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Everything posted by Jonathan123

  1. nomizhs pos den mporhs na to bgalhs xoris source? apla tha sou parh exw tropo na bgazw ta source mesa apo to jar arxio einai 30lepta doulia
  2. me too i edited with file editor without problems
  3. you need edit EULA from your system or if you want just delete it :P
  4. you thing stalone sell his work really now? just he take shared pack he copy htmls and he paste in C.Board in his shity pack
  5. also why you copy tales and you dont make something your self?
  6. just you copy paste the htmls where is buffer? where is database action events board? raidboss database?
  7. kai gt na preph na erthoume eos esena apo to spitimas den ginete?
  8. go in your client in L2Text and Edit server_help.htm
  9. gia pio logo na ani3hs enan eliniko server? gia na exhs ligotera atoma ?? mono elines tha exhs tespa gl
  10. ahh my post deleted again because i say the true you dont even share the 15 days trial and you say now is not aviable? lool
  11. bella nice site who made it because i wanna site like this not for l2
  12. i cant w8 i wanna PLAY :D
  13. +1 mrpro i like you ;) , mwraiti you are 1 big scammer dont fucking open servers you are shit admin you dot know how to manage and from now i am your biggest enemy remember
  14. mwraiti you dont know how to manage a server dont open server you are more fail than claww also dont copy stalone make something new and you dont have 300euros maybe 300adena ?
  15. mwraiti kanhs gia ton poutso servers 1) to patch exh keylogger 2) eisai gia ton poutso admin o alos ekane +16 to weapon tou xoris malakies kai tou to ekanes +0 gia na mhn xashs kosmo lol 3) ston l2nuance den xrisimopihs dika sou arxia einai tou tales ta polh palia 8mines outdated opote mono Tales a3izh kai kanenas alos gt den sas kobh pos na ton managarete afta apo emena
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