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Everything posted by ZaNteR

  1. imo you should change the title, with that title is like you ask for what we see as the most popular gameplay style at the momment not what we would like.
  2. This values are based on information from retail http://svn.l2jserver.com/branches/unstable/L2J_Server_BETA/dist/game/config/GrandBoss.properties Theres not exact time.
  3. Easier said than done, i used to look for someone to take over for my old l2 server but nobody was intrested of being their own boss. Probably it was because it was an allready established server but there was always the option of starting over on a new project in their own terms. Its not like i didnt give them complete freedom or anything...
  4. I dont have to vote to know this, the second option will come first. A server like that is made at least 2 times every month and gets at least 100 players.
  5. vorpal and elegia are vesper and dynasty with different colors/effects :P
  6. The server wont have donations for items etc. Donations will be voluntary without rewards.
  7. Thats what im saying the game needs a complete redo. Graphics, gameplay, concept changes. P.S: This is the second time i see someone ingoring completely the initial post and replying like he didnt read it at all, whats up?
  8. I have all that dude, i wouldnt say 10 years if i didnt have the resources to back it up. I allready have 3 dedicated servers doing nothing. Probalby gonna cancel the 2 of them.
  9. Camtasia can do anything mate. You must be doing something wrong.
  10. I find brazilians the best because they never QQ and they just have fun.
  11. The point is to make a server that wont need to be wiped after a few months. The best concept that comes in mind is high rate without leveling/farming areas. GM Shop until Vesper/ All weapons without SA. S80+ items retail like so people will do raids/instances and all the other retail like things that will keep them busy. Retail like monthly Olympiad Period so they wont leave after a week and so on. But if i make something like this everyone will be saying "this is not high rate this is mid rate blah blah QQ etc. etc." and will never join. Even though gameplay wise if you play on official or on low rates such a server is fun since it offers somethings faster than what you are used to it will fail since players dont have the maturity to understand such a concept.
  12. What you suggest as a server most h5 players consider it boring and uninstresting.
  13. Lets face it lineage 2 is almost 10 years old. Even in Lidvior it still has the same 10 year old gameplay and look. Every update adds nothing but more stuff to keep old players busy. Imo the game needs a complete overhaul. First in graphics. The visuals although they stand good for so many years they are just dull compared to newer games. They need to add more details and make the enviroment more lively. Also the character movement should be improved, if they added an option to make it like aion (jumping, moving with w,a,d,s etc.) that would be cool. Another thing id like to see is more options in character appearance. Another thing i'd change is all areas, if i were ncsoft i would make it like a comet crashed near gludio because Gran Kain got pissed and everything got destroyed. That would make all old areas look new again and the all the towns, villaged and castles rebuild/reimaged. I will add some more later. What do you think would make lineage 2 more instresting for you? P.S: Dont start with useless topic blah blah blah, this is an instresting discussion topic.
  14. high rates are too much work and very short lived, i want to make sometging that is going to last something that people can invest into (game wise).
  15. I made an Interlude server based on acis or l2j h5 with completely retail like features and rates between x7 to x35. The thing is i have the resources to run a server for the next 10 years, meaning if people will play on it it will never close. Would you be instrested in something like that?
  16. I have tried the dynasty thing many times on freya and high five, it never worked. Only time it worked was on Epilogue before l2 became f2p.
  17. true but the thing is most of the servers are greek.
  18. This discussion is pointless the bottom line is lineage2 has too many variables to consider on pvp. Thats the main reason it was never and it will never be balanced. Lineage 2 was made more for PvE than for PvP.
  19. Theres no ideal server really, theres things you like and stuff that is trending (see midrates). That is all.
  20. Allthough that would be nice, players wont like it. Players these days dont want anything non retail like. They cant understand it even if its the simple change they will just not accept it.
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