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Everything posted by swilso

  1. Ok i have a problem with walker for interlude.. Whenever i try to login with walker i freeze about 3 minutes after i login :/ What can i do?
  2. You have to reupload the patch in the how to connect section because it is not working any more and i dont think many ppl will find the 4shared patch in forums..
  3. You cant open inventory while having trade open.. And no idiot would give you his weapon...
  4. Ok i logged in. I hope you really take that seriously because i was looking for a server like that badly :P When i get my first subclass i will tell you impressions but it seems nice allthough i think im the only player on ;D
  5. I am looking for a real pvp stuck subs server where all skills stuck not just 1 or 2 from each subclass as it is in mafia.. Except core and mafia ;D And it should have enough people :P Too hard? Any ideaS? IL ofc
  6. The link isnt working. It redirects me to filefront home page..
  7. There is no such skill on elf elder passives that heightens your p attack with blunts... http://lineage.pmfun.com/?action=list&what=skillcompare&button=Show&c1=30&c2=30&x=31&y=15
  8. Thank you. Im gonna try it out now. EDIT: Ok i cant login.. I tried out your guide for CT1+ but i cant make it work :/ Is there any guide specific for IL i can use or can u tell me what to do??
  9. Is there any version of l2walker working right now on mafia?? Cause i need it to make buffs and restore mp... With the one i have (1.78 upgraded to 1.79) i cant move or talk after 2 minutes im logged in with Walker... Is there maybe some other programm tha i can use to make this job??
  10. You need a kamael char to do that or can you do it without theM ???
  11. The bot isn't working for a long time now.. Please some mod lock this topic.
  12. You will have to wait some more time till you can use In Game walker in gracia... Btw don't double post...
  13. Kai bebaia tha plirwneis.. Eleos dld. kai tha bgei kapoia stigmi to 2009 :(
  14. Anyone tried this??? It is similar to the warehouse enchant... I don't think this will work but i 'll try it as soon as I can and tell you. Keep up the good work ;D
  15. Allready posted.. Use search next time ;D
  16. Auto to prog douleuei mono se mh mmorpg gt oi allages p epiferei einai client-side...
  17. 1910!!
  18. www.l2elixir.com :P I think you all know it ;D I also played cosmos until it got all messed up..
  19. You CANT bot in l2elixir!!! There are about 10 posts saying that... Edit: you are in the wrong section also.. The right would be request bot help..
  20. Ligo diskolo na exei k 2o account official me high lvl bufffer... Omws an dn exeis to exp tha einai louki eidika to bot exp xwris buffs... K gia script na girizei ch k na pairnei buffs dn ginete :S Pes mas ti exeis k tha s poume pws na to ftiakseis.
  21. Logika einai problima tou server... Ta npc tha eprepe na iparxoun kanonika :P
  22. Ipirxe kapote ena script gia to phx vsk akoma iparxei alla dn douleuei ;) //Invisible Mode var pck48:string; hidden:boolean; i,x,y:integer; procedure Init; begin hidden:=false; pck48:=''; randomize; end; procedure SendMsg(msg:string); begin buf:=#$4A; WriteD(0); WriteD(2); WriteS('hLaPEx'); WriteS(msg); SendToClient; end; begin if FromServer then exit; case ord(pck[1]) of $1B:case ord(pck[2]) of $05:begin SendMsg('invisible_mode: Off'); pck:=#$30; hidden:=false; end; $06:begin if pck48='' then exit; SendMsg('invisible_mode: On'); hidden:=true; pck:=pck48; i:=2; x:=ReadD(i); y:=ReadD(i); x:=x+1000+round(random*200)-100; y:=y+1000+round(random*200)-100; buf:=pck; WriteD(x,2); WriteD(y,6); pck:=buf; end; end; $48:pck48:=pck; $30:if hidden then pck:=''; end; end.
  23. I think someone should lock this post until a solution is found because since the walker doesnt walk ;) there will be only pure spam here...
  24. 1on eisai se lathos section... To swsto einai request section Greek Bots... 2on to prob s einai to verify... Koitakse ta hosts k ama exeis anoixti tin swsti ekdosi t l2asrv gia to walker s ;D
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