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Everything posted by Blitztrager

  1. Do you know any reason of it? Any official information from NCSOFT? EDIT: My friends are playing on this server so I am sure they would be interested
  2. Pmfun forum = http://forum.pmfun.com/
  3. Come one guys I know somebody know the answer. I as far as I know many games are working much faster under linux than on windows ..... so L2@linux would be very nice
  4. First was Civilization - strategy game Quake 2 years Second Wolfenstain Enemy Territory 5 yrs L2 4 yrs Last two till now
  5. Heroes Might and Magic 4 ... number 3 and 5 rulez !!
  6. @scovron: I think it will be normal warhammer fantasy as I checked all films and I did not fin any referance to mechanic version of Warhammer (Warhamer 40.000?)
  7. Check this out: http://www.forbiddengaming.com/l2.php?page=valakas_raid Let me know what do you think about this
  8. Heh the same was with Daggers in previous chronicles. I wonder if NCSOFT doing unbalanced chars in every chronicle with any purpose. What do you think?
  9. In my humble opinion this version of L2 will be much more interesting than previous chronicles. I have never expected a new race will be added to L2
  10. wow I did not know about this. Unfortunately I am using Opera not Mozilla... I see there a lot more interesting plugins for mozilla than for opera. Maybe I should change web browser... Anyway it is offtopic so sorry *BiGGi*
  11. Hehehe it is a reult of competition for best background and 'puf' we have nice ladies on web site :D
  12. I would like to thank you for this guide. I saw your Greek version unreadable for me. Thanks a million you spent some time and wrote it !!
  13. Agree you can't EASILY remove this animation. However I am sure this animation is inside of L2 file on Client side so it would be possible to remove it or at least replace with another animation to avoid game crash
  14. If you can buy extra stuff for your spoiler like overenchanted weapon and armor then the best idea is to spoil low lvl mobs around 36-46 lvl. Why? Because char on 40 lvl is getting ability to wearing C grade. It means you will have 40 lvl mobs on 2 hits with OE yaksa. On this way you can spoil tons of low-mid lvl mats
  15. What do you want from web page :P it is very nice and dark xD
  16. @mirontun So it means they did not find l2walker but two chars from the same PC... interesting
  17. I don't like DC++ because you have to find good peer to download with high speed. It is good if you can share more than 100GB because thanks to this you have access to very good HUB's where ppl are sharing only to max 2-3 ppl with very high speed.
  18. Microsoft is learning maybe not fast but always ... In newest IE you can open multiple pages at the same window (tabs?)
  19. Many ppl are writting something like "Don't work, not work etc" but this is useless information for others. If you tested it please share the server name. For example it is not working on DEX - Wrath x12 as you have to pay much more for AA than you can get from Shop selling this stuff.
  20. Sorry for confusions. I have this staff on second Dex server - Wrath x12. Are you still interested?
  21. Guys I have a problem with downloading C4 as it is not starting to download. Do you have the same? Thanks
  22. Mhm weird. I know l2calc from this link: http://l2calc.l2blah.com/ I thought this one is original. I checked zl4y3r link and his is exactly the same but with some colors However mine has version number 1.1 so it seems to be newer
  23. Mhm it can be hard but I think I saw one movie posted on YouTube. I will try to find it again. Thanks for clarification ^_^
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