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Everything posted by Blitztrager

  1. Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other, "Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?" "Outstanding," Fred replied. "They taught us all the latest psychological techniques - visualization, association - it has made a big difference for me." "That's great! What was the name of that clinic?" Fred went blank. He thought and thought but couldn't remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, "What do you call that flower with the long stem and thorns?" "You mean a rose?" "Yes, that's it!" Then he turned to his wife and asked, "Rose, what was the name of that clinic?"
  2. It depends what do you like and what expactations do you have. Some ppl love fantasy while others tech. like 40k
  3. I suggest to put here all topics which should be locked because of some good reasons: something is outdated no more working/old exploit ppl starting spamming particular topic with no useful posts flame... etc Simply paste link to topic plus reason why it should be locked. I am sure it will help and save time for moderators and admins looking for useless topics. Secondly this forum will have less spam and more valuable information. We have Spam Report topic where users can post information about spammers so why we can't have place to put information about topics ready to close? Express yourself and decide if it is useful or no. Mainly I am counting on moderators/admins opinions. Please delete any spam posts. Thanks
  4. [offtop] So andoss you are very lazy guy? ;) [/offtop]
  5. I think this guide can be shorter for every class: Lvl char to 80, equip with S grade armor (except for mages - DC robe would be the best) +best S grade weapon Don't forget to get best buffs useful for your class and .. wlala [ALL_CLASS] GUIDE TO HAVE THE BEST [WRITE YOUR CLASS] :D Anyway thx for share :D
  6. Easy is Easy as the name suggest ... but try Challenge--> THE 100 and reach a really big lvl 80+ :DDDD I am sure it wont be too easy on the beginning and I doubt you will reach 100 lvl making your own maze for example in one week :P
  7. I did not said new L2/L3 can't have similar graphic to WoW. However these two worlds are too different to split it in one game...
  8. I don't care also and downloading mp3 as well :D. I know it is steal but ... who cares ;)
  9. It is good for start end everyone has this first time ;) so go ahead and do not stop creating :)
  10. To be honest many many singers were not so famous without piracy. I agree singers and companies are 'lossing' some bucks but ... thanks to this many ppl can listen them and decide if they like them or not. If yes then it is possible they will buy original CD/DVD and will go to their concerts. They will share good feelings with friends and these friends will buy another CD/DVDs ...
  11. Thanks John Lamprou for sharing your experience. I read somewhere it is the best way to learn how to hack/develop any thing by simply participate in any opensource project where you can try your skills and usually you have very good community which can always help you.
  12. @h4rl3 I checked elitepvpers forum and I found topic exactly about the same: http://www.elitepvpers.de/forum/lin2-exploits-hacks-bots-tools-macros/88885-npcname-e-dat.html Cheers
  13. Another addicting game which I love to play: http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/game.asp I hope you will love it too. This game is simple, easy at the start but later you have to use brain to create a perfect maze and kill kill kill annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd kill tons of monsters. Just try it and share if you like or not :) Cheers
  14. If you write it in english you have better chance to get much more ppl ating help you and chasing for your drivers :D EDIT: I see you got fast help :DDD
  15. As I said it would be possible if they created a new game, including all functions from both games but ... it is not very realistic and I could even say - impossible
  16. An older gentleman was playing a round of golf. Suddenly his ball sliced and landed in a shallow pond. As he was attempting to retrieve the ball he discovered a frog who, to his great surprise, started to speak! "Kiss me, and I will change into a beautiful princess, and I will be yours for a week." He picked up the frog and placed it in his pocket. As he continued to play golf, the frog repeated its message. "Kiss me, and I will change into a beautiful princess, and I will be yours for a whole month!" The man continued to play his golf game and once again the frog spoke out. "Kiss me,and I will change into a beautiful princess, and I will be yours for a whole year!" Finally, the old man turned to the frog and exclaimed, "At my age, I'd rather have a talking frog!"
  17. These games are too different. They would have to create a new game including chars from WoW and L2 but even then it still two different worlds, ideas and rules ...
  18. Keep trying if you still think this game is interesting for you. I tried many times but I did not be even close to 1797 again .... anyway I am still trying :P EDIT: Ha now I was really close. What's the pity second and fourth flight was so short ...
  19. For totaly lazy guys ... http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/soul ...
  20. Tested - not working on L2gold, Abyss x7 and Dex Romania x12
  21. Hehehe interesting way to 'kill' exploit - delete mobs from particulat area ;)
  22. please close this topic and delete some ..useless posts ...
  23. Thank you Albert86 for this share. I think it shoulld be sticked and of course +1 :) Cheers
  24. I think it is a fake post as he was spamming forum to reach high posts number... you can compare with http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12328.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12327.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12326.0 ....
  25. Exactly - L2 is much more complex - I am not trying to say L2 is the best and there is no better game but ... L2 is really good game and worth to spend some time to better know it.
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