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Everything posted by jimanvlad

  1. @retghy I didn't know there are such servers :|
  2. Too bad i can't find the + Karma button :| Nice share, thanks a lot.
  3. Well , since he has no resistances or weaknesses, do it like any other raid. Lotsa nukers, archers and healers. Oh and don't forget the tank.
  4. The design isn't that great. For example, you can't see the date and poster in the guides secion , black text on grey backgorund isn't a good idea. Whats with the "Content Management Powered by CuteNews" ? If you know how to search a file and hit the backspace key , you can remove that (I first thought you made the news system -.-) And the green text on a red background(on the lower part of the page) ? Oh my god Well, you only did the pictures for the site and an overall design, nothing more. Cheers, jimanvlad
  5. Well, nice share for newbies, but i already made my own custom mod loooong time ago.Everything ranging from colors for aggressive/non aggressive, good chests , bad chests, levels (without the annoying IDs)
  6. dmitry501, what is l2vse ? :| I ran a small search on this forum and got no results on that matter. COuld you please explain what L2VSE is and maybe share it ? :D
  7. So , keelan , could you explain what you were doing there ? :D We'd appreciate a guide.
  8. @mpj123 "use hlapex or phx" If they work on the server we play. Walker works on most of the servers so...
  9. sltbnjr Thanks a lot. I was looking for this info also.
  10. Well, i don't care if the server sucks in your opinion. I still like it. Now , I'd be very grateful if you would share your knowledge with me. I am still waiting for a proper reply.
  11. Too bad it is only for Interlude ^^ Well, i hope you cheat L2Light to hell :D
  12. It works fine and it is particularly useful for PVP maniacs , like me. Thanks again.
  13. sptenn, stop the freaking spam. Now , let's go ontopic. I admire you for trying to solve this mystery but , it just can't be solved. In fact, it's not even a mystery. It is a fact. And that is : Enchanting is based on a randomly generated number. In my opinion there is no way to get 100% enchants always.
  14. First of all it is 1.09 and second, already out there somewhere on the forums :|
  15. I assure you i can read very well but before i had 100 posts it said that i need 100 posts OR to become a Donator. See my point ?
  16. I have 100 posts but i can't see it. What happened ?
  17. I heard no one made any OOG bot for DuneL2. Maybe someone can try and figure out the token and what is needed ? Link : www.dunel2.net (IG walker works perfectly, but no OOG walker)
  18. Awesome guide, thanks a lot. I'll start texturing some weapons right away.
  19. ROGUE FTW ! I always play rogue class. Oh and Priest is nice also.
  20. For what version of WoW is this bot ?
  21. OMFG those accessories and weapons look awesome ! Incredible guide, thanks a lot.
  22. Perfect job, now onto my custom shops ^^
  23. There was another program like Dragon Unpacker or a similar name. It works for many other games including Lineage 2, UT2004, Warcraft, Quake 3, etc.
  24. Thanks EkoIce and Hellfire. I always wanted an Auto Updater :/
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