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    Czech Republic
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  1. Every antibot is bypassable, but active anticheat seems to be best, just the support is a issue - for some people it might not works (they can't connect) and they are not able to tell you why / help you.
  2. Hello everyone! Looking for Glory Days - protocol version 488 patched system.
  3. So let's repeat it next week?
  4. We are happy to present you first preview of Elfocrash's smart fake players engine. Come close and see how smart they are!
  5. More like you can't accept your low count of commits. Anyway if you mean those commits they are counted as your commits. Anyway I'm done with this discussion, it's pointless since everyone can see history now.
  6. There is full commit history, show me something then. :D https://github.com/St3eT/L2jUnity/commits/master
  7. So I connect to your PC and commit your stuffs with my account while I dont even know where I can change user in eclipse, ok :D
  8. Not sure how Sdw but I dont commit anything from you. :D
  9. No I don't. Really can't remember every random worm in the ground which I meet on my way.
  10. Wait, and who are you? :D
  11. All what I have to say; invite you to L2jUnity was one of our failure. We agreed on it with more team mates, just there was no way back. About CSGO (not sure when you mentioned it here, probably you canť find something else) - I'm noob in most of games and I dont really hide it. But I'm still better than you, and that's only thing what can keep my smile on.
  12. Mostly because of team (at least part of team) There was only two members which actually doing something (Sdw and me), other just looking around and sometimes they did something (which in most of cases was bugged and I have to test it after them [hello UnAfraid, Nik]) Since I created company I have no time for coding so it was more or less dead (and some people show their credibility, that was last thing)
  13. http://www.4shared.com/rar/0DtqKLO1ba/geodata.html
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