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Everything posted by jimanvlad

  1. I am already botting on the server. I am interested if IPJack is required or not.
  2. And why do i need to redirect the server's ip to mine ? I heard it is so in order to bypass some login protection. Is it required say for lineage.ro ?
  3. So i'm wondering. Can anyone explain in detail what does IPJack do ? I'm not sure if i have to use it or not on my server. The downside is that when i start IPJack, my browsing stops functioning. I cannot visit any website. Can anyone tell me what does IPJack exactly do, when must it be used and when i can close it down ? Thank you.
  4. Isn't 1.4.3 a VERY old version ? Also, would you please make a guide about mining too ? I have set up my route and the bot follows it perfectly. But it just doesn't stop to mine the node even if i have that enabled in the *Premium* section. Any other suggestions ?
  5. Yep. I am also using RC1.
  6. It seems that the IG version of walker is not working in Windows 7. I am also having some issues with L2.net IG. Is there any solution to this ? Did anyone else encounter it ?
  7. Oh, thanks a lot i've been looking for L2FileEdit for Int/Kamael . Thanks again !
  8. How dare you write C6 ? :O There is no C6 dude, there is only Interlude. Interlude is the version between Chaotic Chronicles and Chaotic Throne X-( And to answer your question : There is no Kamael OFF server other than Official atm :)
  9. To answer your question, that was answered so many times before, Dempax64 is not an Anti-Bot system. It is there just to fixs some so called bugs (Exploits in fact) And botting is not exploiting , so you are safe with that . If you can't bot, there may be 2 problems. 1. You are doing something wrong... (Solution : Quit botting) 2. The server has an Anti-Bot protection also (Solution : Start playing on another server)
  10. Would you be kind enough to re-upload the IG bot somewhere please ? The link is dead and i started playing DUneL2 again X-(
  11. If you ment to ask if you need to pay to use IG walker, here is the answer : Yes and No Yes if you want to be a legit owner and no if you read the guides on the forums :D
  12. The server went Interlude now !
  13. losis, how can you thank if you can't get the file ? The freaking link is broken.
  14. Oh my god, this is soo usefull for custom quests :O
  15. Anyone can make this with a click of a button with Lineage2Utils :|
  16. Yep, a warcraft 3 section is needed. I didn't try any hack before but i want to test some.
  17. No it won't ! Anyway 64 bit is the future !!!
  18. LOL ! That would be an usefull trick :d Nevertheless this one is usefull also, it worked on a C4 L2j Server.
  19. Interesting stuff, thank you.And thanks for the tutorial also.
  20. rnway, thanks for trying to help. I am currently using IG walker 1.62 BUT i am unable to open 2 instances of walker. If i try to open the second, i get the : "You already have one opened" or something simmilar. Still, i would like to get the OOG version for DuneL2.
  21. I am already playing with IG. The problem with IG is that i can not run multiple instances of IG walker thus rendering me unable to bot with my main and my buffer at the same time. But you can run multiple OOG clients so i could bot freely with both of my characters. Even more, OOG does not require a Lineage 2 client and does not use so much resources meaning i could play it on my older PC.
  22. @mpj123 But if they are, there is no other chance of making walker work rather than making your own bot :D
  23. No one released any drop-spoil patch for C5 nor interlude unfortunately. Anyway, patience is a virtue ;)
  24. @torture You know what ? That's true :O I tried it and indeed the "lucky" ones have bigger HP. Too bad we are bound to using walker :(
  25. I wonder why people still trying to find a solution/bug/trick/exploit for safely enchanting. Why won't you people understand already ? No way to trick the random factor.
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