I saw more and more people are using this patch.
  17. I think gm can polymorph without showing his real nick. What's more you can set up bot to attack only particlar mobs. All mobs has own ID's. When gm using polymorph I think he is changing ONLY animation which yuo can see. Bot is checking ID not animation
  18. Your link directed us to whole L2 bot section... useless topic= locked topic
  19. The most useful and working bots are almost the latest one. However many people were using old bots and it was working and it is still working. This the main reason why i am posting older bots , even per request
  20. Looks nice and I believe it's still working fine on some servers. Let's try it!
  21. In my opinion sk is best tank. Very good pdef and mdef + shield bonuses.
  22. One more thing maybe i missed it - is it a l2j or l2off?
  23. Already posted by me [EXPLOIT] @L2J@ How to get Cursed Weapon without getting Karma http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19613.0
  24. I checked your forum. What is a spoil rate? Where this server is placed - is it a separate server or you are using your pc? do you have aspiration to get big community or it is and will be a small server for fun and to check some things?
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